Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 881 Standing in front of the answer

Chapter 881 Standing in front of the answer (6 more tickets required)
Ye Luo walked towards the keel, bent down, and quickly picked more than 20 dragon's blood plants around the keel, which had existed for an unknown number of years, and quickly picked them.

"You, what are you doing? Although the dragon's blood grass grows on the dragon's blood, the energy in this kind of grass is abnormally messy. Before the dragon's blood grass is stained with dragon blood, it is the Spiritual grass, this kind of grass has a strange characteristic, it will dissolve the spiritual power in the human body and make people regress in cultivation.

Among them, although the dragon blood grass has the energy of dragon blood, unless it is above the saint level, it cannot be separated from the fusion between the energy of the spirit grass and the dragon blood.

Someone once forcibly consumed dragon's blood grass, and once his cultivation base collapsed two realms overnight!

Otherwise, others will not stop picking. Seeing this, Jiang Xiyue couldn't help saying something.

"Well, it just feels a little nice." Ye Luo responded.

Afterwards, Ye Luo took out the blood-red little sword again, glanced at the one that had been weathered for countless years, only some ancient, terrifying, powerful aura and law keel remained, and directly cut it into many large pieces with the little sword, and quickly hit it into his own storage ring.

In front of everyone, Ye Luo did not reveal the beads.

"I'm stupid. I've seen people who are greedy for money, but I've never seen someone who is so greedy for money. However, although this keel has existed for countless years, and the useful things in it have basically disappeared, but the keel is still a keel after all. It is true to pull it out. It can sell a lot of spirit stones." Chen Pipi touched his chin.

However, Chen Pipi didn't seem to care. Seeing Long Yunfei's back accelerating, he turned his head to look at Gu Hongzhuang, and said, "Hey, hey, tell me, what's going on in front?"

"What's the matter? Have you ever felt that I've been on the brink of death several times?" Suddenly, the mysterious and powerful Empress Nanjiang who wore a veil said something.

Chen Pipi was slightly taken aback, and the other people who heard this sentence suddenly realized something.

The atmosphere was slightly cold, and everyone was silent for a moment before moving on.

Death, is it far away?

Ye Luo also remained silent, following in the crowd, walking silently, Jiang Xiyue had already walked to Ye Luo's side at some point, and a dragon's blood grass had silently appeared in Ye Luo's hand.

In the palm of Ye Luo's right hand, the devour symbol appeared silently.

The blood-red dragon's blood grass gradually faded in color, as if the blood receded and turned green.

Ordinary people may not be able to separate them, but the power of devouring can only be controlled, and only one kind of energy can be swallowed. The separation of multiple energies is not difficult at all for the Heavenly Book Devouring Scroll.

In the Primordial Ghost Mine, Ye Luo killed two great emperors by himself, and he had exhausted everything. After being seriously injured, Ye Luo used spiritual objects to restore the almost dry blood in his body for the first time.

The dragon's blood energy separated from the dragon's blood grass is extremely violent and powerful, and the breath of dragon's blood even exceeds Ye Luo's imagination. This kind of dragon's blood grass seems to retain many original characteristics of dragon's blood.

In Ye Luo's body, the dry and injured muscles and blood veins, like a dry river bed, are devouring crazily, and the energy of the dragon's blood grass pours into the body.

Ye Luo was slightly taken aback.

A dragon's blood grass quickly turned green, and Ye Luo silently took out a second one.

The path between the abyss and the cliff was long and narrow, but the speed of everyone was not slow. After a while, the people in front stopped suddenly.

Ye Luo raised his head and looked forward.

The road has come to an end?

In Ye Luo's mind, he also quickly calculated. Ye Luo has been silently remembering the distance he traveled before, and the number of steps he took. Now, he has walked about five miles in the northwest direction.

Could it be that the location here is under the village?
"I'm leaning on leaning! There's no way? Damn it, there's an abyss in front of it? Paralyzed, what's wrong with this? Isn't this a scam? It's a fucking dog, who is it? This passage was dug?" Chen Pipi walked in the front, saw the road ahead, and was infected, and there was a bottomless abyss ahead, with strange voices coming out, so she couldn't help but cursed.

"Chen, Senior Brother Chen, look ahead, is there something?" Jiang Xiyue raised his head, pointed towards the front of the broken road, in an abyss where the edge and the bottom could not be seen.

"What's there? This place, huh!" Chen Pipi followed the direction pointed by Jiang Xiyue, looked over, and suddenly saw that in the darkness on the other side of the abyss, there seemed to be a huge, pitch-black, Can't see what's there.

Chen Pipi thought for a while, then took out another fluorite the size of a goose egg from the storage ring, and threw it far away towards the center of the abyss.

Fluorite cut through the darkness and illuminated one space.

With this momentary light, everyone instantly saw that on the other side of the abyss, there was an underground space that seemed to have been buried underground for countless years.

The light of fluorite illuminated a corner of that underground space.

They saw a huge, dilapidated bronze door that seemed to have existed for countless years. The bronze door was partially hidden, and in front of the door was a stone tablet that seemed to have been smashed in half.

On the stone tablet, two ancient words were impressively engraved: Hell!
"I, my day, earth, hell? Grass, what the hell, hell, are you kidding me, does the legendary hell really exist? Have we arrived at hell?" Chen Pipi had a momentary thought when he saw those two ancient characters. Kind of fried hair feeling.

Ye Luo's body also tensed up suddenly.

As a modern person before the great changes in the world, I have always felt that I know very little about this world, and even, in many cases, I have to do a lot of things against the sky in order to survive.


This place, which used to be in modern life, also existed in rumors, did it exist?

No, the stele of hell has been cut in half by something, the bronze gate is ajar, and it is obviously dilapidated, old and vicissitudes, as if no one has been there for countless years.

Here, it should not be a place in the legend.

Just, what exactly is this place?
Ye Luo suddenly remembered, perhaps, the upper part of this space is the village in the forest of taboo monsters that they have seen before.

The fluorite flashed away, and fell into the bottomless abyss, before the darkness returned.

"Oh my god, what the hell is this place?" Chen Pipi was shocked.

"Gu, Senior Sister Gu, the other side of the abyss, no, it can't really be the legendary hell, right?" Jiang Xiyue took a step back, her pretty face was full of shock.

"That space should be directly below the village, and we should be standing on the edge of the village." Gu Hongzhuang did not answer Jiang Xiyue's words, but was also carefully calculating something, and suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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