Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 867 Taboo Pattern

Chapter 867 Taboo Pattern
Ye Luo's words were calm, but there was a moment of silence in the temple again.

"Damn it, I didn't see it. Apart from being a lucky person, you are also black-bellied. You have the lowest level of cultivation here. You realized it so quickly. If there is no such trash village chief, you will be the one who explores the way." , Tsk tsk, yes, you don't consider being my follower?" Chen Pipi broke the silence.

After a few minutes.

The trembling, uncultivated village chief was the first to enter the dark hole under the floor under the strong aura and threatening eyes of the crowd.

"This, isn't it good? He's just an ordinary person." Jiang Xiyue seemed a little unbearable.

"Junior Sister, this was originally a world where the weak preyed on the strong. This is the first time you have come out to practice, and you will understand later." Ouyang Xing said.

Outside the temple, the atmosphere became more and more depressing and terrifying. Terrifying, powerful alien beasts were still gathering.

No one in this temple is a fool. No matter how they behave, they all maintain extreme calmness and vigilance. After making quick judgments, they all entered the dark passage one by one.

Ye Luo was the last one to go down. Before going down, Ye Luo took a deep look at the back of the weird statue.


Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, the forbidden area behind the mountain, on the star observation platform.

"Kowloon's coffin fell on the sacred mountain of the forbidden monster forest five days ago." An approachable old man dressed in traditional academy teacher's clothes, on the ancient, sacred, and mysterious stargazing platform, exuded A pot of green grass with only three leaves is watered by a kettle that fluctuates with mysterious laws.

"Jiulong pulls the coffin?" On the observatory, an existence with hair like white silk and a slight breath that shattered the void suddenly stood up.

"In the forest, the communication has been cut off. There are rumors that someone once saw an ancient village in the village."

"What? According to the legend, the one before the ancient times, the village that caused the emperor to search for it in the ancient times, but never found it?"


Zhongzhou Dynasty, an ancient imperial city.

"That ancient village was born. Before the ancient times, there were three supreme emperors who shed blood in that village. In ancient times, seven ancient emperors searched in the forbidden monster forest several times but failed."

"Perhaps, it has something to do with the Nine Dragons Coffin. That coffin has existed for eternity. Before the ancient times, that coffin had already appeared. The Nine Dragons Coffin, the Holy Mountain, and that village, our people, have already gone? "

"Already set off, the various ancient academies, and people from some mysterious forces have also received news, but that village is extremely strange, and many people have clearly seen it, but when they went back, they couldn't find that village. traces of the village.

I suspect that around the village, there are things that surpass the formation pattern of the Great Emperor, and the forest of taboo monsters is vast. It is difficult to find the village under the formation pattern. "


Under the temple, the passage was pitch black.

The passage continued downward, and as it went down, the space became larger and larger. In Ye Luo's hand, at some point, he took out a compass that was before the world changed.

"This direction is towards that village." Ye Luo whispered in the darkness.

"What, the village?" Jiang Xiyue was the closest to Ye Luo, and couldn't help but wonder.

"When I came here, I observed that the location of the temple is in the southeast of the village, and the location of the village should be in the northwest of the temple." Ye Luo said.

"No, I can't go any further!" Suddenly, after walking for about half an hour, the pale-faced village head suddenly spoke out in panic.

Everyone's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The magic tools in everyone's hands, or the light on the fluorite, dispelled the darkness in front of them, but far away, it was still dark and raging.

"Why can't we go? Isn't there nothing in front?" Chen Pippi glanced forward, wondering.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The temperature, yes, it's a bit cold." The village chief said.

"Cold?" Chen Pipi was stunned for a moment, and then directly took out a third-rank sable skin from the storage ring, and made a robe worth thousands of spirit stones, and threw it to that person like throwing garbage. The village chief opened his mouth and said, "Let's go!"

Everyone's aura was strong, the village chief took the robe and put it on in a panic. After that, he paused again, and continued to walk forward as if there was nothing unusual.

Ye Luo followed behind everyone.

However, Ye Luo stopped at the spot where the young man had just stopped, and Ye Luo used his foot to push away the thin layer of dust that had been standing on the spot where the young man was standing before.

Under the dust, there was an extremely dim pattern carved on the slate under the ground that could not be seen without careful observation. It had existed for an unknown amount of time, silently appearing in Ye Luo's eyes.

The first pattern is a strange symbol, and the second pattern is an ancient small tower whose true face cannot be seen. The third pattern is a dark figure whose true face cannot be seen clearly.

The fourth pattern, as well as the ones after it, seemed to have been deliberately destroyed by someone!
And in the place where it was destroyed, there was actually a nursery rhyme left. The content of the nursery rhyme is astonishingly: the big rabbit is dead, the second rabbit looks, the third rabbit buys medicine, the fourth rabbit boils, the fifth rabbit dies, the sixth rabbit Lift it, seven rabbits dig a hole, eight rabbits bury it, nine rabbits sit on the ground and cry, ten rabbits ask why it is crying?Nine Rabbits said, Five Rabbits will never come back...

The font of nursery rhymes is very naive, like a child who has just learned to write, doodling casually.

Ye Luo's body shook violently, and he fixed his eyes on the nursery rhyme.

Before the world changed, Ye Luo had seen this nursery rhyme on the Internet. Ye Luo even saw this nursery rhyme once in the villa of a rich man who died tragically during a mission.

On the Internet, this nursery rhyme was once called the scariest and weirdest nursery rhyme.

How could this nursery rhyme that should have belonged to the era of technology before the great change of the world appear here?Could it be that this nursery rhyme appeared a long time ago?
Ye Luo suddenly remembered the once sensational event. In [-], a scholar who studied ancient culture died strangely at home. Before he died, he was holding an isolated copy of "Book of Changes" in his hand. , he wrote a sentence on the ninth page of the Book of Changes: The big rabbit is dead.

"Ye Luo, why don't you leave?" Seeing that Ye Luo didn't follow, Jiang Xiyue couldn't help shouting.

"Come here." Ye Luo said.

"Ah, then, what is that?" In the dark passage, the village chief's frightened voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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