Chapter 858

Chen Pipi took out an ancient and mysterious thing from his bosom, and abruptly blocked the crocodile's blow. Gu Hongzhuang poured in mysterious runes, and even a sword of essence and blood touched it at this very moment. Met that scary crocodile!
The sword touched the neck of the crocodile. On the sword body, there was a cold, dark red, ancient, and mysterious rune. It seemed that it had been brewing for a long time in the sword body. At this moment, it suddenly broke out.

The runes poured down along the crocodile's skin, covering the entire crocodile in an instant!
"Swordsmanship: Heavenly Dao Seals Demons!"

The sword fell, and the entire crocodile's huge and ancient body froze suddenly.

At this moment, Chen Pipi's figure suddenly moved away from Crocodile's body. He turned his head and turned towards Ouyang Xing behind him. However, the crocodile has mutated!"

After Chen Pipi finished speaking, the figure rushed towards the left side far away from the crocodile and the temple.

The one who is faster than Chen Pipi is Ye Luo. Long before Chen Pipi, Ye Luo has already held Jiang Xiyue's Mohist wooden card to control the mecha horse, and pulled Jiang Xi who was also standing on the mecha horse. Yue rushed towards the outside world.

Jiang Xiyue woke up at this moment.

And just now, Ouyang Xing, who was clamoring for everyone to attack and not be able to run, his face changed drastically at this time, he turned around, and couldn't even care about the people from Tianshan Academy behind him, frantically running his spiritual power, and followed towards the outside run.


Beside Ouyang Xing, a student from the Tianshan Academy in the periphery suddenly uttered a scream when Ouyang Xing had just taken two steps. Between his brows, a dark, thick-thumb-thick one suddenly appeared. s things.

That thing is obviously a descendant of the crocodile, the tiny crocodile.

The tiny crocodile, which was only as thick as a thumb, was surprisingly fast, and seemed to be hiding in the dark night. Its strange appearance had already penetrated the eyebrows of the outer student of Tianshan Academy.

Ouyang Xing's body shook violently, and he ran wildly and frantically.

Chen Pipi's speed was the fastest, and in less than half a second, he had already rushed to the outermost circle surrounded by ghost trees. Chen Pipi's figure rose suddenly, wanting to rush directly through the ghost tree.

The ghost tree, when the crocodile appeared, had already surrounded all the people, temples, and crocodile within its range.

Chen Pipi's figure rushed past, however, in the darkness, a branch as thick as an arm and as black as a giant snake suddenly pulled towards Chen Pipi strangely and coldly.

"Break it for me! What the hell, a third-order ghost tree just wants to block my way, come out to block the way, you don't know how to weigh your own strength, how much ability you have, you don't have a clue..."

At the moment of crisis, Chen Pipi's words poured out like a faucet that couldn't be turned off again. At the same time, his hand was already reaching its limit. From his waist, he took out a stone-blue long sword. When the sword fell, the blue light dispelled the darkness.


The law of the sword circulates, and the terror cuts down. As the Star Academy, Chen Pipi, who ranks fifth, is very powerful and terrifying even though he is a talkative.

The sword collided with the falling branch, making a terrifying sound.

Even Ye Luo, who was three feet away, on the mechanical beast horse, felt the aftermath of a spurt. However, this terrifying sword did not cut off. The arm was as thick and thin as a giant snake. branches.

Even Chen Pipi, who had slashed the sword, was knocked back three steps by the huge counter-shock force.

"My shit, the ghost tree is mutated! What, what's going on, it's okay if the crocodile crocodile is mutated, even the ghost tree, why is it mutated? A third-order ghost tree, what has it mutated into? Why does it feel like it mutated into the fifth level, or even more terrifying? What's going on, something like mutation may not happen once in a thousand years, and even if it happens, it may not be able to become stronger. What's wrong..."

Chen Pipi's talkative speed was extremely astonishing.

When Ye Luo saw this scene, his eyes narrowed fiercely.

"Attack the ghost tree!"

Ye Luo's hand, before thirteen or fourteen-year-old Jiang Xiyue didn't know how to react, had already quietly grasped the Mohist machine crossbow in her hand.

Ye Luo was seriously injured and only recovered less than [-]% of his skill, but he was very stable, just like holding a familiar gun.Ye Luo lifted the muzzle of the crossbow gun with one hand, and with the other hand, he immediately embraced Jiang Xiyue, grabbed her hand that was holding the trigger, and pressed it down.


At this moment, the huge machine crossbow gun with a length of one foot, burst out a powerful and terrifying rune breath from the cold and pitch-black gun body. The javelin has been fired.

In the dark night, the javelins shot out at an astonishingly fast speed. Before anyone could blink, they had already landed on the mutated ghost tree surrounded by vines like giant snakes.


The javelin collided with the ghost tree, and above the javelin, a huge explosion burst out, compressed to the extreme, tearing apart the void, and the light was like the sun that erupted in the dark night.

There was also a shrill scream from among the vines of the ghost tree.

But Ye Luo, before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, had already grabbed Jiang Xiyue, who was also sitting on the horse of the mechanism beast, and rushed towards the explosion, while quickly saying: "Hurry up!"

The explosion exploded a three-meter-wide gap surrounded by terrifying and weird ghost tree vines.

"Huh! The little girl of the Mo family and a trash made a gap?" Chen Pipi, who was the first to block back, couldn't help being stunned when he saw this, but at this moment, his figure also rushed forward past.

At the same time, he quickly said: "Hey! That little girl of the Mo family, you reacted fast enough. Did you shoot the shot just now, or was it that waste from Donghuang? Hey, what are you doing so fast? , run, Gu Hongzhuang's seal can't stand it anymore..."

Ye Luo firmly grasped Jiang Xiyue, whose body was slightly stiff, and had already controlled the mechanical beast horse, rushing to the gap of the ghost tree, but Ye Luo's eyes, when rushing out of the gap of the ghost tree, were blown On the passing ground, I saw an old, bombed out, buried stone tablet. There seemed to be a mysterious symbol on the stone tablet.

However, the speed was too fast, and Ye Luo didn't care.

Jiang Xiyue's body was stiff, thirteen or fourteen years old, puberty, immature, it was the first time for her to be touched and hugged by a man, her mind was a little blank at this critical moment of life and death.

This is the first time she has encountered such a life-and-death crisis.

"Anything else?"

The moment Ye Luo rushed out of the ghost tree, Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely again, and his body stiffened abruptly!

(End of this chapter)

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