Chapter 897 Into Hell
Fatty's screams suddenly sounded, and the severely incomplete symbol in the demon refining pot had also entered the ancient fierce beast, Yazi's eyebrows.

The terrifying, powerful ancient ferocious beast, juvenile Yazi, with its huge body and terrifying aura, was directly sealed in an instant. It was frightened and struggled desperately, but it was of no avail.

Immediately afterwards, its body became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it melted into a ball, and was sucked into the pot by the severely damaged demon refining pot!
Then, there was silence.

In Ye Luo's cold eyes, there was also some astonishment, how could this be?

After killing the fourth prince of Zhongzhou, Ye Luo originally just wanted to use the terrifying thing in the demon refining pot to block it, this terrifying, powerful ancient beast Yazi, and then he took the opportunity to enter the giant bronze gate.

However, even Ye Luo didn't expect that after he poured the forbidden power, the terrifying thing in the demon refining pot not only didn't come out, but flew out a strange, severely mutilated rune, and , The Demon Refining Pot took the ancient fierce beast Yazi into the severely damaged Demon Refining Pot?

Ye Luo was surprised. He hadn't done much research on this thing before the ancient times, and he couldn't figure out the reason for it in a short time.

However, time was running out, and the fat man's terrified screams were still coming out of the huge bronze gate, and Ye Luo didn't have time to think about the demon refining pot.

Ye Luo hung the demon pot on his waist, turned around and was about to rush towards the bronze door.

At this moment, the mist that shrouded the immortals finally completely dissipated.

But at this moment, in the direction of the abyss, the five figures also imitated the antelope flying method used by the fourth prince of Zhongzhou before, and ventured towards this side, using their strength to leap over continuously.

However, the five leaping people are all tied with a spirit, a rope, which connects all of them together. In this way, no matter how much they step on it, a part of the rope has already been tied to the shore .

As long as there is one person who leaps over the cliff, the person who is trampled down can climb up again with the rope!
This is an upgraded version of Antelope Fit!


Ye Luo also saw this scene when the fog cleared.

At this time, this flying method has reached the final step. The last person stepped on the fourth person with all his strength, and he was about to boast to the other side.

However, at this very moment, there was a sudden fluctuation on the seemingly empty void, and the last person, who could have landed steadily here, was suddenly blocked by the terrifying fluctuation.

Her body was blocked two feet from the cliff.

Then, it suddenly fell into the abyss.

She let out a horrified scream!

Ye Luo's eyes couldn't help shrinking suddenly. Ye Luo didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but Ye Luo saw that the last person who fell into the abyss turned out to be the girl from the Mo family in the red sleeve abyss. Jiang Xiyue.

Ye Luo's body moved violently.

In the nick of time, he reached the edge of the cliff, stretched out his hand, secretly channeled the power of devouring, and grabbed Jiang Xiyue who was falling into the abyss.

Jiang Xiyue was terrified. At this moment, her mind went blank.

Until, she felt a big warm hand holding her little hand.

She raised her head and looked at Ye Luo.

"Yes, it's you."

A few seconds later, Jiang Xiyue, and Gu Hongzhuang, Chen Pipi, Qin Luoyi, and Long Yunfei, who were flying together with them, had already borrowed the help of the spirit ropes on both sides, and flew over. Sure, all fly quickly.

Even the village head, who had no cultivation base, walked towards the spirit rope in a seeming panic at this moment.

But Ye Luo, after pulling Jiang Xiyue up, turned around and rushed into the bronze gate.

And the first to pass, Gu Hongzhuang and his group, after crossing the abyss, rushed towards the bronze gate almost without hesitation, but just after they rushed two steps, their bodies couldn't help but pause. .

"Then, what is that?"

"Damn, the fourth prince of Zhongzhou is dead? What the hell, why did he die? Damn, he was killed by that ancient beast Yazi? He had a sword wound on his back, and he was killed by a sword? This, this... "The talkative Chen Pipi was shocked.

Even though Chen Pippi had a very bad impression of the fourth prince of the Zhongzhou Dynasty, and even wanted to kill him, but he had to admit that Long Xuanchang's strength and methods were extremely terrifying, and even Chen Pippi might not have Certainty of victory.

That's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Long Xuanchang's identity is the prince of the ancient dynasty, his status is so noble, if it is not because of the trial, he even has the protection of the existence of the eternal level around him.

Even, during the previous trials of taboo monsters that anyone could perish, the ancient princes of Zhongzhou rarely perish except for the accident in the ancient times.

Once an ancient prince falls, the terrifying and subtle changes within the entire ancient dynasty will be extremely sensational, even heaven-defying.

Now, a prince, right here, was killed by a sword!
who killed it?
Who has the guts, who has the strength?

Not only that, how did that terrifying ancient beast Yazi disappear?Where did it go?
What happened in the mist that shrouded the immortals just now?
The mist covering the immortals obscured the eyes of all the monks.

"Could it be Ye Luo? When the fog cleared just now, he was the only one left. No, his aura is indeed only at the fifth level of Qi training. I even used the secret treasure just now to see his cultivation. He is really at the fifth level of Qi training." Chen Pipi was astonished.

"Heh, with the fall of an ancient prince, there have also been some changes within the ancient dynasty of Zhongzhou. The delicate balance may be broken."

"Perhaps, it's that bronze man, and that pig, that bronze man. It's most likely." Qin Luoyi, the emperor of Nanjiang, said, and then, she didn't seem to be too touched by the death of an ancient prince. , her body, Youran has already walked towards the bronze door.

Only Jiang Xiyue, with incomparable shock in her eyes, was the only one who knew Ye Luo's strength. However, she had said it before, but no one believed it.

"Why are you in a daze, behind the bronze gate, there may be unknown dangers, follow me." Gu Hongzhuang's body also moved.

Others, with the help of the spirit rope, were also leaping quickly, and the village chief, who had been completely ignored by others, climbed at the end of the rope.

Behind the bronze door.

Ye Luo was in the body, but the moment he rushed into the bronze door, he put his hand in his pocket, and on the head of the little fairy bridge beast, a sound transmission was sent to the little fairy bridge beast, saying: "The village chief, if you Come along too, we must stare at him to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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