Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 860 The People in the Temple

Chapter 860 The People in the Temple (3 more tickets requested)
"Dead?" Ye Luo looked at the temple at this moment of life and death, and then said: "I am in the world of practice, and I have three relatives who are about the same age as you. The world of practice is dangerous and cold, and I can't die yet." , I die, they will be bullied."

"What?" Jiang Xiyue looked at Ye Luo.

"Go, sit still, we will enter the temple, the outside world, we can't get out." Ye Luo held Jiang Xiyue again, controlled the mechanical animal horse, and quietly walked towards the temple.

"In the temple, there are even more terrifying things. If you go in, you will die faster." Qin Luoyi, the emperor of Southern Border, held the hand of the flute, blood still dripping.

"Ah, Ye, Ye Luo, don't go in, go in! Even Emperor Qin's daughter and the ancient prince were injured in the temple. With our cultivation level, if we go in, we will be killed directly." Jiang Xiyue On the organ beast horse, Ye Luo was held back.

"Have you noticed that no matter whether it is the crocodile or the previous ghost tree, when they launched their attacks, they seemed to deliberately avoid the temple, and even the aftermath of the battle did not hit the temple.

But outside the place surrounded by the ghost tree, those terrifying alien beasts did not attack or fight with each other. They even seemed to be maintaining a certain order and performing a certain ceremony.

If the guess is correct, all these things may be related to this temple.

If you stay outside the temple, you will die, but if you enter the temple, you may have a chance. "The crocodile was approaching again in terror, Ye Luo had silently opened his left eye, closed his right eye, and once again controlled the mechanism beast and horse, walked into the dark ruined temple.

Among the ancient Zhongzhou dynasty, ranked seventh among the many mysterious and powerful princes, Long Yunfei didn't even look at Ye Luo, who was only at the fifth level of Qi training. His powerful aura erupted, and he held a mysterious , the powerful sacred object like the majestic jade seal, looked at the oppressive crocodile.

"You can't enter the temple. If you enter, you will die. We must join hands and rush out a way." His majestic and powerful voice sounded, and behind him, even vaguely, there was a vision of an ancient dragon.

"Outside, I can't rush out. The strength of this crocodile is beyond imagination. Maybe that young man from Donghuang, Ye Luo, has some truth to what he said." The long sword in Gu Hongzhuang's hand was shining brightly, and at this moment , Even approaching the entrance of the temple.

"Damn, go in, and go out? At this time, there is no time to fight! Qin Luoyi, I was tricked by you, my god, anyway, I have already seen outside, we definitely can't get out, those Ancient, even ancient beasts, a few frankly appeared around here.

I choose to follow that one into the temple. "Although Chen Pipi is a chatterbox, his decision-making speed is still very fast. The terrifying crocodile has already pressed close, but it did not use the terrifying secret technique to attack, as if it was really afraid of attacking the temple.

However, its terrifying claws have already fallen!
Ye Luo has already entered the temple.

Ye Luo opened his left eye and closed his right eye. Among the bright red temples, Ye Luo only saw an extremely narrow road in a white area.

Ye Luo swayed from the mechanical animal horse, supporting his seriously injured body.

"What are you doing down there? Why do I feel so weird in this temple? It seems that something is hidden?" Jiang Xiyue trembled.

"Come down, follow me, don't worry, you won't die." Seeing Jiang Xiyue still in shock, but forced himself to be calm, Ye Luo couldn't help thinking of Chu Xiaohuan, Zhou Xiaoyu and Yang Ying, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and his tone slowed down. Some.

Jiang Xiyue hesitated for a moment, looking at the eyes of Ye Luo, who only had five levels of Qi training and was treated as a burden all the way, hesitated for a while, and chose to obey Ye Luo's words.

"Fuck, why is it so dark in here, just now, what did Long Yunfei and Qin Luoyi encounter in here, so that they would rather die in the hands of that terrifying crocodile than come in?" Chen Pipi took a step forward. In, the sword in his hand suddenly lit up, trying to illuminate the interior of the temple.

"Stop, there can be no light!" Ye Luo's voice suddenly rang out.



Before Chen Pipi finished speaking, he felt a strange black shadow in the darkness suddenly stabbing towards him. Chen Pipi reacted very quickly, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed at the black shadow.

The two collided, and on Chen Pipi's hand, a three-inch-long bloodstain appeared strangely.

Chen Pipi didn't even see clearly how the bloodstain was left behind!
"Let the light on your sword go out immediately, and take two steps to the right!" Ye Luo's voice sounded again at this moment.

Chen Pipi was shocked, and felt a few strange black shadows, rushing towards him in horror, a powerful aura erupted from his body, and at the same time, with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, according to Ye Luo's prompt, He took two steps to the right and extinguished the sword light at the same time.

The black shadow disappeared in a flash.

"I'm stupid, I didn't attack, hey! Kid, who are you, that little girl of the Mo family, who is this kid? I think you have been carrying him all the time. He is from your Mo family?" Chen Pipi condensed the most powerful The defense, while scanning the temple vigilantly, spoke again.

"He is from Donghuang." Gu Hongzhuang's figure unexpectedly entered the temple at this time.

"What? Donghuang, damn it, hundreds of millions of miles away, he is just a five-level Qi training monk, how did he get to Zhongzhou, boy, what is your identity?" Chen Pipi looked at Ye Luo.


Outside the temple, a terrifying collision erupted. From the looks of it, it looked like the Southern Border Empress and Zhongzhou Ancient Prince Long Yunfei had started a battle with the crocodile outside the temple.

Chen Pipi's face changed slightly.

"Follow me closely and watch where I walk." Ye Luo pulled Jiang Xiyue, closed his right eye and opened his left eye, and walked towards the temple, the center of worship, and walked over. Ignore the battle outside.

"The crocodile ancestors at the peak of the fifth level, they won't last long, they will either die, or they will come in too." Gu Hongzhuang glanced back and spoke lightly. Then, her eyes looked at the position of Ye Luo's every step.

And Chen Pippi hesitated for a moment, tentatively, followed Ye Luo for two steps, and said in confusion: "Hey, hey, don't talk, why did you follow you, why is there no location you just mentioned?" Black shadow attack, there is a killing array in this temple, or something, hey, hey, why don't you talk..."

Ye Luo ignored Chen Pippi and walked very cautiously. He only took five steps, but he couldn't help but pause, because Ye Luo suddenly saw that there was a comatose person on the futon in front of the statue of the temple. .

Ye Luo frowned and approached.

Ye Luo touched the head of Xiaoxianqiao Beast with one hand, and touched the hand of the unconscious young man with the other. The unconscious young man's face was pale, and the moment Ye Luo touched his hand, , but quietly opened his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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