Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 863 The Village Chief Outside the Yard

Chapter 863 The Village Chief Outside the Yard
Tianjie Academy, originally stood with the student who turned into human skin, and the student whose arm was torn by something did not know, the whole spirit of the student seemed to have collapsed, turned around and ran towards the door.

He ran wildly, but no one stopped him.

The previous arrogant and powerful Nangong Sheng and Situ Yan, who were also from Tianjie Academy, were shocked at this moment, terrified, and extremely vigilant, and their bodies, like the real spiritual armor, had silently risen.

In Tianjie Academy, that weak, bruised, non-existent sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, Xiao Shiqi was frightened and trembling, but stretched out her hand to pull the student who ran out.

However, her body was thin and weak. Although she grabbed the student's clothes, she couldn't hold him at all. On the contrary, her body was twisted by the clothes and almost fell to the ground.

"Ghost, ghost..."

He broke down and rushed into the darkness outside the door.

However, the moment he rushed out the door, in the music, his broken eyes seemed to look at the thin girl who pulled him, Xiao Shiqi.

"My day, he is your fellow student anyway, why don't you stop?" The fat man was terrified, but at this moment, he couldn't help looking at Nangong Sheng and Situ Yan.

"If you don't even have this mental capacity, you're just a piece of trash. My Tianjie Academy doesn't need this kind of trash." Nangong Sheng said coldly, vigilantly.

At this moment, the nerd walked up to the medicine jar, and asked in a low voice, "Second senior brother, did you find anything?"

"Yes, look at the pattern on the human skin. This pattern only appeared when he turned into human skin." The medicine jar pulled the human skin closer.

The flame flickered, and Wu Banxian, in shock, also moved over.

The pattern on the chest of the human skin turned out to be a weird, pitch-black, lifelike figure, only the size of a palm.

"Is this the back of a person?" Wu Banxian frowned.

"Second senior brother, how did this person change from a living person to a human skin in those few seconds just now, and how did this back view appear?" The ancient scroll swayed slightly.

"I didn't see it. I thought it was a bug, but when I finally touched his hand, I didn't feel any bugs. The pattern on his chest seems to have an aura of no special law." The medicine jar shook his head. .

"In the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, when did such a place appear?" The cold Han Wenqing, who held a long sword in Ba Shuyuan, also looked at the human skin.

"We have to leave here, let the strong men in the academy, should let the strong men of the older generation of the academy come to investigate here." Nangong Sheng was on extreme alert, with a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

"Go, no one is stopping you." The fat man said.

"You..." Nangong Sheng was slightly angry.

"Village chief, village chief, where have you been? We have guests in our village. Many people are at your house." Suddenly, outside the yard, the voice of the little girl holding candied haws appeared earlier. , outside the yard, not far away, suddenly sounded.

"Outsider?" In the darkness, a man's voice was full of doubts.

"Yes, it's all at your house, village head, go back and have a look, hee hee, village head, it's not that it's dark and you can't go out, why did you go out today?"

In the courtyard, everyone heard the conversation not far away in the darkness, and suddenly fell silent.

All the people are extremely vigilant.

village head?

The village chief of this village is back?

Outside the village, five miles to the northwest.

Outside the temple, in the darkness, there are dark and huge shadows, shaking constantly, it seems that more and more mysterious and terrifying beasts are approaching the temple.

Within a radius of ten feet of the temple, terrifying, mutated ghost trees surrounded the temple silently, like a green fence. Outside the fence, it was hard to see how many strange beasts there were in the darkness, standing in silence, awe, terror Standing in the fence, the mutant crocodile at the peak of the fifth step, with bright red eyes, looked into the temple.

Inside the temple.

Ye Luo, Jiang Xiyue, Chen Pipi, Gu Hongzhuang, Long Yunfei, Qin Luoyi, Ouyang Xing, and his two survivors all looked towards the center of the hall. In front of the statue, the young man who had just woken up .

"Hey, hey, why don't you speak? Aren't you the village head of that village five miles away from the temple? How can a village of ordinary people survive in the forest of taboo monsters? How did you appear here? Why don't you say it? Our identities are outside the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, people from major academies in Zhongzhou, you answer our questions, speak quickly, speak quickly..." Chen Pipi urged, and at the same time, he was silently vigilant.

"Academy, Zhongzhou?" The pale young man showed a trace of doubt on his face, then he was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and then he said: "Our village is called Zhangjia Village, I don't know , Why is our village in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest? We have lived here for generations, and no one has thought about this question.

In the Forest of Taboo Monster Beasts, there are river water sources, common wild animals that can be hunted, a lot of wild vegetables, and cultivated land. Our village has always lived on hunting and planting. "

"Just you, still hunting? How high is the cultivation of the people in your village? How can I look at you? You don't have any fluctuations in spiritual power. You can be the village head. How can your village's cultivation be so high? , This beast in the Forbidden Beast Forest is terrifying." Chen Pipi stared at the village chief, speaking extremely fast.

"Alien beasts? It, they all have their own territories. When we hunt, we avoid the territories of those powerful alien beasts. We live here in our era. For this area of ​​hundreds of miles, the territories of alien beasts have been mapped out. , As long as we don't enter the territory of alien beasts, they won't attack us.

For so many years, I have never seen any strange beasts actively attack our village. Outside the territory of those powerful strange beasts, there are only ordinary wild beasts. "The village chief answered.

"So simple?" Chen Pipi wondered.

Ye Luo remained silent, frowning even tighter, really?Like, or not, is this person really the head of that village?Ye Luo suddenly asked: "You seem to be not surprised when you see us. Are there any practitioners in your village?"

"No, in our village, no one practices alone." The village chief said.

"Since no one in your village practices practice, and no outsiders have come to your village for hundreds of years, how do you know what practice is? You seem to know practice very well." Ye Luoyouran asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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