Chapter 854
"Who's sick? Who's sick? Let me tell you, Gu Hongzhuang, don't swear! I, Chen Pipi, am a master of the Four Great Academies, Star Academy, do you know what a master is? Let me tell you... "

The well-dressed and meticulous, with a strong breath, and holding a folding fan, the personable Chen Pipi appeared beside Gu Hongzhuang, and his words were like a flood that opened the gate, and the words were endless.

Ye Luo was taken aback.

"If you don't shut up, I'll sew your mouth shut." Gu Hong's makeup was noble and her extremely beautiful face showed a trace of irritation.

"Sew it up? Why? We are family friends anyway, Gu Hongzhuang, hey, you seem to have been hurt, why..."

"To shut up!"

Seeing this, Jiang Xiyue also covered her ears, and said in a low voice: "Senior Brother Chen, it really is the same as in the legend..."

"Hey, Junior Sister Jiang, is this the mechanism beast and horse made by your Mo family? Interesting, how much is it...

Damn, the fifth level of Qi training, let me go, there are still such rubbish in the current cultivation world, no, using the word garbage is simply an insult to garbage, brother, how did you practice, the fifth level of Qi training ..." Chen Pipi looked at Ye Luo, as if looking at an alien.

Then, Chen Pipi said again: "With your strength, how did you come in? Damn, you don't know how to raise a slave in a certain family, right? Tsk tsk, it's so pitiful, and you're seriously injured. It's over, it's over, and it's still so miserable of……"


At this moment, in front of him, a powerful sword with a terrifying aura slashed down quietly. The sword came out, and the dragon roared. On the sword body, a powerful and dazzling golden light instantly drove away the endless darkness.

When the sword fell, it was chopped off for a while, and a strange and shrill roar came out quietly.

"Third-order ghost tree?" Chen Pipi suddenly turned his head, looked forward, and then said: "Damn, Long Yunfei, you are also an ancient prince after all, and you are only third-order when you attack such a weak and cute plant." ..."

"Third level, equivalent to a monk at the golden core stage, still weak? Ghost tree, how cute is it? The ancient prince, so powerful!" Jiang Xiyue was beside Ye Luo, looking at the eloquent Chen Pipi, feeling a kind of three-dimensional The feeling of being subverted.

But Ye Luo, at this moment, quietly closed his right eye and opened his left eye.

Ye Luo first looked at the severed vine-like thing, then followed the vine and looked into the darkness.

Ye Luo vaguely felt that there seemed to be something in the darkness, guarding coldly in front of the temple, looking at them.

However, Ye Luo didn't find anything suspicious.

Ahead, Qin Luoyi and the ancient prince of Zhongzhou had already reached three steps before the temple.

Ye Luo's eyes suddenly turned back and looked at the temple. He is now ten steps away from the temple. In Ye Luo's left eye, the originally quiet temple has turned into a blur as they approached. Blood red.

Blood red is an extremely dangerous restricted area.

"The temple, you can't enter!"

Ye Luo spoke suddenly.

The footsteps of Qin Luoyi and the ancient prince of Zhongzhou couldn't help but pause, and the footsteps of the others also paused. The mysterious, powerful and ancient prince of Zhongzhou turned his head and looked at Ye Luo.

"Shut up, you are a waste of the fifth level of Qi training, you dare to speak indiscriminately in front of the noble ancient prince, empress, Senior Sister Gu and Senior Brother Chen!" Ouyang Xing, who was very close to Ye Luo and was basically ignored by others, Suddenly angrily reprimanded.

Jiang Xiyue also pulled Ye Luo's sleeve.

"Tsk tsk, you have the guts, young people, you always have to speak out when you have ideas, and there must be my teacher for threesomes. Although they only practice the fifth level of qi, they still have dignity and have the right to speak. As a five-level qi practitioner It is a miracle that a monk at the top level can survive till now, but it also makes sense, sometimes, luck is more important than strength, this kid, I..." Chen Pipi's words slanted out again.

"I'll go in first!" Ouyang Xing, who had been suppressed and dull, was already irritable in his heart, but now he heard Chen Pipi's endless words, his figure flashed, and he rushed in.

Behind Ouyang Xing, the four monks from Tianshan Academy hurriedly followed after seeing this.

The ancient prince of Zhongzhou and Qin Luoyi, the powerful law-rune armor on their bodies, rose silently, and suddenly walked in one step. The temple was dilapidated and dark, as if choosing someone to devour.

Gu Hongzhuang and Chen Pipi lifted their footsteps slightly, as if they were about to enter.


However, at this very moment, there was a terrifying impact sound in the pitch-black temple, and immediately afterwards, Ouyang Xing, who was the first to rush in, turned pale, and blood flew out horribly.


Immediately afterwards, several figures flew out, and at the same time, a dazzling golden light burst out in the temple with a trace of extremely powerful coercion. Among the endless rays of light, one could vaguely see the face of the ancient prince of Zhongzhou. shadow.


At the moment when there was a sudden change in the temple, Ye Luo suddenly spoke again.

Outside the temple, a terrifying, gigantic figure appeared from the darkness without knowing when, with a pair of scarlet and frightening eyes, looking at everyone coldly and strangely.

It seems that the people in front of it are all ants!
"Yes, it's the crocodile! It, how did it appear?" Jiang Xiyue was shocked.

"It's the void. It was hidden in the void in this space before." Ye Luo's left eye saw the traces of void rupture in the darkness, and he was shocked. What is the level of this crocodile? It is really the fifth level A monster, a fifth-order monster, has the ability to hide in the void?

And, besides this, Ye Luo's left eye also instantly saw that in the darkness, there was something like a ghost tree that was cut off by the ancient prince of Zhongzhou before. The temple is the radius, surrounding them.

All these changes took less than two seconds.


Inside the temple, the collision of huge and terrifying laws became more intense, and the flute sounded suddenly.

Outside the temple, the terrifying, gigantic, terrifying crocodile with red eyes suddenly took a step forward and crushed the crowd terrifyingly.

"Damn, damn, ruined, ruined, this, this crocodile has mutated... or broke through..."


In the village five miles away from the temple.

Outside the yard, the knock on the door became more urgent.

In the yard, everyone's faces changed slightly.

"Open the door, it's time to come, a broken door can't be blocked." Wu Banxian looked at the door, bullying the people in the library.

"No, it can't be opened..." Behind the door, a male cultivator from the Ba library said in panic.

Han Wenqing, who was cold and holding a long sword in his hand, turned his head and said coldly, "Open the door."

"Senior Brother Han..."

"I don't want to repeat what I said."


door, open.

(End of this chapter)

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