Chapter 872
The door opened.

In the courtyard, under the iron pot, the fire flickered, and the fire light passed through the darkness, shining three feet away from the door.

Outside the door, a young man with a pale face and a thin body, and a little girl who had appeared before eating candied haws appeared in everyone's sight.

All eyes suddenly turned to the young man.

If Ye Luo and his party were here, they would surely find that the young village head in front of the yard looks exactly the same as the village head beside them found in the temple!
Between heaven and earth, are there two people who are exactly alike?

"Ahem..." The young village chief coughed twice, and seemed to be in poor health. He also looked at the crowd, with surprise on his face, astonishment and nervousness.

He seemed to spend two seconds to organize his words, and said, "So many people? We haven't seen outsiders in our village for many years."

Then, he seemed to be in a hurry, walked into the yard, and said, "Are you all outsiders? My yard is simple, there is no place for entertaining, and there is no room to sit. In this way, you come with me to our village." School, sit down first."

"Well, it doesn't matter whether you entertain or not, what kind of village are you in?" The fat man was vigilant, and asked first.

"Zhangjia Village." The young village head replied, and then said: "Well, let me get you some bowls and put some donkey meat soup in it. Let's warm up first."

"Hey, don't worry, what, what's the origin of your village?" The fat man asked again.

"Our village? Our village has existed for many years. I don't know the specific origin. We have lived here for generations. We live by hunting and farming on weekdays. I heard from the old people in the village that our village has already Thousands of years ago," replied the young village chief.

"Are there many monks in your village? Hunting in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest?" The fat man couldn't help being surprised, and the eyes of the others were also slightly focused.

"No, we are all mortals in our village. However, we lived here in the village, and we know that there are hundreds of miles around, where are the places where powerful beasts live, and those are the areas where ordinary beasts live. We only hunt wild beasts... "The young village chief gave the same explanation as the person who was exactly like him in the temple.

"Really, if you were just an ordinary village, how could the cultivators of Tianjie Academy die when they went out just now? The human skin is still here!" Han Wenqing, who dominates the library, suddenly said coldly.

"Well, our village has a rule that has been passed down for thousands of years, that is, you must never go out when it is dark. Once you go out after dark, you may encounter terrible changes.

For thousands of years in our village, very few people have gone out in the dark. As for the cause of the horrible mutation, our village has spent a lot of time and life searching, but we have not found a clue.

Later, because everyone who went out would die, almost no one in our village went out in the dark. "The village chief explained patiently.

"Then why did you go out, and why are you safe and sound?" The beautiful and innocent Ye Feihong from Star Academy suddenly asked.

"I have yellow paper money with me." The village chief said while taking down a cloth bag made of needlework from his body. In the cloth bag, there were some cut paper money with a circle on the outside and a square on the inside. He continued: "I forgot earlier." Having said that, if you really want to go out at night, you can sprinkle paper money while walking, so that you will basically not encounter any scary things, but we basically don’t use this method.”

"Why?" the fat man asked.

"Because it is very difficult to make this kind of yellow paper money. You need to use the best and tenderest reeds that grow on the Qingming Festival outside the village, by the stream, to make paper and cut it into paper money. The paper money is buried under the ashes of the incense burner for seven years. After that, a drop of cow's tears needs to be dripped on each paper money before it can be used.

This method was also passed down from the ancestors. In our village, almost no one uses it, unless there is an emergency. "The village chief explained.

In the courtyard, the fire continued to burn, the pot was boiling, and the smell of donkey meat permeated the entire courtyard.

Have such a strange custom?

In this village, why can't you go out at night?What is the mutation in the dark night?
How true is the village chief's words?

"Well, since your village can't go out unless it is absolutely necessary, why did you go out today?" The fat man asked again.

"This matter is a bit strange to say, I stewed the donkey meat before the sun set today, and went out. I originally wanted to go to the butcher's house in the village and invite him to come over for a drink.

However, when I walked to the third mother-in-law's house, I saw a strange donkey and entered the yard. After entering the yard, the strange donkey seemed to want to steal an ancient lamp on the stove of the third mother-in-law's house. In this way, the donkey stole the lamp, and even urinated on the stove.

When I saw it at the time, I picked up a wooden stick, trying to drive away the donkey that had entered the village from nowhere.

But who knew that the donkey could talk. It first said something human, and then it knocked on my head with a hoof, knocking me unconscious at the third mother-in-law's house.

Later, after I woke up, it was already dark, and the donkey was gone.

After that, I borrowed some yellow paper money at the third mother-in-law's house, and scattered it all the way back, and then, I saw you. "As the village chief said, he rubbed his head. On his forehead, there was actually a red and swollen mark that looked like a donkey's hoof.

"It's from Marle Gobi, what the hell is that cheating donkey?" Hearing this, the fat man, coupled with the sound of the donkey he heard earlier, is basically very sure that the cheating donkey is also in this village. inside.

Wu Banxian, the nerd and the medicine jar looked at each other, and there were some silent fluctuations in the depths of their eyes.

"Ah! You, you two, why do you have this thing on your body? A curse?" Suddenly, the village chief looked at Situ Yan and Nangong Sheng, and his voice was filled with horror.

Situ Yan and Nangong Sheng, who were strong, domineering, and domineering in Tianjie Academy, couldn't help but change their faces when they heard the sound. They couldn't help but follow the village chief's gaze and looked over.

They suddenly saw that on the forearm of their right hand, at some point, there was a strange and trembling imprint of two bright red rabbit eyes.

"What's that?" Fatty asked in astonishment.

"It's a curse, you, you two, are you a cursed person? No, you can't stay in my yard, otherwise, everyone will die. Quick, the mark of the rabbit's eyes is about to close, Hurry up and leave!" The village head became more and more panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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