Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 859 The first line of life and death

Chapter 859

Ye Luo.Controlling the mechanical beast and leading Jiang Xiyue, the moment he rushed out of the ghost tree, his body stiffened. At the same time, Ye Luo controlled the mechanical beast and tried his best to stop the speed of continuing to rush out .

The four hooves of the mechanical animal horse left four deep marks on the ground.

"You little girl of the Mo family, run away, stop and do, run, the crocodile is about to break the seal!" Chen Pipi's figure also rushed over, Ouyang Xing, and several people from Tianshan Academy also ran away close.

In front of the temple, the long sword in Gu Hongzhuang's hand seemed to be supported to the extreme at this moment, and she retracted quietly. Her body moved suddenly, as fast as a red shadow, and it also exploded towards Ye Luo. Gap, rushed over.

In front of the temple, the body of the crocodile, which had been sealed for only a second by swordsmanship and the magic of heaven, was rioting at this time, its bright red eyes showed an expression of dignity that seemed to be provoked by ants.

The runes on the surface of its body began to burst as if they were collapsing.

"Hurry up!"

But Ye Luo roared again at this moment.Ye Luo, who had just rushed out of the circle surrounded by the ghost tree, turned his head suddenly, controlled the mechanical beast horse, and turned back the same way.

"I'm so tired, you guys are crazy, you rushed out, why are you rushing back? What are you doing, are you going to die? Hey, hey, girl of the Mo family, are you controlling the mechanical beast horse? What are you doing..."

Also at this moment, Chen Pipi, who had just rushed out like a chatterbox, spoke quickly, and while he was talking, he wanted to pull. In his opinion, Ye Luo and Jiang Xiyue who turned back seemed to be sent to death. .

However, when he stretched out his hand and was about to touch Jiang Xiyue's clothes, his eyes also looked outside the ghost tree, and with this look, Chen Pipi's body froze suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Pipi let out a strange cry, and roared: "I'm a dog, what's the matter, what's the matter, is there a meeting? There are so many, hey, Qin Luoyi in the temple, are you still alive? What the hell is this place, it's over, it's over, I'm fucking a dog..."

Chen Pipi's figure also turned back at this moment.

"Don't go out, come back!" Ye Luo shouted.

And Ouyang Xing finally got rid of his fellow disciples, and rushed to the gap in a frenzy. When he saw Chen Pipi, Jiang Xiyue and Ye Luo, they all turned back quickly, he couldn't help being taken aback, go back?You worked your ass off to get here, so why go back?Kicked in the head by a donkey?
He didn't stop, and continued to run wildly. At the same time, he glanced at the outside world.

He suddenly saw that outside the gap of the ghost tree, in the darkness, there was a group of dark beasts that appeared at some unknown time, and it was impossible to tell what level of strange beast it was.

Devil wolf, giant snake, ancient corpse worm, ancient man-eating beast, mutated ghost tree...

At a glance, he saw no less than a hundred heads!

Their gazes were all in this direction, and they looked over!
It seems that the strange beasts with a radius of hundreds of miles are all gathered together, and even the fourth-order peak demon wolf group can only occupy a remote corner among the monster beast group.

They don't know when they appeared, and when they surrounded this place?
Ouyang Xing instantly understood that Ye Luo's yelling to go back was not a joke, nor was he kicked by a donkey. At this moment, at the gap, the mutated ghost tree had already begun to crazily grow branches again to fill the gap that was blasted. .

Ouyang Xing's face turned pale, and he tried his best to turn back again.

Gu Hongzhuang also glanced towards the outside world and stopped in her tracks.

However, rushing out is a dead end, and staying behind is not a dead end?

The rune on the crocodile's body has completely cracked, and a terrifying aura erupted from its huge body. Even Ye Luo, who was sitting on the mechanism beast, couldn't bear the pressure because of his serious injuries. .


The crocodile roared and approached again. It looked coldly at everyone surrounded by the ghost tree.

"I'm so fucked, it's over, it's over, it's over, what's the matter, shouldn't these strange beasts over the fifth level be in the deepest part of the taboo monsters? Why are there so many here? What the hell is this temple?" Chen Pipi backed away, and the powerful aura on his body also erupted undisguisedly at this moment.


And at this moment, there was another terrifying crashing sound in the temple, and the next moment, two powerful figures, a man and a woman, stepped back at the same time.

Those two people were the emperor of Southern Border, Qin Luoyi, and the ancient prince of the Zhongzhou Dynasty, Long Yunfei!
The aura of the two of them had completely exploded, and there were some scars on their bodies. On the arm of the ancient prince of Zhongzhou, there was a deep bone wound, dripping golden blood that made people palpitate.

Is there something terrifying in the temple?

"Qin Luoyi, didn't you say, just go into the temple to get something? What the hell is this temple? The crocodile is a mutated crocodile, the ghost tree is a mutated ghost tree, and outside the ghost tree, it's all five. Level, even the more terrifying alien beasts, can't see the end, it's over, it's over, everyone has to feed the alien beasts..." Chen Pipi was shocked.

The crocodile approached again, and the terrifying aura became more dignified, oppressive, and urgent. Everyone's eyes turned to Qin Luoyi, the emperor of Southern Xinjiang who was holding a flute and dripping blood from her sleeve!

"I don't know what kind of temple this is." Qin Luoyi shook his head, his expression was unusually dignified, and the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

"It's over, it's over, the strength of this crocodile, after mutation, is at least at the peak of the fifth order. Even if we join forces, there is no chance of winning at all. Outside, outside the ghost tree, there are even more terrifying things, grass, think of me Chenpi The famous name of Pi I is worshiped by thousands of girls, and those who want to prove themselves and become emperors will perish here, this is the legend, heaven is jealous of talents?"

Prince Gu of Zhongzhou also changed his expression slightly, he looked at Gu Hongzhuang, and said, "We join forces, how sure are we to rush out?"

"What Chen Pipi said is true. Outside the circle surrounded by ghost trees, it is more dangerous than here, and it is impossible to rush out." Gu Hongzhuang's face turned slightly pale.

"Are you going to die? I, I can't die here, you have a way, right, you have a way, I don't want to die!" Ouyang Xing roared, the strength in his body was gone, and the crocodile approached again.

"Are you going to die? Me, I'm only 14 years old." Jiang Xiyue's immature face was also pale, she unconsciously grabbed Ye Luo's clothes, looked at Ye Luo, and then said : "Why are you not afraid? Aren't you afraid of death? Are you scared to death? We are all going to die. Wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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