Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 895 Walking into the Bronze Door 2

Chapter 895 Walking into the Bronze Door 2
Pulling out the tip of the sword, he turned around suddenly.


The tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword, dangerous and dangerous, blocked it in the mist, disappeared without a sound, and a pitch-black flying sword engraved with mysterious runes made a terrifying collision sound.

Although the flying sword was small, it contained terrifying and riotous energy, which made the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword tremble slightly, and even the huge collision force made Ye Luo take a step back.

If it wasn't for Ye Luo's sudden sword at the last moment when he entered the bronze gate, perhaps, the small sword had pierced into Ye Luo's body and exploded.

"Death to me!"

However, before Ye Luo had any chance to catch his breath, a snow-white and terrifying long knife that seemed to split the world, shaking all directions, had already slashed towards Ye Luo's head.

Above the light of the knife, the golden rune command, in the rapidly fading mist of the immortals, makes people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.


However, at this very moment, Ye Luo didn't dodge, let alone take a step back. Ye Luo's eyes looked coldly at the terrifying knife that fell like lightning, and Ye Luo only made one movement.

Horizontal sword, cut in batches!

Hit hard!
The devouring power in Ye Luo's body surged crazily towards his right hand. The tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword was as silent as a reef standing in the sea for countless years.

One knife and one sword collided again.

"Crack clap-"

In the mist, dense fragmentation marks suddenly appeared in the void, and within the terrifying fragmentation marks, there was darkness and coldness.

Ye Luo, as steady as a rock, did not move at all.

The fourth prince of Zhongzhou, Long Xuanchang's eyes shrank fiercely. Like everyone else, he only saw Ye Luo's superficial strength, which was only a mere fifth level of Qi training, and he never thought about it at all. However, Ye Luo turned out to be an extinct body-refining cultivator after ancient times!

Ye Luo, first used the trap he arranged to trap him, and then blocked the terrifying sneak attack flying sword, and now, he actually blocked his hand abruptly, which was enough to split the terrifying sword of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

When Ye Luo drew out his sword, he not only looked at the fourth prince of Zhongzhou, but also looked at the ancient beast in the mist, Yazi!

The fourth prince of Zhongzhou didn't know what secret technique he had used before to temporarily seal the terrifying Yazi for a second. Ye Luo could see that there was a mysterious beast on the head of the beast. , The terrifying, blood-colored little cauldron that makes one's heart palpitate is exuding strange energy fluctuations.


However, at this time, the ancient ferocious beast Yazi, in its claws, the terrifying pitch-black runes suddenly lit up, and its aura soared so high that it broke free from the seal abruptly.

Its gaze quietly moved towards the position of the bronze door, and looked over.

"Ye Luo, why don't you come in?" At this moment, the fat man's voice suddenly came from inside the bronze door.

At this moment, the fourth prince of Zhongzhou, while shocked by Ye Luo's strength, also made adjustments very quickly. He roared coldly: "You still have to die!"

Long Xuanchang, after all, is the supreme prince of an ancient dynasty. I saw that his giant knife was lifted up three feet suddenly, and the supreme dazzling rune on it lit up again, and once again horrified towards Ye Luo. smash down.

However, his gaze, at this moment, cast a glance at the ancient beast Yazi who had broken free from the blood-red cauldron.

Knife, terror smashed down!
"Heh!" Ye Luo sneered again coldly at this moment.

Ye Luo made a strange reaction, but Ye Luo didn't pay attention to it at all. The giant knife that fell down again horribly slid three steps towards the left side. Suddenly stabbed down.

And at this moment, in the seemingly rapidly fading mist, in the void of nothing, there was a terrifying figure who suddenly retreated violently, and there was already a sword wound on his arm .

But the place where the fourth prince Long Xuanchang was originally located, the horrifying sword lights and figures that fell down quickly disappeared.

"It's just a simple illusion, like entering the bronze gate, leaving me outside to block the ancient beast Yazi?" Ye Luo said suddenly, still mocking in his tone.

"Who are you? You really want to die!" The fourth prince of Zhongzhou, Long Xuanchang, was shocked again, and at the same time became more and more furious. In his opinion, this Donghuang cultivator, who is like an ant, has almost completely seen through all his plans. .

Even, the hidden strength is beyond unusually strong.


But at this moment, the terrifying ancient beast Yazi has once again rushed forward in terror. Its eyes were extremely terrifying, looking at Long Xuanchang and Ye Luo.

It has been continuously provoked by human beings like ants in its eyes. The terrifying anger on it is as real as it is, and even the people on the other side of the abyss who have not yet crossed the abyss can feel it coldly.

"What happened in the mist of the Immortal Shield?" Chen Pipi anxiously watched, but couldn't get over the abyss.

"The fourth prince of Zhongzhou seems to be fighting someone." Among the seven people in Tiandao Academy, the leader, a young man with a green shirt and wooden sword, said something.

"What look in your eyes, my god, among the people in the past, who is the opponent of the fourth prince of Zhongzhou? It should be an ancient beast, and Yazi is fighting with the fourth prince." Tiandao Academy doesn't care.

"No, according to my understanding of Brother Four, when he releases the mist of concealing immortals, he should want to use the mist of concealing immortals to block the sight of the ancient fierce beast Yazi, and then use the insidious means of misfortune to divert Ye Luo Na and his group were regarded as scapegoats, but, looking at the situation in front of him, his methods seemed to be seen through in less than a second.

Who is it that can see through the layout of the four emperor brothers in such a short period of time?The strategies of the four emperor brothers are well known in the imperial dynasty. "Long Yunfei, the Seventh Prince of Zhongzhou, suddenly spoke at this moment.

Then, he said another sentence: "That man not only saw through his methods, but also blocked his attacks. You can hear it from the clash of weapons."

"Hey! I'm stupid, really, shit, although Long Xuanchang is insidious, he is extremely powerful. Among the people who just passed by, is there anyone who can block his attack? It's that fat man? No, that fat man It should be a little bit worse, could it be that pig and bronze man?"

"It's also possible that it's Ye Luo." Jiang Xiyue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly whispered something at this moment.

"Huh? Just that waste of the fifth level of Qi training? I didn't tell you, if he can block Long Xuanchang's attack, I'll call him grandpa! Xiao Yueyue, are you scared out of your wits? "Chen Pippi's ears were sharp, and he heard it.

"It's meaningless to speculate now. The fairy-shrouding fog is about to disperse, and we can see the truth immediately. However, we must find a way to get through this abyss immediately. From ancient times to the present, in order to find this place, there have been three great emperors. After the fall, what will be behind the bronze gate?"

(End of this chapter)

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