Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 884 Blood Stained Ghost Village

Chapter 884 Blood Stained Ghost Village
Above the ground, an ancient and mysterious village deep in the forest of taboo monsters.

There is a small bridge in front of the village, and some yellow paper money is scattered on the bridge. In the moonlight, under the small bridge, the originally clear stream has been stained with a trace of blood red for some reason.

The stream flows through the village.

On the willow branches on the moon, in the forest of taboo monsters, there was some fog, and several young people with strong aura, dressed in the costumes of some ancient academy in Zhongzhou, walked around the village.

In the village, at the intersection of an alley.

The bronze man, the white-skinned big pig, and the thin little Seventeen from Tianjie Academy, who was often abused by others, all looked behind the fat man in horror.

The fat man looked a little horrified, his back was covered with cold sweat, his neck turned stiffly, and he looked behind him.

"Ghost, ghost!"

The fat man let out a howl like killing a pig, turned around and ran, but he didn't take two steps, he seemed to trip over something under his feet, and fell to the ground with a plop.

When the fat man shouted, the bronze man and the big white pig turned around and ran away without any hesitation, almost exerting all their strength.

Even Xiao Shiqi ran away in panic.

A few seconds later, the white pig, the bronze man, and Xiao Shiqi had already appeared in another alley.

"You, you two wait, wait a minute, fat, the fat man didn't follow." The thin little Shiqi, panting and panicking, glanced behind him.

"What?" The white-skinned pig ran forward a few more steps, stopped slightly, but still maintained the posture of being ready to run wildly at any time, looked behind vigilantly, and stopped when there was nothing else.

The bronze man ran farther than the big white pig, and looked back very timidly.

"Damn it, I've said it a long time ago, let that fat man lose weight, what the hell, I just don't listen, it's okay now, was he taken away? Damn, that fat man, won't he be eaten already? "The five hundred catties of fat on the big white pig trembled and swallowed.

"What, what's going on?" the bronze man asked.

"I, let's go back and find him." Xiao Shiqi's thin body turned around in fear.

"If I don't go, all of them have already been eaten. Even if I find them, there will only be a pile of bones left. It's useless to go there. Let's go, just to give meat to ghosts." The bronze man was extremely resolute.

"Hmph, that's not right, you're just a bunch of bronze men, what kind of meat do you have? In this way, Xiao Shiqi and I will hold you back. You go back and have a look, anyway, you have no meat." Bai Big Pig glanced at the bronze man.

"No, I won't go even if I'm killed, and I don't know that fat man very well." The bronze man shook his head firmly again.

"Grass, you know Ye Luo well! That fat man is brothers with Ye Luo, why are you so disrespectful!" Pig accused the bronze man righteously.

"I don't know Ye Luo very well. I just know his niece. I won't go. Ye Luo is your younger brother. Fatty knows you too. You are so loyal, why don't you go?" The bronze man looked at the moonlight. The dilapidated houses on both sides of the alley are everywhere, and my heart is frightened.

"I..." Zhu was about to speak, but when he turned his head to look, he saw that the thin and humble little Seventeen in Tianjie Academy had already turned around tremblingly, walking towards the back with fear but determination. past.

"Hey, that little Seventeen, what are you doing back home, you and that fat man have only known each other for less than an hour?" Pig shouted.

"I, I, him, I want to go back and find him." Xiao Shiqi didn't say the reason, as a girl who had never looked down on her and was always abused and humbled, she trembled and continued to walk back.

"Well, this little girl won't fall in love with that cheating fat man? What did that fat man do to this little girl?" The bronze man was slightly stunned.

"Paralyzed, you are a bronze man, what do you know, do you know what it means to like? Come on, you can't watch this little girl go back alone, can you? Do you have face?" With a twitch, he turned around and followed Xiao Shiqi.

At the intersection of alleys.

"I'm stupid, Ma Le Gobi, wait for me!" In a panic, the fat man fell so hard that he couldn't get up. When he struggled and tried to climb again, a withered The hand suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Young man, why are you running? I'm an old woman, what's so scary?" Under the moonlight, the fat man raised his head, followed the withered hand, looked up, and suddenly saw the paper man by the bridge, The wife who threw paper money.


The fat man poked his head fiercely towards the ground, and said in a crying voice: "I, I, my meat is not tasty, you, did you see that pig that ran past just now? That pig is pure natural, pollution-free, absolutely no lean meat, additives and the like, weighing more than 500 catties, and it is still a pig of cultivation.

You, you go find it to eat, I can’t do this meat, let me tell you, in our era, we all ate antibiotics, and I grew up with garbage, I..."

The fat man was talking, but he was even more horrified to find that that withered hand actually held his chubby hand, seemingly casually, and pulled his [-]-jin body to stand up.

"Young man, don't be afraid. I'm a human, not a ghost." The wife spoke again, and as she spoke, she took out a clean willow leaf from the bamboo basket, dipped it in a drop of liquid, and stuck it on the fat man. palm of the hand.

Fatty didn't know why, but suddenly felt extremely frightened, and suddenly calmed down.

"You shouldn't have entered this village, and even if you entered the village, you shouldn't have gone out." The old wife looked at the fat man, and there was a trace of sigh in her voice.

"You, are you really human?" The fat man took a deep breath, still a little shocked.

"Well, I'm still alive. The little girl eating candied haws that you saw earlier is not human. It's a pity that she is still young." The wife sighed again, and then she said: "Forget it, it's time to come." Yes, I can’t stop it, do you know where this is?”

"I, I don't know, what is this place?" The fat man swallowed, and finally calmed down a bit.

"This is a ghost village. Below your feet is hell." The old wife said calmly.

"What? Ghost, ghost village? Hell?" Just as the fat man calmed down, his body trembled again.

"That thing is coming, you follow me first." The old woman turned her head and glanced behind her, reached into the basket she was carrying, and took out a handful of yellow paper money. Strange trajectory sprinkled.

"What, what? What are you talking about?" The fat man trembled in horror, his teeth trembling a little.

(End of this chapter)

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