Chapter 890 Conflict
The two energies collided silently in the flesh and blood medium of the dragon's strange law.


Deep in Ye Luo's body, there was a strange breakthrough sound. At the same time, where the two energies collided, an invisible, terrifying, and strange energy suddenly appeared.


At this very moment, the magic weapons on everyone around the abyss suddenly vibrated, and there seemed to be a vague tendency to fly away.

Everyone became vigilant.

And Ye Luo, also at this moment, suddenly opened his eyes, his body breath was abnormal, all the mutations and visions happened under the skin, except for the strange energy emitted at the moment of final fusion .

"Damn, what happened? Why does the magic weapon on my body seem to be attracted by something in the half-second just now?" Chen Pipi said in a startled voice.

"Mine too!" Ouyang Xing from Tianshan Academy also said.

Everyone else responded the same way.

"Did you feel it?" Jiang Xiyue pushed Ye Luo.

"Maybe I felt it." Ye Luo said.

"What is possibility? Hey, you, you seem to have changed a little bit." Jiang Xiyue stared blankly at Ye Luo, and couldn't help thinking of the scene where Ye Luo beheaded the headless corpse in his mind.

"Really? Maybe." Ye Luo said.

"Junior Sister Jiang, why are you talking so much to a trash? People from the Eastern Wilderness are not worthy of being with us at all. Hmph, by the way, Junior Sister Jiang, I heard that when you were young, you had a relationship with Qi Hao from Tiandao Academy. , have a marriage contract?" Seeing this, Ouyang Xing came over, and was beaten up all the way, Ouyang Xing finally got a chance to breathe here, and regained his strong and elegant appearance.

"Ah, what kind of marriage contract, it was made when I was a child, it doesn't work." Jiang Xiyue shook his head, and at the same time, he said: "Ou, brother Ouyang, you, don't talk nonsense, he, he is not a waste."

While talking, Jiang Xiyue took a peek at Ye Luo. Others didn't know how powerful Ye Luo was, but she was the only one here who had seen how terrifying Ye Luo was.

"Hahaha, he's a waste, what's the matter?" Ouyang Xing laughed.

Click - click...

Suddenly, at this moment, there was another sound of footsteps on the way they came from, and then, in the darkness, a group of figures suddenly appeared on the path on the cliff.

"Who?" Ouyang Xing raised his head and looked into the darkness. On top of the strong expression just now, a hint of nervousness appeared involuntarily.

The others also turned their heads suddenly, and the invisible aura armor on their bodies had already emerged.

Ye Luo also turned around.

"Is there someone in front?" You Ran, in the darkness, the people who came were also shocked and vigilant.

"Huh! People from the Zhongzhou Dynasty and Tiandao Academy?" Chen Pipi's eyes flashed a strange fluctuation of law, as if he could see through the darkness in front of him, he suddenly said something.

After a while.

People from both sides meet.

"Brother Four?"

"Seventh Emperor brother?"

The ancient prince of Zhongzhou, Long Yunfei, saw the person, his tone was shocked, but he said it in an unusually flat manner, and the powerful aura on his body became more and more solid, as if what he saw was not some emperor. brother, but the enemy.

"Heh! Brother Seventh Emperor, don't come here without any harm!" The person who was called Fourth Emperor Brother smiled and walked up.

The people who just arrived were obviously the people from the Zhongzhou Dynasty and Tiandao Academy who broke in from the ghost village and the temple.

Looking at this scene, Ye Luo frowned. How did these people get in?
Ye Luo looked at more and more people in the darkness, walking towards the edge of the abyss with seemingly random footsteps. At the same time, Ye Luo patted the little fairy bridge beast in his pocket, The sound transmission said: "Prepare to melt the bridge, remember, the moment I passed, I directly retracted the body."

There are more and more people, Ye Luo has recovered from serious injuries, and his cultivation has been broken. He has reached the third and fourth stages of the body refining stage, which is equivalent to the middle stage of Yuanying stage, and the middle stage of the earth stage.

Ye Luo didn't want to stay here, so he stayed more.

Ye Luo wanted to go to the opposite side of the abyss first, the place where the two ancient characters of hell were engraved and the bronze door was ajar, what kind of existence is there.

Ye Luo walked towards the edge of the abyss lightly, no one noticed, except that the seemingly ordinary village chief saw Ye Luo's secret movements, and a hint of doubt flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The abyss was impossible to get through, and he didn't seem to understand why Ye Luo got close to the edge of the abyss.

The two princes of the Zhongzhou Dynasty exchanged a few words seemingly in harmony on the surface, while a young man dressed in blue clothes with an unusually powerful aura from the Tiandao Academy met Chen Pipi, Gu Hongzhuang, and Qin Luoyi. , also in surprise, chatted quickly.

Ye Luo turned around, reached the edge of the abyss, and knocked Xiaoxianqiao Beast on the head.

"My day, the people in front, give way, give way, why don't you leave, shit, dry wool, the road is so narrow, what are you doing here?" Suddenly, Ye Luo's hand was about to fall again. On Xiaoxianqiao Beast, the moment Xiaoxianqiao Beast was made to move, it suddenly stopped.

In this voice, does it sound so familiar?

"What are you shouting for? Shout one more time, and I'll throw you into this abyss." Suddenly, a domineering, bloody voice came to mind.

"My day, what do I want to do to you, Mahler Gobi, are you looking for trouble?" Fatty's voice came again.

Ye Luo's body froze again, how could the fat man appear here?
"Get out of here!"


The next moment, that domineering, bloody aura actually shot directly, and then, there was a fierce collision between the two.

Ye Luo was slightly startled, looked around, stared, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​going directly to the opposite side, turned around and walked over quickly.

"Hahaha, Brother Seventh Emperor, have you stayed here for so long, have you really not even thought of a way to get over the past? Heh, brother, you already have a way to get over the past, do you believe it?" Suddenly, At this moment, the fourth prince suddenly spoke.

The other bodies couldn't help but pause, while Ye Luo continued to walk towards the back.

"Really?" The Seventh Prince of Zhongzhou said lightly.

"Today, I will let you see what is called a matter, you need to use your brain, copper seven, copper nine, test!" The voice of the fourth prince of Zhongzhou fell again.

And Ye Luo had already walked back from the path that only allowed two people to pass, and abruptly walked around the edge, seeing that he was about to fall off the cliff several times, and walked back quickly.

The village chief, looking at Ye Luo's figure, once again showed deep doubts in his eyes. He seemed to be increasingly unable to see clearly that he was the weakest person in this crowd.


(End of this chapter)

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