Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 883 Standing Before the Answer 3

Chapter 883 Standing Before the Answer 3
The abyss of [-] steps is like a moat.

"There is always a method. I can use the flying sword. The flying distance of my flying sword is [-] steps, and when flying [-] steps, it can bear the weight of [-] catties." Gu Hongzhuang suddenly Open your mouth.

"Junior Sister Gu, are you sure you're not joking? You don't want people to step on your flying sword, leap over this abyss, and go to the opposite side? Besides, there are a total of [-] steps, and the control distance of your flying sword is only [-] What about the last hundred steps?" Chen Pipi asked.

"I can control the flying king worm. Here, I can control the distance. I should be able to fly [-] steps. However, the weight of the flying king worm is only [-] catties. If someone can stand on your flying sword, fly [-] steps first. step, and finally step on the flying king worm at an accelerated speed, and it should be able to fly down the last hundred steps in an accelerated landing method.

If someone leaps, and during the leap, he takes a rope from us in his hand, and when he reaches the opposite bank, he can fix it in a place on the opposite bank, and the rest of us can fly along the rope. "Qin Luoyi said suddenly.

"No, you can try it, the space above the abyss is weird." The ancient prince of Zhongzhou suddenly said at this moment.

Gu Hongzhuang frowned slightly, and took out a green flying sword from the ring. She controlled the flying sword and flew into the void. However, when the flying sword flew about a hundred steps away, the flying sword Suddenly, it seemed to be strongly disturbed.

The flying sword began to sway over the abyss, as if drunk.

Then, the flying sword began to land, step by step as if being pulled by something, and landed towards the abyss. Gu Hongzhuang's face changed slightly, and his hands quickly condensed the condensation marks, trying to control the flying sword to fly back.

However, that emerald green, precious, and rare flying sword continued to fall as if it had not been affected at all, and finally, there was no trace of Le.

All the people, seeing this scene, fell silent again.

"Damn! What the hell is going on, the abyss is weird? My god, I suddenly remembered, we can't go back, we can't get through the abyss, are we going to be trapped to death?" Chen Pipi said.

On Ouyang Xing's waist, a specially made ancient and mysterious communication talisman suddenly vibrated. It seems that someone from the outside world used the most mysterious thing to penetrate the communication taboo of the taboo monster forest and send a message to Ouyang Xing. a message.

Ouyang Xing was shocked at first, and then, from the depths of his eyes, a frightening and greedy light burst out.

"One, we will definitely be able to go in. Here, we will definitely be able to go in!" Ouyang Xing said suddenly, and there was an inexplicable and suppressed excitement in his voice.


Zhongzhou, Tianshan Academy, in a hall on the top of the snow mountain.

"Ouyang Xing, can he receive the news we sent at such a high price?" A middle-aged man with a mysterious aura looked at an old map and asked.

"Maybe he can receive it, but in the forest of taboo monsters, the younger generation of geniuses, and even the emperors and empresses of the major academies have participated in this assessment trial, even if he receives it, with his ability, he can Find that village and get what's in it?"

"The ancient academies, the mysterious forces, and even the Zhongzhou Dynasty should have calculated something. The three supreme emperors were all destroyed in that village. Now, after countless years of silence, that village has returned. Reborn, the major forces may have used Godless Soldiers to send a message to the younger generation in trials.

That ancient communication talisman was originally supposed to be carried by Tian Yi, but I never expected that senior brother Ouyang would spoil Ouyang Xing so much that he would give that communication talisman to Ouyang Xing.

Now, that's all we can do. I hope Ouyang Xing can do something.

In the Forest of Taboo Monster Beasts, those horrific and supreme beasts that have lived for countless years have awakened, and the monks who have surpassed the realm of integration will inevitably cause violent attacks from those horrific beasts, and there is no time. "

"What will be in that ghost village?"


Ye Luo looked at this scene extremely calmly. When everyone was thinking solemnly, Ye Luo had already retreated silently. Except for Jiang Xiyue, at this time, almost no attention was paid to Ye Luo, nor People went to see the village chief.

The village head seemed to be here, and suddenly became quiet. He seemed to be still panicked, but he found a place on the cliff path and sat down.

Ye Luo glanced around, found a place fifteen steps away from the village chief, and sat down.

"Uncle, uncle, [-] steps, I can really become a bridge for you to pass over. Our Xianqiao beast clan is born with the ability to become a bridge in various forbidden places and desperate situations. The mysterious law on the abyss, It doesn't matter to me.

Although I can't walk a thousand miles like my father, I can still walk a distance of [-] steps. "Xiao Xianqiao Beast saw that Ye Luofei didn't go forward, but found a place to sit down instead, thinking Ye Luo didn't believe it.

After Ye Luo sat down, he tapped a finger on Xiaoxianqiao Beast's head seemingly casually, and used a secret technique to transmit a sound. Xiaoxianqiao Beast listened and was slightly stunned.

"Pfft, don't be dazed, learn more from Uncle Ye." The little paper figurine drew a line of bright red characters.

Ye Luo sat down cross-legged, threw another dried dragon's blood grass into the abyss, and took out a brand new dragon's blood grass. The devouring symbol in his right hand was silently running and devouring quickly.

Ye Luo devoured along the way and discovered that the dragon blood contained in the dragon blood grass had an extremely strong effect on his injuries.

Even, vaguely, Ye Luo's flesh and blood devoured the energy of the dragon's blood grass, and there was a strange tendency that seemed to be transformed. The more powerful the monk was injured, the harder it was to recover, because ordinary spirits, spirits The medicine has no effect on the body of a powerful monk at all.

"Is it just a kind of grass contaminated with dragon's blood, does it have such powerful energy? Before ancient times, there really were creatures like dragons?" Ye Luo thought to himself.

After a while, Ye Luo sucked up another dragon's blood grass. His heart couldn't help but move. Ye Luo took out a piece of the keel bone he had collected earlier, held it in his hand, and used the power of devouring.

The keel trembled silently, and within the keel, a remnant of a strange law symbol suddenly flew from the keel into Ye Luo's palm.

After that keel, that symbol, flew into Ye Luo's palm, it silently turned into powder.

Ye Luo was slightly taken aback.

In the keel, there was only one symbol. After being swallowed into the body, it disappeared into the flesh and blood without any strange fluctuations at all.

However, Ye Luo vaguely sensed a subtle change in his body.

Ye Luo frowned, and took out the second keel from the storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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