Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 889 Breakthrough

Chapter 889 Breakthrough
"The entrance is here!"

In the darkness, the voice in the temple resounded suddenly.

"Uncle, tree, what shall we do?"


The middle-aged man with a bruise on his face from Huaxia Academy, pulling a girl about [-] or [-] years old, also rushed out of the darkness at this moment, and rushed towards the temple quickly. past.

At the same time, on the west side of the temple, there were six or seven people with extremely strong aura and strong blood on their bodies. They also rushed out of the darkness. They seemed to be hiding all the time. At this time, they also rushed up the temple.

The white-skinned pig, the bronze man, Xiao Shiqi, and the fat man all saw this scene.

"What, what should we do?" Seeing this, the bronze man hesitated and became a little timid.

"My day, what's the matter? I've already arrived here. What else can I do? Go!" Seeing this, the big white-skinned pig stood upright with a pig's trotters, dragging the bronze man with a pig's trotters, directly towards the god Run in the direction of the temple.

Xiao Shiqi was also at this moment, grabbing the fat man and rushing over.

After a while, the two of them, a pig and a bronze, had arrived at the gate of the dilapidated temple.

"Third Senior Brother, it's those two from Huaxia Academy again." Suddenly, just as they rushed to the door, a loud shout suddenly came from the dark and dilapidated temple.

"Mo Sirius, think back to my Huaxia Academy, when we suppressed Zhongzhou in the ancient times, the ancestors of your Sirius Academy were not born yet. Now, although our Huaxia Academy has declined, the emaciated camel is also bigger than a horse. Daddy, if you dare to attack me again, believe it or not, after you get out of here, our Huaxia Academy will destroy your Sirius Academy!" Suddenly, a majestic shout came from the temple.

"Uncle, uncle, forget it, let's let them go in first." A little girl's timid voice sounded in a low voice.

"Huaxia Academy? Oh, it is rumored that last year Huaxia Academy was almost wiped out by a group of rogues from the dark place?" In the temple, there was a voice full of blood devouring, faintly resounding, bringing With a thick sarcasm, then the voice sounded again, saying: "Don't waste time, break his leg."

"You dare, if you dare to touch a hair on my little tree, I...cough, that, no, no, let's get out of the way, Xiao Shi, what are you doing in a daze, are you polite, come on, give this A few uncles make way." In the darkness, the tone of that majestic voice changed suddenly when the person from Sirius Academy took out the weapon in his hand.

With a bruise on his face, he pulled the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl and quickly moved away.


Seeing that they got out of the way, the people of Sirius Academy didn't intend to do anything again. In the center of the temple, a dark passage leading to the depths of the ground had already been blasted open by the people who had entered earlier.

Their figures walked quickly along the black hole.

Outside the door, the white-skinned pig turned his head to look at the fat man, and asked, "My day, it doesn't make sense. Wasn't Huaxia Academy very awesome in the past, why has it become like this now? Hey, fat man, aren't you Huaxia Academy?" person?"

"I don't know. I only entered the world of practice after the great change of the world. I'm paralyzed. Aren't you from Huaxia? Didn't you say that the first request of the Shangqingzong and Dazhufeng is Must be Chinese?"

"It, it's not a human, is it a Chinese pig?"

"Who's outside the door?"


Thousands of feet below the ground.

In the darkness, Chen Pipi from Xingchen Academy, Gu Hongzhuang from Hongxiu Academy, the ancient prince from Zhongzhou Academy, Qin Luoyi, the emperor of Nanjiang, and Ouyang Xing from Tianshan Academy, stood before the abyss for a long time.

On the other side of the dark abyss, the stone tablet with ancient characters and the bronze gate are just [-] steps away from the abyss. How can we get through it? There is a strange forbidden abyss in the void?

Tried, pondered, without success.

The abyss is like a moat.

"My god, what the hell, we won't really be trapped here, right? We can't go back, and we can't go forward?" Chen Pipi looked at the dark abyss, and said with a frown.

Then, Chen Pipi looked at Gu Hongzhuang again, and said, "Otherwise, you can use your magic weapon, Hong Ling, and try again to see if you can reach the other side?"

"It's useless." Gu Hongzhuang shook her head, the atmosphere was silent.

"Perhaps, I have a way." The ancient prince of Zhongzhou, with a powerful aura circulating on his body, then said: "I have a communication talisman refined by the ancient emperor on me. If there is enough energy injected, it may be very short-lived. The elder of the dynasty, get in touch." The ancient prince suddenly said.

"You want to get the cracking method from some antique-level existences of your Zhongzhou Ancient Dynasty?" Chen Pipi asked.

The others also realized it quickly, but none of them immediately agreed. Now, almost all of them can't get in touch with the ancient academy and the mysterious forces behind it.

No one can predict what kind of impact it will have if any person from any power passes the information here back to the power behind him.

"This may be the only way." The ancient prince of Zhongzhou said lightly.

Everyone discussed, while Ye Luo sat silently at the back all the time, leaning against the steep stone wall. Now, Ye Luo's right hand has a thick layer of shattered keel powder.

But the dragon's blood grass that Ye Luo had picked earlier had been completely devoured.

Ye Luo seemed to be sitting without a trace of aura coming out, but Ye Luo's body had completely undergone earth-shaking changes. The meridians, blood and veins that were seriously injured and withered before were now tumbling with strong, powerful, and mysterious blood energy.

The mysterious devouring vortex on the right side of the body circulates in horror, and the strange sacrifice power surges on the left side of the body. Even the blood-red remains of the ancient beast dye in the heart are silent, as if they have grown a lot.

The dragon blood in more than twenty dragon blood grasses, together with the energy in half of the terrifying withered keel, and the mysterious law, have not only restored Ye Luo's body, but even faintly There is a strong trend of breakthrough.

Dragons are the most mysterious and powerful race in the legends, and Ye Luo, in the process of devouring dragon blood grass and dragon bones, absorbed the strange laws of the dragon bones and dragon blood in his flesh and blood!
Not only that, because of the emergence of this strange law, Ye Luo was shocked to find that he could use this ancient law as an intermediate medium, trying to make the power of devouring and the power of sacrifice, the gap between the two forces of heaven and earth. , the most mysterious power, a brief fusion.

Ye Luo is now, after his body has absorbed the strange law on the dragon bone and the dragon's blood grass that has been turned into a skeleton, after all ages, he is slowly trying to control the fusion of these two laws!
(End of this chapter)

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