Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 880 The Dragon Bone Before Immemorial

Chapter 880 The Dragon Bone Before Immemorial

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed slightly, but his footsteps did not stop, nor did he speak.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange that a mortal village chief can live up to now?" Chen Pipi used the secret technique to transmit sound again, and then he used the secret technique to transmit sound again: "A monk and a mortal at the fifth level of Qi training, Is there a big difference? It is strange that he can live to this day, but is it not surprising that you have lived to this day?"

Chen Pipi turned his head and fixed his eyes on Ye Luo's face, as if he wanted to see shock or other strange expressions on Ye Luo's face when he said these words.

However, there was no wave in Ye Luo's expression, and even the frequency of his footsteps did not change, but after taking two steps, Ye Luo finally paused.

Chen Pipi was shocked, and finally a smile appeared on his face, as if, he felt that he was about to dig out a hidden secret.

"You have so much to say." Ye Luo just said a word, and then, taking a look at the steep cliff, which was already bottomless, he stepped up, followed the village chief, and walked up the only Only two trails are allowed to walk side by side.

The path meanders towards the darkness ahead, covered with moss, and the mist in the abyss is surging, bottomless, and occasionally, there will be some weird and creepy sounds under the abyss.

The path seemed to hang from the cliff, as if, countless years ago, there was a supreme power who forcibly carved this path from between the steep mountain walls with divine power.

Ye Luo stepped forward calmly.

Chen Pipi's body froze, the corners of his mouth twitched, his old face blushed, and he followed.

This small road is the only way leading to the unknown on that platform. After quickly checking every corner of the platform, the others can only keep up when they see that there is no exit.

Jiang Xiyue walked among the crowd, looking at Ye Luo's lonely and weak back from time to time.

"Ah! What is that?"

Suddenly, the path in front of him seemed to turn a corner, and the road widened a bit. At the corner, a small platform protruding from the cliff was formed.

On the protruding part, there is a huge, pale skeleton that fluctuates with a terrifying aura. On the skeleton, there seems to be a supreme rune, fluctuating silently.


Youran, at this moment, walking in the middle, Long Yunfei, the ancient prince of the ancient Zhongzhou Dynasty, suddenly raised a golden long sword behind his back, and a dragon shadow suddenly appeared on the sword , as if a golden dragon emerged from the blade.


At this very moment, that huge bone that had been placed for an unknown number of years unexpectedly trembled with terror. On top of that bone, a pitch-black, gigantic, pitch-black giant that made one feel extremely trembling and terrified emerged. The phantom of the dragon.

The phantom soared into the sky, and unexpectedly let out an old and terrifying sound, like a dragon's chant from the ancient times.

The golden dragon and the pitch-black dragon, two extremely terrifying, legendary existences, are separated above the void. Even though they are just two phantoms, they also have the supreme and terrifying majesty to suppress all races.

In the dragon chant, there was a hint of sadness.

The phantom only existed for less than a second before regaining its calmness. However, everyone felt that under the pressure of the phantom, it seemed like a long century had passed.

Even Ye Luo felt the shock.

Do creatures like dragons really exist?
I have seen that the corpse of the dragon that pulled the coffin in Nine Dragons was also a real dragon in a very distant era?

"It's the keel!" The figure of the ancient prince suddenly passed the crowd, and walked towards the front, the protruding platform at the corner.

"The sword behind me is the Dragon Scale Sword. It was cast by our Zhongzhou Dynasty, an ancient giant-level swordsmith. During the casting process, a golden giant leftover from the ancient times was added. Dragon scales!

The encounter between the dragon bone and the dragon scales aroused the supreme and mysterious dao rhyme law remaining in the two, causing phantoms. "The ancient prince of Zhongzhou, his body has already reached the huge skeleton.

That huge bone looked like a whole sternum, and the remaining ancient supreme aura was terrifying, but on that sternum, there was a huge, terrifying fist mark.

It seems that someone smashed the breastbone of this giant dragon with a punch, leaving a fist mark!

All the people have also approached and saw this scene in shock.

According to the historical records of Zhongzhou, legendary creatures like dragons no longer existed in the ancient times. Some supreme powers once speculated that before the ancient times, the dragon clan might have ruled all the races in the world.

It's just that before the ancient times, some unknowable changes happened. All the mysterious, legendary, powerful and terrifying dragons all died and disappeared.

"Who left the imprint of this fist?" Ouyang Xing swallowed.

"Dragon only existed before the ancient times. Could it be that there are things before the ancient times in front of this road?" Chen Pippi suddenly realized something else.

"Do you feel that since the Nine Dragons coffin fell on the forbidden monster forest, the deepest holy mountain, some strange changes have taken place in the forbidden monster forest. At least, all our communication symbols can no longer Use, and the strange beasts in the Forest of Forbidden Monster Beasts suddenly feel restless and restless." Qin Luoyi said suddenly.

"Damn, it seems to be the same, but what does it have to do with this place?" Chen Pipi frowned.

"Hey, look, there seems to be some dragon blood grass around the keel. There may have been dragon blood dripping here." Suddenly, Jiang Xiyue pointed to some leaves around the keel with a strong ancient, vicissitudes, and majesty. A bright red grass like a small sword.

"Dragon blood drips, dragon blood grass grows, here, shit, no one has slaughtered a dragon here, right? This dragon was beaten to death by someone here?" Chen Pipi suddenly thought of something, his eyes rolled Almost didn't stare out.

"In front, there must be something. Is it something before the ancient times?" The ancient prince of Zhongzhou saw this scene, and his powerful aura swayed violently, grabbed the panicked village chief, and pushed him directly to the end. In front, he said coldly: "Speed ​​up, keep going!"

"Ah! I, I dare not!" the village chief said in horror.

"Go! If you don't go, you will die!" A light flashed in Long Yunfei's eyes, and a powerful aura burst out, forcing the village chief to suddenly move forward again.

Ouyang Xing seemed to be aware of something, and excitement suddenly burst out in his eyes, and he quickly followed.

And Ye Luo, at this moment, walked straight to the keel.

(End of this chapter)

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