Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 868 The End of the Passage

Chapter 868 The End of the Passage

The village chief yelled in horror, backed away in a panic, his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground.

In the dark and silent passage, the village chief's voice was particularly abrupt, and everyone else was startled by the powerful aura on his body, which fluctuated silently.

"Huh! Is the passage at the end?" Behind Ouyang Xing, a disciple of Tianshan Academy couldn't help but startled to speak amidst the light emitted by the magic weapon.

"Damn, let me tell you why the village chief was so scared. There is an empty space in front of it. It looks like a hall built by someone. There are several third-order ogre spiders inside." The fat man said Taking two steps forward, from the storage ring, towards the front, sprinkled a fluorite the size of a pigeon egg, and the light on the fluorite illuminated a space.

In front of the passage, there is a space about the size of a small palace. In the space, spider webs are criss-crossed. The space is dilapidated and has existed for an unknown number of years.

The disc-sized, pitch-black spider with a ferocious face stood on the web in the darkness, staring at them with its pitch-black eyes, as if sizing up its prey.

Just at a glance, everyone saw as many as four of them!

Ye Luo suddenly saw this scene as well.

However, Ye Luo suddenly closed his right eye, opened his left eye, and suddenly saw, in this underground space, an ancient, dark, ancient coffin made of unknown material, standing silently in this underground hall the central.

"Isn't it just a few third-order ogre spiders who are so afraid of being so cowardly, heh, I'll clean it up." Ouyang Xing, who had almost no sense of existence, was almost helpless after being blown up and slapped in the face. All the time, not thinking about how to re-establish his own image in front of the noble and extremely beautiful Gu Hongzhuang, and the young geniuses of the other three major forces, Chen Pipi, Qin Luoyi and Long Yunfei.

He had already tidied up his embarrassing appearance in the process of walking earlier. At this time, he suddenly stepped forward, and took out a three-spirited three-piece from the storage ring. Chi Lingjian.

He quickly condensed a powerful imprint with both hands, and injected it into the spirit sword.

The spirit sword flew up quietly.

Killing intent soared!
"Don't do it. Among the ancient books in our village, the spider is a sacred object. It, it will not actively attack people. I, we can go around through the gaps in the spider's web.

At the other end of this hall, there should be a passage leading to the outside world. "The village chief who was frightened on the ground suddenly remembered something, and grabbed Ouyang Xing's leg.

"Sacred objects? Just these few ogre spiders? Stupid, mere mortals with no cultivation, what do you know, to treat a few spiders as holy objects! I will show you what they really look like today." The aura on Ouyang Xing's legs fluctuated slightly, and the village chief was shocked back.

Qin Luoyi, Chen Pipi, Long Yunfei, and Gu Hongzhuang all looked at this scene indifferently without speaking.

Ye Luo had already walked to Jiang Xiyue's side, opened his left eye, and looked at the ogre spider, but didn't feel any dangerous aura from the spider.

"It's just a few spiders. Maybe we can avoid them." In Ye Luo's mind, he was still thinking about the three mysterious patterns and the nursery rhyme he saw before, and said something , did not care.

"Haha, village chief, and that trash from Donghuang, you two know why only you two stopped me from killing these third-order ogre spiders, and no one else stopped them?
That's because you two are too weak!
Even a mere third-order ogre spider is afraid. People like you can't do anything big in this life. Ouyang Xing laughed contemptuously, and finally regained a little bit of the author's superior feeling of a genius.

The spirit sword in his hand disappeared in a flash!

When the sword came out, the spider made a hasty and angry sound. However, the third-order ogre spider is only equivalent to the strength of the early stage of Jindan, and although Ouyang Xing has been beaten continuously, his strength has already broken through Nascent Soul. realm.

The strength gap is extremely wide.

The pitch-black blood was spilled, and several spiders, with almost no room to resist, were directly beheaded!

Ouyang Xing took a step forward and entered the ancient palace. He controlled the spirit sword in front, which looked extremely powerful.

Seeing this, the others also followed into the ancient palace.


Chen Pipi casually took out a dozen or so fluorites worth hundreds of Lingshi from the storage ring, and sprinkled them in different directions.

The fluorite radiance is holy, and as the fluorite sprinkled down in the hall, it suddenly lit up.


"Ancient coffin?"

"A tree of enlightenment?"

"Ah, what is this place, why is there that symbol!"

Stepping into the main hall, the moment the light came on, everyone looked around vigilantly, and the sound rang out!
The ancient hall was empty and silent, with a full radius of a thousand steps. Spider webs made up for it. In the center of the hall, an ancient and huge coffin stood silently. Above, there were bursts of chanting.

Around the coffin and the tree was a dry pond with a radius of hundreds of paces. In the pond, there were some dandelion-like plants.

And in front of the passage, there is a small stone bridge, passing through the dry pool, stretching to the position of the coffin.

However, five skeletons were scattered on the small bridge!

"What exactly is this place?" Ouyang Xing's eyes were fixed on the center of the dry pool, on the Enlightenment Tree exuding strange law fluctuations and chanting sutras!
Almost everyone in the practice world does not know about the Enlightenment Tree!

Some people even call the Enlightenment Tree a holy tree, just like holding a leaf of the Enlightenment Tree in their mouths to cultivate, it can nearly double the speed of a person's cultivation.

Rumor has it that the largest auction in Zhongzhou, the Jiuding Auction, once sold the price of a single leaf at a sky-high price of 1000 million top-grade spirit stones!
In the ancient times, there was a saint-level existence that surpassed the giants of all ages. He once forged a tree of enlightenment into a holy weapon. With this holy weapon, he contended against the half-step emperor!

The gazes of the others also quietly looked at the legendary tree!
But the fearful village chief, who had no cultivation base, fell to the ground seemingly unintentionally when everyone was looking at the tree. The ground he fell happened to be a third-order ogre The location where the spider's blood dripped.

He silently stained his body with blood.

Ye Luo's gaze was in the dark, taking in all of this.

However, at this time, Ye Luo was deeply attracted by another thing, and cold sweat broke out from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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