Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 891 Across the Abyss

Chapter 891 Across the Abyss (3 more tickets requested)
A powerful aura comparable to that of the Nascent Soul stage burst out from the fat man, and a powerful seal was condensed in both hands, directly suppressing the person in the clothes of the Sirius Academy.

"Bah! Fuck him, what the hell, you dared to hit me before, fat man, break his leg!" Behind the fat man, he got up with the fat man, one of the two people from Huaxia Academy had a bruise on his face People, suddenly overjoyed.

Ye Luo froze for a moment. It's been a long time since I saw Fatty, how could he suddenly become so powerful.


However, at this moment, the leader of the Sirius Academy, who was blindfolded with a black cloth, saw this scene, his figure suddenly sounded, and he clenched his hands, a powerful, terrifying, and bloody aura suddenly came from Burst out of him.

In his hand, a mark condensed instantly.

That imprint is blood red and vivid.

"Fatty, fat man, go back! It's the mark of the blood wolf!" The white-skinned pig couldn't help staring at it, and roared instantly.

"Shoot! What are you doing, are you still afraid of him?" Seeing this, the bronze man couldn't help shouting at the pig.

"I, I can't do anything. My cultivation was sealed by the master before he left. He said that my foundation is not stable. I sealed it for 3000 years. It's not yet the deadline. Why don't you take action? " shouted the big white pig.

"My, my energy is exhausted in the Primordial Ghost Mine, and I haven't recovered yet." The bronze man took a step back.

"I'm stupid..." The fat man was shocked, and cursed, but he didn't know who it was.

While the fat man was cursing, he quickly formed a defensive mark with his left hand, and his face became more serious. The fat man never thought that the leader of Tianshu Academy would be so powerful.

Earlier, on the way here, that pig kept bragging, saying that the people in front of it could stretch their hooves and wiped out the whole family, and even the most cowardly bronze man said that these people were too weak.

This is also the reason why Fatty is so confident.

However, at the critical moment...


Just as the fat man was greeting the eighteen generations of the pig and the bronze man's ancestors, in the darkness, suddenly there was a gunshot that the fat man was familiar with.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man saw that the leader of the Sirius Academy, who had condensed in his hand, the cultivator of the Sirius Academy, the ancient killing seal, and the blood wolf seal, shook his body.

His right hand with the condensed mark suddenly retracted.

On his right shoulder, a blood hole had already appeared.

"Gun?" The fat man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Impossible, this f*cking gun, even a sniper rifle, can't penetrate the defense shield of the weakest practitioner, what kind of gun can penetrate it?" The defense of a Nascent Soul cultivator?"

"Go away!" Then, the fat man suddenly heard a familiar, faint voice.

The big white-skinned pig, the bronze man, the little Seventeen, and the old and the young from Huaxia Academy all raised their heads and looked towards the place where the gunshots sounded.

"Who are you, do you know, who am I? How dare you sneak attack me?" The leader, the leader of the Sirius Academy, had a sudden voice, turned his head coldly, and quickly locked onto Ye lo.


However, Ye Luo didn't answer his words at all, and only two bullets responded to him.

The leader of the Sirius Academy had been prepared for a long time. The moment Ye Luo shot, his body had already dodged violently, and the two bullets missed in an instant.

The person who took the lead from the Sirius Academy couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face, but he felt that there didn't seem to be any energy fluctuations on the two bullets.


Just when he realized this, his right leg, the powerful defense, was directly torn apart by a bullet containing strong energy fluctuations, and the bullet penetrated directly without hindrance. his bones!


He let out a painful roar, his expression was shocked. Didn't it sound like two gunshots? How could there be a third bullet?

His leg was directly broken by the bullet containing powerful energy.

Ye Luo's first two bullets were not injected with energy, and the third bullet was actually sandwiched between the first two bullets. The sniper rifle modified by Bartley can cover up the damage with two gunshots. A third shot with a quick pull of the trigger.

And Ye Luo only injected crazy devouring power into the third bullet.

"Damn, Ye, that guy Ye Luo?" The fat man finally saw Ye Luo's true face, his eyes almost popped out.

"Little, junior brother? How could he be here?" The white-skinned pig was also shocked.

Before and after Ye Luo, seeing many people who had just made a move, they couldn't help being shocked. Just using the one in his book, which was similar to the Mohist mechanism, directly abolished the blood wolf of Sirius Academy?
Although the blood wolf's strength is not at the top of the Sirius Academy, but because of his cruel practice and attack methods, he is still very famous.

"Look, the fourth prince of Zhongzhou has crossed the abyss!"

At this moment, beside the abyss, four flying swords and three figures suddenly appeared above the abyss.

I saw that the first flying figure stepped on the first flying sword after flying out for a short distance, and the other two people stepped on his body, and he While being stepped on, the flying sword was released.

Then, under the violent trampling, his body suddenly fell downwards, while the other two figures, using his body as a springboard, continued to fly forward, and after that, the second and third figures , stepped on the flying sword released by the first person before dying again, and crossed a certain distance forward.

Afterwards, the third figure, who was also the fourth prince of Zhongzhou, stepped on the second figure, and flew steadily towards the other side of the abyss.

Ye Luo turned her head, just in time to see this scene, her eyes shrank fiercely, an upgraded version, the Bloody Antelope Fit who regards human life as a springboard?
Ye Luo slammed forward and rushed forward, his body went directly along the cliff, passing the group of people from Tianlang Academy in the void, and arrived in front of Fatty's group.

"Ye Luo, what are you..."

"Don't talk yet, follow me!" Ye Luo said suddenly.

"Follow you, where are you going?" The fat man was taken aback for a moment.

"Xiaoqiao, do it!" Ye Luo patted his pocket.

"Okay, okay, Uncle!"

Youran, at this moment, from Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast suddenly emerged. It had already condensed a mark, and a strange, mysterious, and ancient aura fluctuated on it.

Immediately afterwards, its body suddenly elongated and enlarged, and it stretched straight towards the hell of the bronze door that was concealed!

On the path on the cliff, many people hadn't shot Ye Luo, and woke up from the shock of the Seventh Prince of Zhongzhou's brutal passage through the abyss, when they suddenly saw a bridge that appeared out of thin air and was stretching strangely!

(End of this chapter)

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