Chapter 898
Ye Luo transmitted the sound to Xiaoxianqiao Beast. At the same time, his body was tense and he had already entered the giant bronze gate.

The moment Ye Luo entered the door, before his eyes had time to see what kind of world was behind the door, his body had already slid to the right for seven consecutive steps.

At the moment of gliding rapidly and facing all positions, Ye Luo's gaze also quickly scanned the surroundings.

Afterwards, Ye Luo's body stopped silently.

Behind the door, there is an ancient, desolate, and strong aura of time. Wherever the eyes go, it turns out to be a ruined wall that has existed for an unknown number of years. At a glance, there is no end in sight!

The foundations of the ruins are all made of huge feldspars engraved with mysterious patterns. At first glance, they make people feel dreadful. Collapsed Tongtian palaces are everywhere.

It's like being in a picture scroll of ruins of time that I don't know how many years ago.

Ye Luo's gaze touched the ground, and he saw that the soil here was all dry red, as if, countless years ago, someone had dyed this land red with blood.

In the depths of the ruins, vaguely, there seems to be some tall, ancient buildings, and some remnants, but standing here, they can't see clearly.

"The big rabbit died, the second rabbit looked at it, the third rabbit bought medicine, the fourth rabbit boiled, the fifth rabbit died, the sixth rabbit carried it, the seventh rabbit dug a hole, the eighth rabbit buried it, the ninth rabbit sat on the ground and cried, ten rabbits asked why Crying? Nine Rabbits said, Five Rabbits will never come back..."

Ancient, vicissitudes, time, eternal emptiness.

You Ran, a voice that sounds a bit awkward but creepy, came from behind a broken wall that hadn't collapsed not far from Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's body suddenly became tighter and tighter.

It was at this short moment that Ye Luo felt ominous and doubtful.

Where are the fat man, the pig, the bronze man, and the girl called Little Seventeen that the three of them have been carrying all the time?
Previously, Ye Luo's process of beheading the fourth prince of Zhongzhou seemed long, thrilling, terrifying and complicated, but the whole process was under control, and it took less than a minute.

In other words, none of the four of them entered the giant bronze gate for more than a minute. Even Ye Luo heard the fat man's exclamation when he was outside the bronze gate.

In just one minute, where did the four of them go?
Not far from Ye Luo, behind the broken wall, the magical ancient nursery rhymes are still faintly and eerily spreading. The entire empty space is dim and dim, and you can't see very far away. place.

But this dead, ancient, vicissitudes of space is unusually vast.

Ye Luo didn't open his mouth. After a short quick thought, his body was fast and vigilant, and he walked towards the ancient and weird nursery rhyme.

"The big rabbit died, the second rabbit looked at it, the third rabbit bought medicine, the fourth rabbit boiled, the fifth rabbit died, the sixth rabbit carried it, the seventh rabbit dug a hole, the eighth rabbit buried it, the ninth rabbit sat on the ground and cried, ten rabbits asked why Crying? Nine Rabbits said, Five Rabbits will never come back..."

Nursery rhymes continued to spread, and Ye Luo approached.

Cold, silent, eerie.


Suddenly, Ye Luo's feet touched a dry, hard and round thing, Ye Luo's eyes suddenly lowered, and he saw, beside his feet, a skeleton of a human head that had existed for an unknown number of years. Buried under a cloud of dust.

Ye Luo bent down and reached out to pick up the skull on the man's head.

Impressively, she saw that there was a pitch-black hole left in the middle of the skeleton's forehead at an unknown age. It seemed that something strange had crossed her forehead in an eternal moment.

As a former war doctor, Ye Luo could tell at a glance that this was the skull of a young girl.

According to the curvature of the skull, Ye Luo could even tell that this girl might have been [-] years old and young.

Here, what ever happened.

Is this really the legendary hell?
Ye Luo put the skull down, and approached the ancient broken wall with vigilance again, Youran, after Ye Luo stepped over the broken wall, Youran saw the source of the nursery rhyme.

A five-hundred-pound, white-skinned big pig stared obsessively at the fragment of the wall as if possessed, its mouth opened and closed strangely, singing, singing, the weirdness that Ye Luo heard just now, That horrifying nursery rhyme came out of the big white pig's mouth.

Ye Luo froze in horror.

Silently, Ye Luo opened his left eye and closed Youran.

Ye Luo approached, followed the pig's gaze, and looked at the ruined walls.

"The big rabbit died, the second rabbit looked at it, the third rabbit bought medicine, the fourth rabbit boiled, the fifth rabbit died, the sixth rabbit carried it, the seventh rabbit dug a hole, the eighth rabbit buried it, the ninth rabbit sat on the ground and cried, ten rabbits asked why Crying? Nine rabbits said, five rabbits will never come back."

On the broken wall, there are writings!
That handwriting was carved out with blood!

That fresh blood, I don't know how many years it has existed in this space, but on top of the fresh blood, there are still remnants, which is shocking, one glance, and one will be shocked by the horror and supreme aura.

Even Ye Luo, standing in front of the bloody words, felt a suppressed, almost suffocating pressure.

In the blood, indistinctly, there are still remnants of the mysterious supreme law and dao rhyme after going through the ages.

Whose blood is this?

And why, on this broken wall, engrave this nursery rhyme?
Ye Luo suddenly thought that the ancient characters carved on the ground that he saw earlier on the way from the temple were also this horrifying nursery rhyme, and the fat man mentioned it several times in his short narration. Live this nursery rhyme!

Ye Luo was horrified.

The white-skinned pig was still in a very strange state, with its mouth opening and closing, singing this nursery rhyme in a strange voice.

Ye Luo approached, but it didn't even know it.

"Wake up!"

Ye Luo pushed the pig.

The pig's body was huge, and Ye Luo pushed it with considerable strength. The pig's body shook for a while, but the pig's state remained unchanged, as if he hadn't noticed it.

Ye Luo frowned, looked at the pig, and then at the ruined wall in front of him.

Ye Luo suddenly covered the eyes of the big white-skinned pig with his hands, blocking its gaze. At the same time, Ye Luo held its chin with his hand, preventing the pig from singing.

Youran, the pig's body was shaken, and in its eyes, a strange crimson color faded away like a tide.

After a few seconds.

"My god, why am I here, why are you here, where is this place? What are you doing covering my eyes? Hey, I didn't enter the bronze gate just now. Damn, why is this creepy nursery rhyme engraved here? Where did the fat man, the coward and the little girl's people go?"

(End of this chapter)

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