Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 879 Lies in the Darkness

Chapter 879 Lies in the Darkness
"When we came out, the headless man disappeared." Ye Luo suddenly said something when everyone was looking at the shocked Jiang Xiyue who was speechless.

"What? Disappeared?" Chen Pipi was taken aback for a moment.

"Yeah." Ye Luo nodded.

"How is it possible, why did that thing disappear? My day, I first pretended to be an Ice Soul Saint, and then used a terrifying secret technique, which almost killed us, and then disappeared?" Chen Pipi's eyes were full of doubts.

"Maybe it has some urgent business to leave!" Ye Luo said casually.

After that, Ye Luo's gaze turned to the only remaining solitary grave on the platform between the abyss and the cliff, and the person in front of the grave who seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

Ye Luo took two steps closer to the lonely grave and the man in front of the grave, and looked at the waist of the man digging the ground who seemed to be unconscious in front of the grave.

Around his waist hangs an ancient plaque that looks like gold but not gold, jade but not jade. Two ancient characters are engraved on it. Those two ancient characters seem to be something from ancient times. Ye Luo can barely recognize that Two words: Bing Po!
Ye Luo's eyes narrowed quietly, and he suddenly remembered the appearance of the legendary Ice Soul Saint that the headless corpse had transformed into.

Ice Soul?

Why did the headless corpse transform into the appearance of the Ice Soul Saint before, instead of the appearance of other legendary powers, or even the appearance of the Great Emperor? Perhaps, he has seen the Ice Soul Saint.

And in front of the grave, this person can no longer see clearly, as if he has lost consciousness, law and spiritual power, like a zombie in front of the grave, as a grave guard hoeing the ground, his identity, is it the one in the legend? Ice Soul Saint?

"Headless man, really disappeared?" After hearing Ye Luo's words, Gu Hongzhuang looked at Jiang Xiyue, who was so shocked that she was speechless.


In Jiang Xiyue's mind, it couldn't help recurring over and over again. Ye Luo had cleanly broke through the dark tide before, and beheaded the headless corpse with another sword. Moreover, another one came out of Ye Luo's pocket. The scene of the strange, terrifying and powerful bloody mouth directly swallowing the powerful headless corpse.

"Hey, hey! Xiao Yueyue, what's wrong with you? Why don't you talk? I didn't say, you are also a member of the Mo family, and you were admitted to the Hongxiu Academy. How can you be so scared? What's the matter? When you came out, Has the headless corpse really disappeared?" Chen Pipi also looked at Jiang Xiyue.

"Xiao, disappeared." Jiang Xiyue finally came back to her senses, and for some reason, she followed Ye Luo's words and continued, even she was taken aback when she finished speaking.

"Damn, this is weird. What the hell does this mean? This headless man is playing with us? This shit, run away after beating?" Chen Pipi saw Jiang Xiyue open his mouth, and finally felt a little bit confused. Believe it.

There was some confusion in Jiang Xiyue's mind. She didn't know why when she just spoke, she wanted to hide the scene just now for Ye Luo.

Ye Luo seemed to have saved her three times without making a fuss.

Jiang Xiyue's eyes turned to Ye Luo. It wasn't until this moment that Jiang Xiyue suddenly felt that the man who said very little and looked very weak along the way seemed to be silent. , showing too many shocking things.

Who is this person?

"On the way here, I have been calculating our direction underground. We have been heading in the northwest direction. As far as I know, this direction is in the forest. I don't know when it will appear. In the direction of the village, we have walked about three miles now, and about two miles ahead, which is a distance of about a thousand steps, we should be able to reach the directly below the village."

The ancient prince of Zhongzhou had a mysterious and powerful imperial aura flowing around him, and his gaze suddenly turned to the northwest direction of the platform, at the end of the platform, the narrow path between the abyss and the cliff.

"Is the underground of this temple connected to the underground of that village?" Ouyang Xing escaped from death again, wiped the cold sweat from his brow, swallowed, and tried his best to maintain a calm and strong image .

"Maybe, or maybe, under that village and the temple, there is a secret that has been buried for countless years." The mysterious and powerful aura on the ancient prince fluctuated slightly.

Since ancient times, for countless years, too many secrets have been buried in the vast and endless land. In the endless history, too many unknowns have been buried in the years.

Gu Hongzhuang took a deep look at Jiang Xiyue and said, "Xiaoyue, don't trust men."

Jiang Xiyue's body froze suddenly, Senior Sister Gu, did you see something?

"Fuck, whoever is in front of him, the village chief, hey, crap, you are still alive. As a mere mortal, it is not easy for you to survive until now. Don't look at it, you are the weakest. Pathfinder, maybe the end of the path between the abyss and the cliff is your village, hurry up." Chen Pipi glanced left and right, and grabbed the village head.

"Look, let's go, everyone be prepared, no one knows what's ahead, but now we have no choice but to move forward." Although Chen Pipi is a talker, he is very decisive in doing things. After a quick look around, he had already made a decision.

As for the grave, and the seemingly unconscious man digging the ground in front of the grave, everyone has seen it, but everyone can feel that both the grave and the person are a little weird.

Chen Pippi just glanced at it, apparently unwilling to touch it.

"Who will be buried in this grave?" Seeing Ye Luo in front of the grave, Qin Luoyi had been stunned for a while, and suddenly said something.

"Whatever it is doing, let's go out first, I feel that this grave cannot be moved easily." Chen Pipi said.

"I feel the same way." Ye Luo nodded, finally moved his eyes away from the man who hoeed the ground, stepped up, and walked directly to the northwest, the end of the path.

However, Ye Luo took two steps, and seemed to remember something, rummaged in the space of the beads, found some yellow paper money and incense, turned around and came back, lit and scattered some in front of the grave.

"The dead rest in peace." Ye Luo whispered four words.

Then, Ye Luocai turned around again.


Seeing this, Gu Hongzhuang said a word to Jiang Xiyue and the two female nuns of Hongxiu Academy.

Chen Pipi had already led the village head to the front of Ye Luo, letting the fearful village head walk to the front of the road.

"Don't you want to know why, I suddenly drove the village chief to find the way?" Suddenly, when Chen Pipi walked up to Ye Luo, he used a secret technique to suddenly pass a sentence to Ye Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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