Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 844 Entering the Ghost Village 2

Chapter 844 Entering the Ghost Village 2
"It's true. Earlier, when my junior brother was in the decisive battle with Huo Aotian at Longshou Peak, it had been wandering around the Qing sect. I've seen it." The nerd said.

Then, the nerd asked directly: "What happened in the village?"

"There is a ghost!" The bronze man moved from in front of the crowd to behind the crowd within a few seconds of speaking. Perhaps it felt that the crowd was safer. It originally wanted to continue running wildly, but it paused slightly. .

"What the hell?" The white-skinned pig also took a slight step back.

"I don't know what the hell. I was with that cheating donkey. It saw a house in the village with the door open, but there was no one inside. On the stove of that house, there was a lamp An ancient bronze lamp with strange fluctuations.

Seeing this, the dead donkey wanted to take the opportunity to steal it.

I didn't follow in, and after that, I heard a scream of a donkey, and then I saw a black thing appear again, that thing seemed to knock me, and knocked me out.

After that, I woke up again, and then I ran out! "When the bronze man said this, he felt guilty.

"Why did you run away without seeing anything?" The pig suddenly glared at the bronze man.

"It's important to escape!" The bronze man said confidently.

The white-skinned pig saw that the bronze man was still so sensible, and was about to speak again, but was interrupted by the nerd, who said solemnly, "What is your cultivation? Is there anything that can knock you unconscious?"

"Don't mention it, I was deceived by Wu's shoes. Previously, in the Taikoo Ghost Mine, the energy, law, and Taoism on my body were basically exhausted in order to cut off that hand. In my current state, there is no It will take ten days and a half months, and it will not recover at all." The bronze man's face immediately became bitter when he heard the sound.

"What, you came from the Primordial Ghost Mine? How did you come here? How is Ye Luo now?" Hearing this, the nerd suddenly spoke.

"He is still alive. He successfully beheaded the Pope of the West and Emperor Amaterasu, and then climbed into the Nine Dragons Coffin. If there is no accident, he should also be in this forest. Who are you?" Suddenly, a An innocent, pure voice sounded from outside the village, in the woods behind him. Immediately afterwards, a pure and immature girl dressed in red, with an innocent face, holding an ancient book in her hand, unexpectedly appeared silently.

"I thought you would follow me for a while, and now you're here? Who are you?" The nerd, the medicine jar, and Wu Banxian looked at each other, turned their heads slightly, and there was no surprise on their faces. Open your mouth.

"My name is Ye Feihong, and I'm a student of Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy. I once met Ye Luo in the Primordial Ghost Mine." Ye Feihong's innocent and youthful expression became more and more youthful.

"So, you are Ye Luo's friend? Well, I am too. Let me introduce myself. My nickname is, heck, I don't care about my common name in the past. My new name is Fan Dadi. What, let's get to know each other." When the fat man saw Ye Feihong's shocking, innocent, and beautiful appearance, like a first-time girlfriend from a fairy tale, his eyes almost popped out.

However, Fatty was held back by Wu Banxian again.

"Paralyzed, your sperm is on your head? This girl is not easy." Wu Banxian glared at the fat man, and said in a low voice. The fat man struggled a bit, and said, "What the hell, just you old man, everyone can feel it." There is a problem, I see, the girl is so innocent and young..."

"Wow, woof! Help... I love you Marle Gobi... woof, woof, ghost..." At this moment, there was another barking and screaming of dogs in the village, and then the voice suddenly stopped again. And stop.

On the bridge, all the faces changed again.

"That cheating donkey, isn't it dead?" The white-skinned pig was shocked, and looked again at the blood-dripping hoof of the donkey hanging under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village!

"I'm a bitch, what, what's going on, shit, why is there a donkey's hoof, the donkey's hoof, was it chopped off? No, that donkey is so black-bellied and rotten, who can tell it?" The hoof was chopped off, isn’t it its hoof?” The bronze man saw the black donkey’s hoof under the big locust tree at this time, his body was startled, and he almost turned around and ran again!

"Advanced Village!" The nerd and the medicine jar stepped up almost at the same time, Wu Banxian and the white-skinned pig followed, and the fat man's eyes were still staring blankly at Ye Feihong.

However, in the next second, Wu Banxian lifted his nearly [-]-jin body back with his seemingly withered hands.

The bronze man stood on the bridge, hesitated for a moment, thought about it carefully, and finally got up the courage to follow him in, because it felt that the forest outside the village looked more gloomy.

Seeing this, Ye Feihong walked onto the wooden bridge. Her brows were also deeply wrinkled. Her eyes turned to the bridge. The line of ancient red characters flashed a deep look on her face. Confuse.

"Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, why does it feel a little different from the past? There has never been a record of this village in the documents of the previous academy."


The Forbidden Monster Beast Forest is seventy or eighty miles away from this village, in front of a sulfur mountain jutting out of the forest.


Hualong's pale body has already been swept by horror. The huge body is like a mountain full of endless runes falling down, as if it wants to destroy everything in front of it!
"Attack!" Gu Hongzhuang's noble and dignified, exquisite face flashed a slight solemnity, and the cold red long sword in her hand was raised quietly, and the next moment, her body had already turned into an afterimage, Dragging the scarlet long sword in his hand, he rushed towards the sweeping Hualong.

And at this moment, Qin Luoyi, the mysterious Southern Border Empress wearing a purple veil and holding a flute in her hand, also put the flute in her hand by her red lips, and the sound of the flute suddenly rang.

A strange law, from the sound of the flute, turned into crystal clear threads, silently, quickly, and secretly entwined towards Hualong.

At this time, Hongxiu Academy, Jiang Xiyue, Tianshan Academy, and Ouyang Xing also condensed powerful imprints and attacked at the same time according to Hongzhuang's instructions.


Everyone attacked together, and collided with the huge body of the terrifying snake that had already turned into a dragon!
The tail of the snake swept down!

All the mark attacks hit the tail of the snake, but they didn't cause any damage to the tail of the snake at all, and didn't break the defense at all!

And the mysterious icy red long sword in Gu Hongzhuang's hand pierced the snake's tail, and there was a sound of gold and stone colliding. The sword only left a shallow trace on the snake's tail, and Gu Hongzhuang, after the collision, However, he retreated extremely, and a slight paleness appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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