Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 845 Ye Luo Makes a Move

Chapter 845 Ye Luo Makes a Move (Part 3 asks for tickets)
Even the mysterious laws and dao rhyme threads blown from the flute by the emperor of Southern Border, Qin Luoyi, were also wrapped around the Hualong's body, and instantly broke apart!

Qin Luoyi's complexion also changed slightly.


Hualong hissed in horror, and the terrifying and powerful aura on his body seemed to come from the prehistoric wilderness!

"It has entered the fifth level, which is equivalent to the realm of an ancient giant who has just broken the mirror and entered the realm of the terrifying fusion stage." Gu Hongzhuang said quietly.

Ouyang Xing, who had already been beaten violently by the female snake and nearly killed him, was shocked when he heard this, his face turned pale, and he said, "I, we can't beat it, let's run!"

On Ouyang Xing, the former free and easy, powerful, and proud aura has disappeared.

"Run, you must die!" Gu Hongzhuang yelled.

At this moment, the terrifying male snake's tail swept down towards everyone again as if it wiped out everything between the heaven and the earth, leaving the void with some traces of collapse.

"Xiaoyue, Ouyang Xing, use the Sancai Formation and Liuhe Formation to defend!"

Gu Hongzhuang opened her mouth, and at this moment, she pointed the mysterious, icy red long sword directly at the sky, and a mysterious imprint was condensed in her left hand, and a strange and terrifying wave of law burst out from her body .

There was a ruthless look in her eyes.

At this moment, her voice also became a bit mysterious and empty: "Huanghuang Tianlei, lead it with a sword!"

As the voice fell, a strange and terrifying imprint shot up into the sky above her hand and sword body. Above the Sulfur Mountain, the blue sky in autumn, which was originally clear and blue, suddenly darkened. For a radius of ten miles, there were all thick dark clouds. shrouded.

On Gu Hongzhuang's dignified and serious face, there was an abnormal blush.

And at this moment, Qin Luoyi's mysterious veil covered her face, and it seemed that she moved slightly. She put down her flute, and accidentally took out a section of red thread exuding strange law fluctuations from her bosom.

Her figure disappeared the next moment.

The terrifying dragon, at the moment when the thick dark clouds rose, seemed to feel something. It turned around the terrifying snake tail that was sweeping towards everyone, and it turned fiercely, and it only hit on the forehead at high speed. , the body of Gu Hongzhuang, who was already dripping with sweat.

It seemed to feel threatened.

However, when the tail of the snake fell down in fear, Qin Luoyi's figure quietly appeared, and the red thread she took out in her hand had appeared on the tail of the snake at some point.

I don't know what the red thread was made of, but the moment it touched the tail of the snake, it burst out with an earth-shattering, frightening aura, which abruptly and briefly delayed the falling of the terrifying snake tail.

And Ye Luo, who had been ignored by everyone, who was sick, seriously injured, and captured, sitting on the beast horse, had opened his left eye and closed his right eye.

At the same time, Ye Luo instantly took out one from the bead, which had been dusty for a long time, and kept throwing it in the corner of the bead space. It was hardly used after the great change of the world. It was a Bartley sniper rifle!

Ye Luo took out the gun, and at the same time, whispered to Xiaoxianqiao Beast: "Xiaoqiao, try to compress the energy in your body to the minimum, and when I shoot to remind you, you Just inject energy into the bullet."

"Okay, Ye, Uncle Ye, I seem to have heard my father say that the skin of the dragon snake is very thick, and its defense ability is surprisingly strong. After transforming into a dragon, the skin is even stronger. Within the same level, It can't penetrate, we can't figure out its defense!" The little fairy bridge beast tried hard to remember something.

"This dragon has not fully evolved, and it still has weaknesses." In the depths of Ye Luo's left eye, an ancient symbol was spinning rapidly.

"Introduction, Ray!"

Gu Hongzhuang's figure seemed to have been covered by thick and terrifying dark clouds above the sky. At this moment, the whole person seemed sacred and inviolable.

The sword in her hand finally fell!


Nine Heavens trembled, and a terrifying lightning like a bucket pierced through the void from the endless and terrifying dark clouds like tearing apart the heaven and earth. In the next moment, it was completely poured into the sword in Gu Hongzhuang's hand like a hundred rivers returning to the sea!
And Gu Hongzhuang's sword also smashed at this instant, and Qin Luoyi used a mysterious red thread to temporarily hold the terrifying snake's body. The red thread already showed signs of breaking.

"Don't attack its head, attack its seven inches behind, the area without scales!" In an instant, Ye Luo, who had been ignored all this time, suddenly shouted!


Mysterious red thread, crack!

In Gu Hongzhuang's hand, the sword filled with endless terrifying thunder was originally aimed at Hualong's head, but at this moment, there was a slight pause.

"Trash, shut up, Junior Sister Gu, attack its eyes!" Ouyang Xing also yelled crazily at this moment, and he also condensed a complex and powerful imprint with his hands, and at this moment, the attack turned towards Hua Dragon's eye.

However, at this critical moment, Gu Hongzhuang actually turned the tip of the sword upside down, and forcibly slashed towards a palm-sized, non-phosphorous area below the size of Hualong!

"Ah, Junior Sister Gu!" Ouyang Xing yelled in horror, what's the use of this sword, if it doesn't cut off the eyes, it cuts off the body, what the hell, that trash, will kill everyone!

The other people in Tiantian Academy and Hongxiu Academy almost had the same thought in their hearts.

Gu Hongzhuang, why would you listen to that trash at this moment of life and death?

Jiang Xiyue was stunned.


The red thread has been broken, the snake tail has regained its freedom, and it fell down with even more terrifying power, and the sword in Gu Hongzhuang's hand has already chopped down on the palm-sized piece without scales.

Previously, the powerful sky thunder poured into the icy-cold red sword body with endless terror, rushed out frantically, and the sword body was also stabbed into the snake body from that position without being greatly hindered at this moment!

Endless sky thunder also erupted in the snake at this moment.


Hualong's body was extremely pale, but at this moment, a terrifying, lightning-like light flashed from its pale body.


The huge and terrifying body of the flood snake shook violently, struggling and twisting frantically, and under the severe and terrifying pain, it let out a frantic roar.


But at this moment, Ye Luo calmly said two words, Xiaoxianqiao Beast, has injected the energy compressed to the extreme, into the bullet of Bartley's sniper rifle.

Ye Luo firmly pulled the trigger!
The muzzle of the gun was aimed at, and it was the moment when the snake opened its mouth under the severe pain and struggle!

PS: Recommend a friend a very pornographic and violent Rebirth Soldier Wang Wen "Rebirth Supreme Soldier King". If you like it, you can support it.

(End of this chapter)

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