Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 857 Mutant Crocodile

Chapter 857 Mutant Crocodile
The sound of fierce fighting outside the door suddenly sounded, and Wu Banxian's face changed suddenly. He, who was standing behind the door, opened the door.

One foot of Wu Banxian stepped out of the door, but the other foot stayed firmly inside the door.

"Blind Wu, what happened outside the door?" The fat man was also startled and yelled.

"Grandpa, what are you looking at? Our village chief will be back soon. There are still three candied haws left. Would you like to eat them?" You Ran, at the door, a little girl appeared with only three candied haws in her hand. At the door, blocking Wu Banxian's sight.

The sound of the battle became more intense, and the screams became clearer.

"Grandpa, why are you standing at the door? What are you looking at?" The child holding the candied haws asked curiously again seeing that Wu Banxian didn't speak.


It is only five miles away from the village, in front of the temple.

Terrifying, with a strong breath, the body is hidden in the darkness, and it is impossible to see how big the terrifying crocodile is. Its foot has already been smashed down, and the frightening black runes suddenly appeared from its feet.

Outside the gate of the temple, Gu Hongzhuang was holding the Yinhong long sword in her hand. At this moment, without any concealment, Gu Hongzhuang immediately exploded, the middle stage of Yuanying!The bright red in her hand, the icy long sword trembled, and a strange vision of a phoenix could be vaguely seen from the sword.

With a sword, she directly slashed at the kick of the terrifying crocodile.

At the same time, Chen Pipi, a chatterbox and cleanliness, also rose into the sky almost at the same time. The folding fan in his hand was violently fanned, and a real mountain weighing hundreds of thousands of catties flew out of the fan!

He used the mountain top to smash directly at the terrifying crocodile!

Mountain and River Fan?
When Ye Luo saw this fan, he thought of these three words almost immediately, because Ye Luo got a fan from him after he suppressed Xingyue Shengzi in Shenshi City. Mountain and River Fan.

Between heaven and earth, are there two fans of mountains and rivers? ,

Jiang Xiyue's face was slightly pale. She didn't have a condensation mark, and directly took out a two-meter-long, thinner body than Jiang Xiyue's body directly from the storage ring, a mysterious rune A flickering, black crossbow gun exuding a cold and terrifying aura.

"What is this?" Ye Luo could feel an aura that made Ye Luo's heart palpitate from the crossbow gun on the huge pitch black.

"Our Mo family's crossbow, my grandfather knew that I was younger and weaker. At that time, when I left home to go to the Red Sleeve Academy, my grandfather specially designed it for me. My grandfather said, this crossbow, yes, has a cut Kill the giants of the ages in the fusion stage, and let me defend myself." Jiang Xiyue took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

Then, Jiang Xiyue said again: "This is the animal horse brand of the control agency. You control it with your mind and go farther. You are too weak. Just a little aftermath of the battle is enough to kill you."


The crocodile took a step forward, and a terrifying and abnormal collision with the powerful and mysterious Chen Pipi and Hongzhuang had already erupted. The hundreds of thousands of catties fell on the top of the crocodile's head, and it actually burst into pieces. At the same time, the crocodile A jet of black light spit out from the mouth of the scorpion, which directly forced Chen Pipi back.

And Gu Hongzhuang's terrifying sword just left a shallow bloodstain on the crocodile's foot, and Gu Hongzhuang also retreated violently under the huge impact force.

"No way, the crocodile has mutated, the two of us, Junior Sister Gu, we can't bear it, my god, have you taken the tonic for this crocodile? Qin Luoyi and the ancient prince of Zhongzhou, in the temple What are you doing here, why don't you come out?" Chen Pipi was already shouting in the air.


At this moment, before Chen Pippi's words fell, a dark and strange shadow, like lightning, hit in front of Chen Pippi's body. Chen Pippi almost subconsciously blocked it with the powerful folding fan in his hand. That dark shadow.

Chen Pipi's hand trembled, and the strange law on the fan exploded violently. The black shadow let out a scream. Chen Pipi suddenly saw a small, pitch-black crocodile the size of a thumb, with sharp teeth and cold eyes. Died under the falling of the fan.

"Be careful, besides crocodiles, there are many scary little crocodiles that can kill people!" Chen Pipi shouted.

"Chen Pipi, stand in front of me, hurry up!" Gu Hongzhuang yelled coquettishly at this moment, and then, her body that had just been knocked back held the sword in both hands, and at the same time, she bit the tip of her tongue, On the body of the sword, blood was spat out!

"The way of heaven is great, the fortune is chaotic... the way of heaven seals demons!" Gu Hongzhuang quickly chanted some kind of strange incantation, holding the long sword in both hands, she had already jumped up and rushed directly to the head of the crocodile.

Seeing this, Chen Pipi's figure flashed, and he had already arrived in front of Gu Hongzhuang. At this moment, he didn't even talk anymore, and unexpectedly formed a complex imprint very seriously.

That terrifying crocodile also saw the two ants-like things in front of it, and it suddenly opened its mouth. From its mouth, a terrifying, void-corroding mucus shot out like a sharp sword. .

On the other side, Jiang Xiyue nervously held the cold, pitch-black Mohist crossbow gun exuding a powerful aura with both hands, and she aimed tremblingly at the terrifying crocodile.

"Don't look at it, we have to run. See the ghost tree that surrounds us and the temple. Shoot the ghost tree. We have to run! We can't beat it!" Ye Luo said quickly.

When Ye Luo raised his head and looked at the terrifying crocodile, he seemed to see a trace of cold playfulness in the eyes of the crocodile. It seemed that it had seen the prey, and now it didn't attack with all its strength.

Ye Luo glanced at the temple behind him again, and narrowed his eyes fiercely.

"Run? Why, how can you run? Senior Brother Chen and Senior Sister Gu have already rushed up?" Jiang Xiyue's hand trembled slightly.

"Junior Sister Jiang, don't listen to this trash, directly attack that crocodile, what are you still doing, seal, attack!" In the temple, Qin Luoyi and the ancient prince Long Yunfei of Zhongzhou hadn't come out yet. Among them, the fierce and terrifying battle sounds continued to be heard in the darkness. However, Ouyang Xing, who was the first to go in and was the first to be thrown out, was only slightly injured. Suddenly got up, just in time to hear Ye Luo's words.

His voice was a little out of breath, and he was beaten violently again. He didn't even see what the things in the temple looked like.


However, Gu Hongzhuang, who was clearly rushing towards the terrifying crocodile, yelled out a word the moment the sword fell.

"Heaven seals the demons!" Chen Pipi seemed to take out another ancient thing from his bosom, and forcibly blocked the terrifying mucus of the crocodile, creating a chance for Gu Hongzhuang to slash this sword!

(End of this chapter)

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