Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 899 The Gate of Hell

Chapter 899 The Gate of Hell

The pig was shocked, vigilant, with a blank face, and asked in one breath what Ye Luo wanted to ask it.

"Don't you remember, after entering the bronze gate, it was less than a minute?" Ye Luo opened his mouth, and at the same time, looked around again.

"Damn it, I really can't remember it, no, how is this possible, where did the fat man, the bronze man, and the little 17 go? How could I be in this state?" The pig was terrified, from a daze He was awake and vigilant, and the pig hairs on his body stood on end.

They came in early for less than a minute. During this minute, Ye Luo beheaded the ancient prince. What happened behind the huge bronze gate?
"This nursery rhyme, Mrs. Tang from the ghost village once said that in this nursery rhyme, the biggest secret of all time is hidden. The ghost village, the forbidden monster forest, the nine dragon coffin, the beast god, hell, everything The secrets are all in this nursery rhyme." Pig was vigilant, trying his best to recall what happened in less than a minute just now, but he didn't think of it at all.

Nursery rhymes?

But Ye Luo, at this moment, looked at the nursery rhyme again, and frowned.

This nursery rhyme really contains the greatest secret of all time?

Ye Luoneng vaguely remembered that this weird nursery rhyme had been widely circulated a long time ago, in the modern world before the great change of the world.

Even, on the original Internet, this nursery rhyme was once listed as the most terrifying nursery rhyme, and various countries banned its singing. Moreover, in [-], a foreign country once had a There are rumors that hundreds of children, singing the weirdest nursery rhyme, jumped into the deep lake.

Moreover, after the development of the Internet, a white-collar worker in a big city suddenly took off his clothes in the middle of the night, stood on the roof, and sang this nursery rhyme loudly, while jumping from the high-rise building. Down.

Whether it is a rumor, a rumor, or a fact, these are no longer verifiable.

Because, in the past, many countries were once blocked.

Ye Luo was in Australia. When he was on a mission, he had a deep impression of this nursery rhyme. Later, after Ye Luo went back, he also checked it on the Internet. There are many analyzes and guesses about this nursery rhyme. .

There are even professionals who have made self-righteous interpretations.

Now it seems that, perhaps, all interpretations may not necessarily be the real answer!

While Ye Luo was quickly recalling all his memories of this nursery rhyme, the Bronze Gate, Chen Pipi, Jiang Xiyue, and Gu Hongzhuang's group had already pushed in.

"Senior Brother Ninth, when you were in the ghost village, Granny Tang asked the four of you to come down, why didn't you let Banxian Wu, Senior Brother Fifth, and Second Senior Brother come down together?" Ye Luo suddenly asked a question at this moment.

Shangqingzong, the master who had never met at Dazhufeng, was eclectic in accepting disciples. He was a white-skinned pig, and he was ranked ninth among the eleven brothers of Dazhufeng.

Ye Luo once heard that there are all kinds of idiots on the Big Bamboo Peak, and their eighth senior brother seems to be a goose against the sky.

The white-skinned pig was stunned for a moment, and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, maybe it's because time is tight?"

"Is time tight?" Ye Luo frowned.

Ye Luo frowned, then turned around, looked into the depths of this place again, made a quick decision, and said, "Go, take a look here, what is there?"

Ye Luo was vigilant, turned around, and walked directly towards the ancient, dead, and vicissitudes of the ruins, going deeper.

"Let's not look for the three of them anymore?" Pig quickly followed.

"I'm looking, but I can feel that the aura of the three of them is going deep." In the depths of Ye Luo's left eye, mysterious and ancient symbols emerged. To some residual breath.

Others were also rushing through the bronze gate. Everyone was shocked when they saw the vast, ancient, and mysterious ruins. What kind of place was this once?
Ye Luo took the pig and continued walking towards the depths quickly.

Chen Pipi, Gu Hongzhuang, and Jiang Xiyue quickly followed after two hours.

Among the ruins, there is an old, dilapidated road. On the road, bones often appear. It is not known how many years ago these bones were, nor what happened back then.

However, Ye Luo noticed that many skeletons had a dark hole between their eyebrows.

The deeper Ye Luo walked, the more shocked he became.

How big is this ruin?

Time, bit by bit, passes in space.

"That trash from the Eastern Wasteland, before the giant bronze gate, who killed the fourth prince of Zhongzhou?" Suddenly, Ouyang Xing, who was following in the crowd, was vigilant, surprised, and thinking about something. , asked a question that many people were shocked by before.

However, Ye Luo simply ignored it.

Ye Luo's footsteps became faster and faster.

In Ye Luo's pocket.

"Hey, Xiaoqiao, do you know Granny Tang?" The little fairy bridge beast stared blankly at the little paper figurine.

"Yes, I remember, that cheating donkey also stayed at Granny Tang's place for about three months. However, my memory, along with the loss of my master's memory, I also lost a lot. .”

"Then, is that Mrs. Tang in that ghost village real or fake?" The dazed little fairy bridge beast, which is extremely rare, asked a very deep question.

Even the little paper figurine was stunned by this question.

Is this a problem?

Perhaps, not to mention the little paper man, even Ye Luo may not have thought of it.

Is it true or false, is that a question?
However, after thinking for a while, the little paper man shook his body suddenly, looked at Xiaoxianqiao Beast, and said, "This is indeed a problem that I missed. Now, with the current information, I can't judge it for the time being." , Xiaoqiao, your brain seems to have a lot of inspiration recently."

"I also feel my head light up from time to time. It seems that since Uncle Ye obtained the first volume of the Heavenly Book in the Taikoo Ghost Mine, I have been affected by some strange influences from Uncle Ye." Xiao Xianqiao The beast scratched its head.

"Junior brother, look quickly, what is that? Damn, fat, fat man, bronze man, and little Seventeen!" The white-skinned pig suddenly shouted.

Among the ruins, suddenly, there is a gloomy, dark, ancient building similar to a checkpoint that has not yet fallen down, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

There are three floors in the ancient, and above the third floor, three figures are standing alone and dead.

"This, is this really the earth, hell, you, look, on the wall of the ancient, ancient building, there are, there are three ancient characters: ghost gate! I, I have heard it before, after passing the ghost gate, you will To become a ghost, only the dead can pass through the gate of hell!" Suddenly, Jiang Xiyue was horrified, and pointed with a stammer.

(End of this chapter)

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