Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 869 Ice Corpse Ghost Butterfly

Chapter 869 Ice Corpse Ghost Butterfly
The thing that attracted Ye Luo was by the pool, three steps to the left of the entrance of the stone bridge, a dilapidated lantern that looked like it had been kicked unintentionally, lying on the ground for countless years, covered in dust!
On the lantern, there is a imprint of a grimace that seems to be crying but not crying and not smiling!

How could there be such a mark here?

What about the lantern?

Could it be that the mysterious eternal ghost face came to this place countless years ago?
"Go, you go and bring me back that Enlightenment Tree!" Ouyang Xing's eyes were frantic. Although he was beaten in the face one after another, as a young genius who had cultivated to the Nascent Soul realm, he was definitely not stupid.

There were skeletons on the bridge, and this place was so weird, he didn't go by himself, but grabbed a peripheral student of Tianshan Academy who was behind him.

Afterwards, he looked at Gu Hongzhuang with a faint smile, and said, "Junior Sister Gu, I'm giving this Enlightenment Tree to you. I only need ten leaves, and the rest will belong to you. How about it?"

Seeing this, Ye Luo couldn't help squinting his eyes. This Ouyang Xing is really not stupid. In front of the peerless geniuses of the four academies, Ouyang Xing's strength is indeed weaker. Take precautions, Ouyang Xing wants to draw one as an ally.

Ouyang Xing should be very clear that it is absolutely impossible for him to take him away by himself.

"Hey, hey, hey! Ouyang Xing from Tianshan Academy, you really regard this Enlightenment Tree as your own, my god, paralyzed, let alone you, even if you call your Tiansheng from Tianshan Academy over, you See if he dares to say that? You really take yourself so seriously." Seeing this, Chen Pipi spoke directly.

The Southern Border Empress was silent and did not speak.

The Prince of Zhongzhou, Long Yunfei, said calmly, "I want to understand the trunk of the Dao tree."

The tone was flat, but with a touch of indisputability.

"There is a tree of enlightenment in front of the coffin, what will be inside the coffin?" Gu Hongzhuang asked suddenly.

What's in the coffin, and what's the place here?Everyone has already thought of this question in their hearts, but the most fascinating thing in front of them is the Enlightenment Tree!
"Go and pull out the Enlightenment Tree first." Ouyang Xing ordered in an orderly tone to the outlying disciples of Tianshan Academy whom he pulled over.

The outer disciples of Tianshan Mountain also have the peak of Jindan, and they are also a powerful young generation in Donghuang, but in Zhongzhou, they are only outer disciples.

There was some trembling in his eyes, but he quickly looked at the village head who seemed to be intimidated on the ground, and Ye Luo, who was practicing Qi at the fifth level.

"You two, come with me and walk in front of me." The peripheral disciple moved his body, revealing a powerful aura. Here, he is not the weakest.

"No, no, yes, there is a curse, there is a curse." The village chief shouted indiscriminately.

"What a curse, come with me!" The peripheral disciple at the peak of Jindan mentioned the village head as easily as a chicken, and then he looked at Ye Luo again and said, "What are you in a daze for? If you die, follow me!"

Ouyang Xing looked at this scene coldly and did not stop him.

"You, how could you do this?" Seeing this, Jiang Xiyue couldn't help being slightly annoyed, and directly took out the black machine crossbow with a cold luster from before.

The peripheral disciple couldn't help but froze. Then, he just gave Ye Luo a hard look, turned around and carried the village chief, and walked towards the bridge.

Ye Luo's hand silently moved away from Xiaoxianqiao Beast's head.

The peripheral disciple walked onto the bridge, being extremely careful. With both hands, he raised the panicked village chief, stood in front of him, and walked step by step towards the ancient tree of enlightenment.

After a few minutes, there was no surprise at all.

In extreme vigilance, he directly stepped over the five skeletons on the bridge.

However, under the bridge, in the dry pool, the dandelion-like plant flew up a blue thing like a dandelion, floating in the air.

That disciple arrived in front of the Enlightenment Tree.

His face was overjoyed, and he threw the trembling and frightened village chief aside.

His hand stretched quietly towards the ancient tree of enlightenment.

On the tree, mysterious laws flowed, and above the leaves, there were bursts of mysterious chanting sounds, but, in addition to these, there were also a group of butterflies with crystal clear wings flying among the leaves, fluttering their wings.

No one cared about the weak butterfly.

His hand grabbed the ancient tree.


Grab the old tree with your hand, and the old tree shakes.

The butterflies flying among the Enlightenment Trees suddenly startled, and the closest butterflies flew down suddenly, and one of them touched his hand in an instant.


On the face, the outer disciple of Tianshu Academy, who was still in surprise before, suddenly changed his face, and suddenly let out an extremely tragic cry, and his hands were instantly black.

Moreover, the dark traces were quickly running along his arms and towards his body.

He screamed and backed away.


He didn't look at the things behind him at all. As he stepped back, he bumped directly into the dilapidated coffin that had existed for an unknown number of years.

The coffin didn't seem to be heavy, but it shook a bit when it was loaded.

It wasn't just one that he alarmed, but Kazuki!
The first touched his hand, and the second directly touched his neck.

His screams became more and more violent. Before the third one fell, the black marks on his neck had spread to his head and heart. It is vulnerable and useless.

His voice stopped abruptly.

His body, almost within two seconds, turned into a puddle of black water, not even bones left!

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts!
However, the butterflies with crystal-clear wings seemed to have been completely alarmed. They seemed to smell the breath of strangers, and they flew towards everyone suddenly.

"Come on!"

Ye Luo's voice suddenly sounded, and he pulled Jiang Xiyue from the Mo family, and retreated violently.

"Damn it, what the hell is this? How do I look at it? It looks like an ice ghoul butterfly?" Chen Pipi said in surprise, and she had already retreated abruptly. Ye Luo was seriously injured, and she didn't retreat fast. Chen Pipi's speed was as fast as soon.

Seeing a group of butterflies rushing towards them, the others retreated violently.

However, when Chen Pipi retreated to the entrance of the passageway he had come from before, his body stopped suddenly, as if he had hit an invisible wall, and he was unable to return to the passageway.

"Damn, what is this? The passage is sealed by an invisible restriction, and I can't get out!" Chen Pipi was shocked. From the ring, he quietly took out a black dagger and stabbed it in the restricted area. above.

(End of this chapter)

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