Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 871 Ye Luo opens the coffin 2

Chapter 871 Ye Luo opens the coffin 2
Is the Enlightenment Tree a fake?

How long will spider blood last?
Use a machine crossbow gun, aim at the coffin, want to open the coffin?
Before Jiang Xiyue could react to Ye Luo's quick words, she saw that Ye Luo's hand was already on the coffin lid!
Ye Luo really wants to open the coffin.

"Ah, ghost, curse, curse, the coffin cannot be moved, if you open the coffin, everyone will die..." The village head was pale, terrified, and seemed to be talking nonsense.

He started to stumble, approaching Ye Luo.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the Little Fairy Bridge Beast saw this, and suddenly lifted up the imprint condensed by both hands, and a mark was also condensed on the little paper figurine's hand, and touched the Little Fairy Bridge Beast.

Outside the dry pond, Gu Hongzhuang, Chen Pipi, Gu Huangzi, Qin Luoyi, Ouyang Xing and a group of people heard Jiang Xiyue's voice amidst the ice ghoul discs that filled the sky.

At the same time, they all saw Ye Luo's abrupt movements.

Seeing the scene where the spider's blood was smeared on Chen Pipi's face and the spider's attack suddenly stopped, Gu Hongzhuang almost didn't hesitate to directly stain her body with the pitch-black spider blood.

She didn't look at Chen Pipi's stiff expression on her face, she turned around and rushed towards the center of the dry pool.

And Ye Luo's hand was already on the ancient coffin.


At this moment, on the coffin lid, a hidden butterfly twice the size of an ordinary ice ghoul dish suddenly flew out from the edge of the coffin lid and bit Ye Luo's hand straight.

"Ah! Be careful!"

Jiang Xiyue finally came to her senses, and couldn't help but exclaim when she saw this scene.

However, Ye Luo was already on guard when he reached out his hand. The moment the butterfly flew out, Ye Luo suddenly withdrew his hand like lightning. In the storage ring, the sniper rifle he had already prepared , instantly appeared in Ye Luo's hand.


A bullet that had already been filled with compressed energy by the little fairy bridge beast flew out in less than a tenth of a second when Ye Luo fine-tuned the muzzle and pulled the trigger.


The bullet collided with the larger ice ghoul disc, and there was a piercing, sharp explosion sound like the collision of gold and stone. Where the collision occurred, the void swayed.

However, under the impact of the terrifying bullet, the ice ghoul did not die directly like the previous butterfly. There were only a burst of strange lines on its body, which suddenly flashed brightly, and its body was knocked crooked!
The next moment, it seemed to be provoked by a humble and weak person, and rushed towards Ye Luo in terror.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed fiercely.

Xiaoxianqiao Beast also saw this scene, and a flash of anxiety flashed in its dull eyes.

"Keep an eye on the village chief, leave me alone." Ye Luo sent a message to Xiaoxianqiao Beast almost without hesitation.

The village chief, who had already stumbled and seemed vulnerable, approached in panic.

The one-size-larger Ice Corpse Ghost Disc exudes a terrifying, icy, and strong yin aura, and it flies closer with the wings of mysterious and powerful laws.

"Ah! Run, run..."

In the moment of life and death, Jiang Xiyue was holding a machine crossbow gun specially made for her by the old man of the Mo family in his hand, and the aura fluctuated on his body. He pulled Ye Luo and wanted to run behind him.

However, even though Ye Luo's body was seriously injured, he still stood there, motionless, and the calmness in his eyes made one's heart palpitate.

"As I said just now, let you use the machine crossbow gun to aim at the ancient coffin."

The moment Jiang Xiyue turned around and ran, Ye Luo's voice suddenly rang in her ears, and at the next moment, she suddenly felt that her hand was lightened suddenly, and the machine crossbow she was holding in her hand was already strange. appeared in Ye Luo's hands.

She didn't even see clearly how the young monk from Donghuang, who seemed to have only five levels of Qi training and was seriously injured, took the machine crossbow from her hand.

Immediately afterwards, she faintly heard a familiar, shocking sound of a powerful machine crossbow firing.


The icy-cold and pitch-black three-inch javelin fired by the machine crossbow, engraved with mysterious symbols, was spot on. It completely hit the mutated, one-size-larger ice javelin that had already flown down one meter in front of Ye Luo. On the ghoul disc!

This machine crossbow gun was tailor-made by the old man of the Mo family to save Jiang Xiyue's life. Its power can even break through the defense of an ancient giant in the fusion period.

The mutated, one-size-larger ice ghoul disc, even though it is powerful, can't handle the terrifying javelin. The javelin burst, and the law on the butterfly rioted, shattered, and the javelin penetrated the butterfly's body!
But Ye Luo stretched out his hand when he pulled the trigger of the crossbow gun, grabbed the lid of the coffin very calmly, and forcefully used the force of devouring force upwards, and directly lifted it to go.


The lid of the ancient coffin was lifted!


At the same time, in an ancient village, in a yard, donkey meat soup was boiling in a pot, and the fire was burning and beating.

"Village chief, our village is not allowed to go out when it's dark. Why did you go out tonight?" Outside the yard, not far away, in the darkness, the voice of the little girl holding candied haws came again.

In the yard, Fatty, Wu Banxian, Medicine Jar, Bookworm, Pig, Bronze Man, Ye Feihong, Han Wenqing, Situ Yan, Nangong Sheng and other people all heard this voice.

All the bodies couldn't help shaking.

The village chief of this village is back?
Does the return of the village chief mean that all the doubts in their hearts will be solved?
"I have something to do today. Come with me and help entertain the guests from outside." In the darkness, the voice of the person called the village head by the little girl came from the darkness.

Then, a sound of footsteps came from the darkness.

"Damn, why do I feel a little nervous, what the hell, I'm just the head of a village, so nervous." The white-skinned pig grinned and said.

"How do I feel that the donkey meat in the pot is getting more and more delicious?" Fatty suddenly said a word at this moment.

"Hey, what time is this? Why do you still smell the smell of meat?" As the number one coward in the ages, he stood at the end of the crowd. The bronze man has lived for so many years, but most of the time he has been sleeping, and he has nothing to say. I have seen this village.

The footsteps are getting closer.

"Wow, woof, woof! I'm going to bite you..." In the depths of the village, the donkey's voice, which hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly sounded again at this moment, but it was infected again. It seemed that something cut off the voice directly.


The door is open!
(End of this chapter)

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