Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 896 Shocking Scene 1

Chapter 896 Shocking scene

What is behind the bronze door?
Those who have not yet crossed the abyss, after quick thinking and communication, have come up with an extremely risky method to prepare to cross the abyss.

On the other side of the abyss.

The ancient prince Long Xuanchang of Zhongzhou, after Ye Luo fought several times, was more and more shocked by Ye Luo's terrifying strength, and the ancient beast Yazi, at this time, turned towards Ye Luo and Long Xuanchang at the same time Body, terrorist attack.

The mist that shields the immortals is getting lighter.

And the ancient prince of Zhongzhou, Long Xuanchang, wanted to get rid of the ancient fierce beast Yazi and enter the giant bronze gate during the battle, but was once again forced back by Ye Luo's key sword.

"You are really, really looking for death!" The ancient beast's terrifying attack almost completely suppressed Ye Luo and Long Xuanchang, but at this moment, Long Xuanchang did not focus most of his energy on the ancient beast. Above, but what he never dreamed of, above Ye Luo.

He tried to make Ye Luo a scapegoat twice but failed, and was even used once, and now he is blocked again. As a self-feeling, his IQ crushed the younger generation, showing unprecedented fury.

How could he, Long Xuanchang, as the ancient prince of Zhongzhou, be restrained by a mere ant at the most critical moment.

Suddenly, from the storage ring, he suddenly took out a blood-red bead full of Yin Qi and terrifying resentment. In that bead, there were thousands of female cultivators, the blood of the newly born baby's heart.

This is after he got the Blood-devouring Cauldron, he risked the practice world to forcibly kill thousands of female cultivators, the soul infants who had just given birth to babies, and then used countless living souls to forcibly refine the Spirit Infant Soul Pill against the sky. .

This elixir, combined with the ancient forbidden weapon and the blood-devouring cauldron, is enough to cross the border and kill, surpassing the Nascent Soul, the existence of the peak of integration!
He will never use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

He originally planned to use this thing to deal with one of his deadly enemies, the second prince of the Zhongzhou Dynasty, but under extreme rage, he suddenly took out that thing at this moment.

"Xiaohuang evil god, use me as a guide, thousands of soul babies, hundreds of thousands of living souls, blood-stained blood cauldron!"

Suddenly, in the gap of an attack, a terrifying, dark red light flashed again in Long Xuanchang's eyes, and a bloody mark quickly condensed on his hands.

"Crack clap-"

Following the movement of his gloomy, terrifying voice, around Xiao Ding and in the void, a frenzied, gloomy aura erupted madly towards the surroundings.

The huge bronze gate trembled.


The endless and gloomy weeping and the howling of millions of wronged souls seemed to be transformed into endless icy grievances. On the blood-red cauldron, there appeared a dark red rune that changed the color of the world.

The blood-devouring cauldron, it is rumored that the blood sacrifice has reached the extreme, and it can summon the supreme and terrifying existence that exterminated the world before the ancient times, but now, only one ten-thousandth of its potential is used, it is enough to kill everything.

The ancient ferocious beast Yazi, at this moment, seemed to sense something. Its terrifying aura violently stirred up, and its terrifying attacks stopped suddenly.

Among its seven claws, six were withdrawn abruptly, and a mysterious defensive imprint was condensed quickly and strangely.

"This is your own death!"

All of this was just in the blink of an eye. The blood-red cauldron, carrying endless resentment and a terrifying roar, fell towards Ye Luo at an extremely fast speed!

Even, the moment Xiao Ding flew out, it had completely locked onto Ye Luo's body!

The distance between Ye Luo and Long Xuanchang was only seven steps, and the speed of the small tripod was several times faster after being hit by the bullet. It had already hit Ye Luo's body hard in less than a tenth of a second. Between eyebrows.

In the sea of ​​endless resentment and blood, a small blood-red cauldron flew by. In the void, it seemed that something terrifying was about to come out. The space was shattered, the surrounding stones were shattered, and the ground sank.

"This, this is the ancient forbidden weapon, the breath of the blood-devouring cauldron!" You Ran, who had not yet crossed the abyss, from the Tiandao Academy, the young man with the green shirt and wooden sword from the Tiandao, said suddenly.

The expressions of the others changed drastically when they heard the sound.

"Yes, it's Brother Four. Who is it in the Immortal Covering Fog that forced out Brother Four and used this supremely terrifying and taboo thing?"

in front of the bronze door.

The corner of Long Xuanchang's mouth already showed a cruel, venting smile, and he roared, "Die to me!"

The small bronze tripod has already passed through Yelu's chest.

With such a fast speed, Ye Luo didn't seem to have time to react at all.

However, at the moment when Long Xuanchang smiled cruelly, he almost instinctively felt a terrifying crisis appearing from behind him. He almost didn't even think about it, and at the fastest speed, blocked the long knife in his hand. behind.

However, the moment the long knife was swung down, there seemed to be a strange and strange magnetic force, which abruptly blocked the fall of his long knife.

The next moment, the back of his heart suddenly felt cold, and then, a sharp pain penetrated from his back to his heart, and then from his heart to his internal organs.


The internal organs were all shattered, and the brain was completely crushed.

The cruel smile on his face didn't disappear in time.

The shadow avatar technique, the sword tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword, the power of devouring and the power of sacrifice, after a brief collision, the terrifying and violent magnetic power produced!
Ye Luo, gasp!
Horror, powerful, mysterious, and even many powerful and ancient trump cards, an incomparably noble prince from the ancient dynasty of Zhongzhou that has not yet been used, slowly fell down.

But at this moment, Ye Luo didn't pause at all, stretched his hand to his waist, and directly took out the incomplete, broken, pre-immemorial artifact, the demon refining pot, which he had snatched from the ancient ghost mine.

In Ye Luo's left hand, the violent sacrificial power poured directly into the demon refining pot. The ancient demon refining pot, which was incomplete in the eyes, at this moment, from the position of the mouth of the pot, revealed a broken, terrifying runes.

That rune, even though it was seriously incomplete, had an inexplicable and horrifying suppression on the ancient beast, the underage terror.

At the mouth of the pot, there was also a terrifying suppressive force.

The furious Yazi who was originally on the defensive, the moment the mysterious and incomplete rune appeared, the fury in his eyes unexpectedly turned into a trace of panic.

It turned around and wanted to run!

And at this very moment, the seriously incomplete rune that flew out of the seriously incomplete demon refining pot turned into a stream of light, and got into the forehead of the ancient beast, Yazi!
In Ye Luo's eyes, at this moment, there was also a hint of astonishment.

"Help, help, ghost, ghost..." Suddenly, behind the bronze door, came the fat man's frightened scream.

(End of this chapter)

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