Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 846 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 846 Dragon Slaying

The gunshot rang out suddenly, and Barrett, who was equipped with a special silencer, made a low-pitched sound, which was almost covered by the huge sound and movement caused by Gu Hongzhuang's sword slash.

Everyone's attention was focused on Gu Hongzhuang, among the snakes that screamed in horror and struggled fiercely, almost no one noticed, except that the mysterious emperor in southern Xinjiang, Qin Luoyi, turned her head towards Ye Luo took a look.


The frightening half-transformed dragon snake was struggling fiercely, and at the moment of roaring, suddenly, something with an extremely powerful impact rushed into its throat!
That thing, however, didn't seem to do much harm to it.

It suddenly turned around, opened its terrifying mouth, revealing two strange green fangs, and was about to attack Gu Hongzhuang, who had hurt her the most.

However, Gu Hongzhuang also drew her sword suddenly at this moment, and at the same time, said two words in an abnormally cold manner, thunderstorm, and her body retreated quietly at this moment.


In that horrible snake's body, the place seven inches below, where there is no phosphorous, burst out again, the terrifying thunder light, as if, just now, the terrifying thunder and lightning power was introduced into the snake's body, At this moment, it completely detonated!
"Hiss, roar!"

The thunder and lightning exploded, and the snake's terrifying, hard, powerful body finally at this moment, a large piece of flesh and blood was exploded by the powerful thunderstorm, and the place seven inches below the slap was like a rainstorm of blood.

Flood Snake roared and violently rioted, and in the throat of this colleague, Flood Snake also erupted, it didn't seem to be a big explosion.

This seemingly insignificant explosion caused the violent and powerful snake, which was originally just roaring in terror, and its terrifying body, which was struggling fiercely, to froze. Spitting blood clots.

Originally pale, dragon horns had been formed on the head, and the outside of the body seemed to be so strong that even the giants of the ages could not break through it. At this time, it was completely dyed blood red.



After the body of the flood snake was shaken, it died in terror again. In its roar, endless blood gushed out. The wound on its body, which was seven inches below, was more than three feet long. It was shocking. Its bloody eyes were faint. He looked at the crowd coldly.


Under such serious injuries, it actually moved. Its terrifyingly huge body swept towards Gu Hongzhuang and Qin Luoyi frantically and recklessly.

That sword seemed to have exhausted all of Gu Hongzhuang's spiritual power. Gu Hongzhuang retreated violently, holding the sword in her hand, panting silently.

But at this moment, Qin Luoyi's powerful and mysterious aura erupted directly like a volcano that had been silent for countless years, and a few transparent and crystal-clear silk threads suddenly appeared in her hands.

She sprinkled all the silk thread in her hand towards the terrifying snake.

The silk thread was like a net, and suddenly spread out.

Covering the body of the terrifying snake, at the same time, the flute in her hand suddenly stood up, as if she used the flute in her hand as a long sword.

Her body flew up lightly, and went straight to the head of the flood snake.

"Crack clap-"

The mysterious white silk thread thrown from Qin Luoyi's hand, touched the tail of the snake, and in less than half a second, it all burst apart, and the terrifying tail of the snake fell down again.

However, it was this half-second delay that gave Qin Luoyi a little time to breathe. Qin Luoyi's figure had already evaded the trajectory of the snake's tail and flew towards the snake's head.

boom -

The tail of the snake smashed into the air, and landed on a towering ancient tree surrounded by 20 people. The ancient tree collapsed, and the endless sawdust was like thousands of flying knives, splattering terror.

Jiang Xiyue and Ouyang Xing were the closest ones, and the terrifying aftermath alone caused several of them whose cultivation bases were not yet low enough to stand unsteadily.

After Gu Hongzhuang had retreated to the end, she stuck the long sword in her hand on the ground, gasped, and looked ahead, as if she had lost the ability to fight.

Qin Luoyi flew towards the snake's head. The snake's seemingly huge body reacted surprisingly fast. It turned its head and bit Qin Luoyi.

And Qin Luoyi didn't flash at this moment. At this moment, she actually held the flute with both hands. Suddenly, a cold light appeared on the flute, and the flute was split into two. Then, from the flute, suddenly burst out that A cold light stabbed at him directly, and the horror bit off his head and eyes!

There is a mysterious ancient sword hidden in the flute!
Tibetan Flute Sword!

The sword was one foot long, and Qin Luoyi stabbed the terrifying snake in the eye before it bit her. However, the snake's eyes closed for a moment.

When the dagger pierced the terrifying snake's eyes, there were sparks splashing, and the sound of gold and stone colliding sounded, and above the eyelids of the dragon snake, there was a layer of fine scales, like dragon scales, with strange and regular fluctuations!

Qin Luoyi's face changed slightly.

At this moment, she suddenly heard that Gu Hongzhuang's previous sword was originally intended to stab the snake's eyes, but among those who seemed to be captured, there were only those who had only practiced Qi at the fifth level, like waste. After being reminded, to everyone's surprise, he suddenly turned around and stabbed at the position seven inches below.

Did that trash-like man discover something a long time ago?

The eyes seem to be the most vulnerable place. However, a spiritual thing like the flood snake is also very clear that in the process of evolution, it has consumed an unusually large amount of divine power to evolve the eyes first, and even the evolved body. Somewhat excessive.

Even the mysterious ancient sword in her hand didn't even pierce through it once!
If you only look at the penetration, the penetration power of her sword may exceed that of Gu Hongzhuang's just before. Of course, because there is no power to attract lightning, the power is much weaker.

However, this also shows that her sword cannot penetrate, and Gu Hongzhuang's sword may also be impenetrable.

The time for the sword to fall was extremely short, not even a hundredth of a second. Many people did not react, and Qin Luoyi's body had already retreated violently.

And the speed of the snake mouth biting off was even faster, and she was about to bite Qin Luoyi. While Qin Luoyi was attacking, it seemed that she had already thought of a way out, and terror was already brewing on the flute in her left hand. The energy slammed fiercely at the head of the snake that hit it!
At this moment, Gu Hongzhuang's eyes moved away from the fierce and dangerous battle, and quietly looked at Ye Luo on the mechanism beast horse. Ye Luo was still sick, and he could only practice Qi five times. layer, looking pale.

(End of this chapter)

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