Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 864 Tearing Clothes

Chapter 864 Tearing Clothes
"In our village, our ancestors have left many ancestral books. In our village, there are not many people who can read. However, as the village head, I am naturally literate. I have read some records in ancient books." The young village head, Shaking his head slightly, he seemed to be fully awake.

"Then how did you appear in here?" Ye Luo asked another question.

"Here?" The young village chief rubbed his head, trying to remember seriously, and said, "I don't know, I just remember that I cooked donkey meat in the yard, and after that, I called the village head I can’t remember what happened after that, I seemed to be in a coma, and when I woke up, I appeared here and saw you.”

"What kind of temple is this temple?" Ye Luo continued to ask.

"Temple? I, I don't know, this is a forbidden area of ​​our village. No one in our village is allowed to approach me. Why did I appear here? We have to leave quickly, I heard our old man A generation of people have said that anyone who enters this temple will die, and will die a miserable death." The young village head who was sober and calm said this, and suddenly there was a very panicked look in his eyes , turned around and wanted to walk outside.

Ye Luo quietly opened his left eye, closed his right eye, and looked at the young village head.

"Hey, you were taken away. There are many terrifying strange beasts outside. A person like you will die if you go out. Don't move around. In this temple, if you go the wrong way, you will die." Jiang Xiyue grabbed the young village chief.

"Ah!" The young village head seemed to be getting more and more panicked.

"Hey, hey, why are you panicking? With you, Mr. Chen Pipi, here, are you still going to die? Calm down." Chen Pipi glared at the young village chief, and then at Ye Luo, saying: " Can you chat, can you ask questions, crap, how do I feel, there is something secret about you, you are really from the Eastern Wasteland, just a waste of the fifth level of Qi training?"

Ye Luo's gaze didn't look at Chen Pippi, and he didn't even pay attention to Chen Pippi. Ye Luo's left eye was still only looking at the young village chief.

"Why don't you speak, I guessed it?" Chen Pipi took a step towards Ye Luo.

"Chen, Senior Brother Chen, he, he was injured, it was very serious, he was really at the fifth level of Qi training, I checked it, you, you should ask the village chief first, this temple is too weird, I feel a little cold " Jiang Xiyue sat on the organ beast horse, hugged her shoulders with both hands, shrank her body, and spoke.

"Little girl of the Mo family, the rivers and lakes are deep, and people's hearts are sinister. You just entered the world of cultivation and don't understand. You are a rookie who is easy to be deceived. When your grandfather went out, didn't tell you? But, this guy Realm, it is indeed the fifth level of Qi training, forget it, even if you are a liar, with such a low level of cultivation, you can't deceive anything." Chen Pippi thought for a while, and looked at Ye Luo with contempt.

Then, he looked at the village chief again, and said, "I said, what, hey, what did I want to ask just now, let me think about it, shit, what I really wanted to ask, was asked by that trash It's over."

Jiang Xiyue: "Chen, Senior Brother Chen, you just said that he doesn't know how to ask questions."

Chen Pipi froze slightly, touched his nose, and said, "Did I say it? I don't seem to say it."

However, at this moment, the powerful, mysterious, and slightly injured ancient prince of Zhongzhou suddenly took a step ahead, stretched out his hand, and suddenly pointed his finger at the brow of the young village chief.

The young village chief, like an ordinary person, didn't react at all.

The next moment, the fingertips of the ancient prince of Zhongzhou, a condensed, golden mysterious rune, turned into a mysterious symbol, which was injected into the center of the village chief's brow.

"Spirit Devouring Seal?" Chen Pipi was taken aback for a moment.

The runes poured in, and the village chief's body suddenly shook. Afterwards, his eyes suddenly turned white, his body softened, and he fell down silently, comatose again.

"Damn, what are you doing, using the spirit devouring seal on an ordinary person?" Chen Pipi asked.

"He has no cultivation, and there is no aura in his body. He is just an ordinary person. Just like him, even if there is a trace of aura in his body, he can sense it." The ancient prince of Zhongzhou looked down at the village on the ground. Long, open mouth lightly.

"My god, it's still worth trying. People have already said it. He is just the head of an ordinary village. The whole village has no cultivation, and there is no spiritual power fluctuation in his body. Why do you want to try it? He won't die, right? "Chen Pippi took two steps forward and arrived at the young man's side.

"Chen, Senior Brother Chen, didn't you just say that the rivers and lakes are deep, people's hearts are sinister, and there are many liars? Shouldn't you be careful?" Jiang Xiyue shrank her body and spoke again.

Chen Pippi's body froze again, and then he said, "Cough, what do you know, you have to be open-minded, you, Senior Brother Chen, and I are powerful, sweeping everything, and are the ones who want to prove Taoism and become emperor! Even if there are liars, hey, then Isn't it just a slap to death? Besides, there are liars who can escape my eyes?"

"Well, Senior Brother Chen is indeed very powerful, that crocodile outside the temple..."

"Cough cough cough, hey, the weather is good today." Chen Pipi suddenly coughed, and looked solemnly at the top of the dark temple.

And Ye Luo's left eye, from the beginning to the end, never left the young man. In the left eye, there was no abnormality in the young man, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation.

Is he really just the head of an ordinary village?

Is that right?

However, what happened to the corner of the ancient mysterious seal imprinted on the chest under the neckline that the young village head saw vaguely at the moment before he woke up?

Ye Luo lifted his foot and walked to the comatose village chief. Ye Luo's hand grabbed the clothes on his chest and pulled them down suddenly. The clothes were torn.

"Damn, Dong, that trash from Donghuang, what are you doing, my god, you're in a coma, you don't want to have a corpse, right? Why do you still have this habit? You Donghuang, are you still popular with this?" Chen Pipi Seeing Ye Luo making a move, he couldn't help but stare.

Jiang Xiyue had been following Ye Luo all along, and she never expected that Ye Luo would make such a sudden move.

Others couldn't help but also looked over.

"Beast!" The embarrassed Ouyang Xing had tried his best to regain his composure at this moment. There was still a little panic in the depths of his eyes. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked outside the temple, and said something.

Ye Luo still didn't pay attention to everyone's gaze, but just stared at the young village chief's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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