Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 865 The passage under the temple

Chapter 865 The passage under the temple (3 more tickets requested)
The skin on the chest was yellow, without any trace, it was no different from the skin of an ordinary villager.

No pattern?

Ye Luo's eyes suddenly shrank again.


Ye Luo believed in his own eyes very much. Even though he saw the flickering vision from the neckline earlier, Ye Luo was absolutely sure that he was right.

it's gone now?
Ye Luo reached out, wanting to touch the village chief's chest.

"You, you really want that!" Jiang Xiyue couldn't stand it anymore, and grabbed Ye Luo's hand.

At this moment, the village chief seemed to feel something. When he woke up, his eyes were filled with panic. He looked at Ye Luo first, and then at the ancient prince of Zhongzhou.

"You, what do you want to do? I, why did I faint again." The village chief panicked.

The ancient prince Long Yunfei was indifferent, and he didn't even look at the village chief. A village chief who is just an ordinary villager without a trace of cultivation, in his eyes, is really inferior to an ant!
"Well, you, don't be afraid, we have no malicious intentions." Jiang Xiyue comforted the village chief.

"Hahaha, he should really be afraid. If he doesn't wake up, what, hehe, little girl of the Mo family, I said that your social experience is too inexperienced. Can you tell that Donghuang has this habit?" Chen Pipi Laugh out loud.

"We have to find a way to get out of here. The number of alien beasts from the outside world seems to be increasing, and they have surrounded this place tightly. They dare not rush into this temple for the time being, but what will happen next?" Qin Luoyi, who was speaking, suddenly spoke in silence.

Chen Pipi's laughter stopped quickly.

"Maybe, if the beast doesn't go away, or just because the crocodile doesn't go away, we'll be trapped to death in this temple." Gu Hongzhuang also said suddenly, and everyone's eyes have basically turned from the young villager. Remove the long body.

An ordinary person with no cultivation base and a practitioner are two worlds at all, and they don't attract any attention at all.

Ye Luo also withdrew his hand and eyes, and seemed to have given up his doubts about the village chief. However, Ye Luo's vigilance was raised to the extreme at this time.

"Keep an eye on that village chief." Ye Luo used a secret technique to send a message to the little fairy bridge beast in his pocket.

"I don't know what you said. It's just that the temple is so big. Outside, the crocodile, the ghost tree, and so many terrifying beasts have been surrounded to death, and there is no way to get out. In this temple, There are still strange crises everywhere, paralyzed, I, Chen Pipi, can't I fold it here? My day, my generation will hang the emperor..."

"No, no, we can definitely get out alive!" Jiang Xiyue shrank her body, but her eyes were extremely firm, then she pulled Layello's clothes again and asked, "You said, right? , we can get out alive."

"Hey, don't tell me, I forgot, boy, how did you make sure that in this temple, the only way you walked is the safest way, and how do you know that there can't be fire?" Chen Pipi Suddenly he looked at Ye Luo.

"Intuition." Ye Luo said casually.

"Really?" Qin Luoyi looked at Ye Luo.

"Heh!" Ye Luo smiled and said, "Isn't it?"

"A mere piece of trash dares to talk to Empress Qin like that. I'll destroy him!" At first, Ouyang Xing was strong, but after being hit continuously, he felt that he had been completely ignored. It seemed that everyone was stronger than him.

At this time, he saw that even a mere trash from the fifth level of Qi training in the Eastern Wasteland was more existential than him, and he couldn't help being furious in his frightened heart, and walked towards Ye Luo directly.

Ye Luo didn't even look at him, but suddenly raised it, and silently aimed at Ouyang Xing the Bartley sniper rifle that had been holding in his hand with a cold luster.

As for Ouyang Xing, his body froze for a moment. He suddenly remembered that Qin Luoyi had killed Hualong three times in a row after the terrifying Hualong died. .

"Ou, senior brother Ouyang, you, don't kill him, he is not wrong." Seeing this, Jiang Xiyue was startled, and quickly stopped in front of Ye Luo.

"Perhaps, you should save some effort and think about how to get out. Four people have died in your Tianjie Academy, and you may die too, especially if you die here, everyone may die. Taboo monsters In every assessment, the number of dead emperors and emperor daughters in the forest is more than two digits." Gu Hong's makeup is noble, and her delicate face is slightly cold.

In the temple, there was a slight silence.

The young village chief hid in a corner with some fear. He seemed to have completely lost his composure when he just woke up.

Others are thinking and observing something.

Ye Luo was silent, frowning, quietly, Ye Luo seemed to think of something, turned his head suddenly, and looked at the statue enshrined in the temple.

The temple was dark, and when I first entered, no one went to see the statue.

Even, no one cares what the statue is.

In the darkness, Ye Luo walked seven steps toward the statue. In the darkness, he had already reached the edge of the statue. Ye Luo could see that the statue was in the dark, with only one back.

That's right, the entire statue is just the back of a person without a real face.

It seems that what is enshrined is just a back view.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little paper figurine suddenly carved a line for the little fairy bridge beast: Xiaoqiao, do you still remember the mother-in-law of the paper-making figurine at the entrance of the village when you passed by that village on the way here?
"I, I seem to remember that she sprinkled paper money on the bridge at the entrance of the village." Xiaoxianqiao Beast thought hard and used secret techniques to transmit sound. However, its eyes listened to Ye Luo's and kept looking at it. Looking at the village chief.

"Do you feel that this back is a bit like the back of the paper man made by the mother-in-law?" the little paper man asked.

"Like it? Me, I don't know." Xiaoxianqiao Beast was at a loss.

Looking at the statue, Ye Luo frowned, closed his right eye again, opened his left eye, and carefully observed everything around him.

for a long time.

"It's over, it's over, my god, are we really trapped to death?" Chen Pipi looked around, and after thinking hard for a long time, he suddenly spoke.

The powerful and mysterious ancient prince of Zhongzhou held the ancient and sophisticated communication talisman in his hand. After trying a few times but failing to send a message, he also put it away. At the same time, in his other hand, a Zhongzhou Dynasty, every prince will have it A life-saving teleportation array, after being poured with spiritual power without the slightest spatial fluctuation, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Here, even the teleportation disk cannot be used!

Gu Hongzhuang also put away a spiritual creature like a thousand paper cranes. It seemed that the spiritual creature was also affected by some kind of eyes in this temple.

In Ouyang Xing's eyes, fear became more and more powerful.

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old Jiang Xiyue tugged on Layelo's clothes and asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid of death?"

Are you afraid of dying?
Ye Luo didn't answer, but Ye Luo's body suddenly moved. Ye Luo closed his right eye and opened his left eye, and suddenly turned to the right side, walking in a diagonally backward direction for eleven step position.

Afterwards, Ye Luo bent down, clasped an old and ancient bluestone floor with his hand, and yanked it up.

PS: I recommend a friend a free new book "Young Heroes of the Anti-Japanese War". It tells the story of a ruffian boy who joins the anti-Japanese team in order to pursue the only female college student in the county. And passionate, classic not to be missed, please support us a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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