Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 855 Dark Night Change 2

Chapter 855 Dark Night Change 2
The night was pitch black, and the rising moon had not yet been able to illuminate the village.


The door, the door is open.

Outside the door, what is it?
Inside the door, the light from the firewood under the pot barely dispelled the darkness of the yard, but outside the door, the darkness surged.

The door opened, but no one saw a shadow outside the door.

"My day, why is there no one?" The fat man's hairs stood on end, and the bronze man stepped back three steps, with a bitter expression on his face.

"Master, brother, nothing, nothing, just now, what is knocking on the door?" Among the three people in the Ba library, a male cultivator looked at the cold young man, Han Wenqing.

The breeze blows, and the yellowish withered grass in autumn sways in the yard.

"Close the door." Han Wenqing was silent, the long sword in his hand was slightly clenched, and his expression was still cold.

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, Wu Banxian quietly took a step forward, and then, Wu Banxian cautiously walked to the door step by step. Han Wenqing didn't speak, and the two people who dominated the library glanced at him, dressed like a peddler The same Wu Banxian didn't stop him either.

"I'm a bitch, fat man, what does this old blind man want to do?" The bronze man pulled the fat man.

"How can I know that a paralyzed man should not listen to this old blind man, he has to go into this village, and that dead donkey, it's fucked up, did the sound before it belong to it? ? I'm fucking a dog, as long as that donkey appears, nothing good has ever happened." The fat man became more and more angry, and at the same time extremely frightened.

"Someone!" Wu Banxian walked outside the door with one foot, and walked into the darkness with half of his body.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Banxian's body trembled, as if he had seen something unusually strange. Immediately afterwards, Wu Banxian grabbed a person who did not know his life or death, and immediately pulled her into the yard.


Afterwards, Wu Banxian turned around and closed the door again.

"Damn, dead?" The fat man was startled when he saw the person Wu Banxian pulled in.

"Not dead yet." Wu Banxian said.

Hearing the sound, the medicine jar walked over quickly and grabbed it. Wu Banxian pulled over from the door, an extremely thin, dying, sixteen or seventeen-year-old comatose girl with dozens of miserable scars on her body. above the pulse.

"She's not dead yet, it's just that she was seriously injured, and she seemed to have been frightened before she fell into a coma. She couldn't die." While talking, the medicine jar quickly took out a white porcelain bottle from his arms, and took out He took a pill exuding a strange medicinal fragrance and stuffed it into her mouth.

At the same time, Yao Guanzi also looked at Wu Banxian, and asked in a low voice, "Apart from her, did you see anything else outside the door just now?"

Wu Banxian nodded and said in a low voice, "Can people live without heart?"

"Wuxin?" The body of the medicine jar paused for a moment, then, after thinking carefully, he said in a low voice, "The sage Wuxin can live. Above the giants of all ages, there is the realm of saints."

Wu Banxian was slightly stunned, and then said: "I saw a heartless rabbit. Its heart seemed to be dug out by something. I didn't see it clearly, and it disappeared in a flash."

The fat man also gritted his teeth, leaned over, and said, "Hey! What are you two talking about? What the hell is going on? Just now, was this girl knocking on the door? Damn, she's from this village , or outsiders?"

"She is from Tianjie Academy." Suddenly, Ye Feihong, who was pure and beautiful, with a young face, took a step forward and spoke suddenly.

"What heaven-level academy, you Zhongzhou, why are there so many academies? There are only four of the most powerful academies, why is there another heaven-level academy?" The fat man was stunned.

"Tianjie Academy does not belong to the four ancient academies. In addition to the four oldest academies, there are many other academies in Zhongzhou. However, the four ancient academies have the deepest heritage. All major academies in the world are based on Headed by the four major academies.

Tianjie Academy is one of the most powerful academies besides the four major academies. Tianjie Academy is the most famous place in the academy. Big right.

Even the highest-level students have the power to life and kill lower-level students.

Tianjie Academy is a place where heroes are judged by levels. This little girl seems to be only the lowest level, a student who has just started. "Ye Feihong glanced at the clothes of the thin and unconscious girl, and shook her head slightly.

"This, here, what is this place?" The thin girl, after eating the pill fed her by the medicine jar, the wound on her body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She opened her eyes, and there was still a trace of fear in her eyes.

"This is the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, in the village, in the village chief's yard, how did you get to this village, and how did you get here?" Wu Banxian stared at the girl.

"The village chief's yard? I, I'm Tan, Lu Tan, Senior Sister Situ and Senior Brother Nangong are just outside the village with people. By the way, I seem to have seen an old woman who made paper figurines. Paper figurines scattered paper money. Later, when I entered the village, she told me that the village head died.

Later, I saw a little girl eating candied haws. She pointed me the way and said that this was the village head's house. Later, I knocked on the door of the house, and then, without knowing why, I passed out. "The thin girl recalled carefully.

Wu Banxian, Fatty and the others couldn't help but startled when they heard the sound, and couldn't help but look at each other, the bronze man's eyes widened.

"What's your name?" The fat man swallowed and asked.

"I, our Tianjie Academy, an introductory disciple, is not allowed to use my own name. My number is Seventeen. You can call me Little Seventeen. Ah, Pa, Han from Ba Academy, Han Wenqing? Xing , Ye Feihong from Xingchen Academy?" The thin girl, Xiao Shiqi, looked around and seemed to find someone she knew, her expression couldn't help being shocked, her eyes were full of awe and admiration.

"Have you seen me?" Han Wenqing looked at the thin girl coldly.

"See, I've seen, when you killed the No. [-] most wanted criminal of the Zhongzhou Dynasty with a single sword, I, I happened to be following Senior Sister Situ in the Luoyang teahouse." Xiao Shiqi's eyes became more and more admirable and awe-inspiring.

"Hey, little girl, you may not know me. Let me tell you, do you know the two great emperors who were killed in Donghuang? Fatty, I was the one who participated in the beheading of the great emperors. I'm just a wanted criminal, and I'm nothing! "The fat man couldn't help but cleared his throat with a dignified tone.

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn, I'm going to fight you..." Suddenly, just as the fat man finished speaking, there was a donkey's roar outside the yard, which had been silent for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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