Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 900 The Mystery of the Gate of Ghosts

Chapter 900 The Mystery of the Gate of Ghosts

The three-story checkpoint is dark and gloomy, and among the ruins, it is extraordinarily lonely and weird.

Everyone, at this moment, saw this solitary checkpoint. Above the checkpoint, those three ancient red characters were full of the erosion of time, but those three words were shocking!

gate of hell!
Is it really hell here?

Ye Luo was silent, but Ye Luo's footsteps had already moved, and he walked over without any hesitation.

"Junior Brother, something's wrong, let's just walk over like this?" The white-skinned pig came over with some fear.

"Sooner or later, we have to pass. If you don't go in, you don't know what will happen." Ye Luo said, instead of stopping, his footsteps accelerated again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Luoyi, the emperor of Southern Xinjiang, moved her soul-stirring eyes slightly. She glanced at Ye Luo's back, took a step forward, and even followed directly.

"Daughter Qin Emperor, the danger up there is unknown, and it's so weird here, why don't you let those two idiots from the Eastern Wilderness explore the way first, and then we go there, it will be much safer." Ouyang Xing of Tianshan Academy, suddenly in this place At that time, he said something in a concerned tone.

"Stupid? Come this way, you people from Tianshan Academy, you are the only one who died, and he is still alive." Qin Luoyi's tone was flat, and he just said a very flat sentence.

Ouyang Xing's body froze suddenly.

Gu Hongzhuang from Hongxiu Academy couldn't help but twitched her brows. She was the first person to meet Ye Luo. At that time, Ye Luo was just a young man from the Eastern Wilderness who was seriously injured and couldn't even move.

The experience along the way flashed through her mind quickly, and she suddenly looked at Ye Luo's back again, and walked over directly.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiyue immediately followed Gu Hongzhuang.

The two female cultivators from Hongxiu Academy followed quickly, feeling a little apprehensive in their hearts.

This is the legendary gate of hell!
"Hey! You two are also weird. On weekdays, one of you looks down on many young talents in Zhongzhou than the other. You even disdain some emperors. Why do you seem to believe in that waste of Donghuang today? What's going on, what's going on, is there something else going on?" The talkative Chen Pipi seemed unusually incoherent, but followed.

When other people saw this, some followed directly, while others were wary and stopped to wait and see.

Chao Xiaoshu from Huaxia Academy grabbed Liu Xiaoshi and said vigilantly, "Let's wait outside. I feel that there might be a problem."

And Ye Luo, at this time, has already reached the gate of hell, the dilapidated, dark, and half-hidden gate.

"Little brother, those three people upstairs didn't respond when they saw us. Why do I feel that they don't have any human vitality in them? My god, the three of them won't die, right?" The pig felt something, and his face changed drastically.

"Those three above are not human." Ye Luo stretched out his hand and touched the half-hidden door.

"What do you mean?" The white-skinned pig was shocked.

"Those are three phantoms. My left eye can see through some special things. Brother Ninth, I'm going in. You stand in front and block it." Ye Luo said quickly.

"What?" The white-skinned pig was stunned for a moment.

"Fifth brother said that your skin is thick and your cultivation has been sealed, but your defense still exists, and it can even withstand the blow of an ancient giant in the fusion stage beyond the Nascent Soul stage." Ye Luo said As he spoke, he grabbed the white-skinned pig and blocked the white-skinned pig in front of him. At the same time, he slammed the door open.




The moment the door opened, behind the dark door, there seemed to be several terrifying, slender, terrifying shadows attacking violently, and Ye Luo, also at this moment, suddenly curled up behind the big white pig.

Those few shadows slammed into the body of the big white pig.

The big white-skinned pig shuddered violently and let out a miserable roar.

Tick ​​tock!

Ye Luo's eyes shrank a little, because Ye Luo, who was hiding behind the big white pig, suddenly saw blood dripping from the big white pig.

Surprised, Ye Luo stood up, quickly glanced vigilantly at the huge body on the left side of the white-skinned pig, and suddenly saw that there were five wounds, a full three inches deep, bleeding.

"Senior Brother Ninth, isn't your defense able to block the blow of the giant of the ages?" Ye Luo was shocked.

"You're a trap. The fifth senior brother is idle and fine, why tell you this? I'm a fucking dog, but, what the hell is it that broke through my defense?" Five scars, It looked scary, but to the big white pig, it could only be said to be a skin trauma.

At this time, the door has been opened, and the inside of the door is pitch black, and nothing can be seen clearly, but nothing appears in front of the pig.

"Did you not see clearly just now?" Ye Luo asked.

"No, little brother, please remind me next time, why do you look so similar to the third brother who died for thousands of years?" The white-skinned pig seemed to remember some tragic experience, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Let's go!" Ye Luo frowned, and after thinking quickly, he opened his left eye and walked straight in.

Stepping in, the body was immediately surrounded by darkness, and the temperature inside the door dropped sharply, and there was an unusually cold feeling. Ye Luo took out a bright flashlight from before the world changed from the storage ring, and quickly Shooting all around.

"Hey! Junior brother, what is this, why haven't I seen it before?" The white-skinned pig was stunned.

"Flashlight." Ye Luo said as he quickly took out another one and threw it to the big white pig.

The first floor was empty and there were three rooms. Ye Luo quickly scanned it vigilantly. Then, Ye Luo was on the first floor and found a mess of footprints, stretching to the stairs on the first floor.

Ye Luo didn't speak, and quickly walked up to the second floor.

"At this time, Qin Luoyi, the empress of Southern Border, also quickly walked into the gate on the first floor.

And Ye Luo and the big white pig were already walking towards the second floor.

"Hey! Junior brother, what do you think this is?" Suddenly, at the stairs on the second floor, the footprints of four donkey hooves were imprinted on the dust at the entrance of the fourth floor.

In addition to the donkey's hooves, there was a mess of fresh footprints.

"Little brother, that dead donkey who cheated his father, isn't he also above the checkpoint?" The white-skinned pig speculated.

Ye Luo didn't speak, his face became more solemn, and he walked up to the second floor with one step. At the same time, he used a flashlight to quickly shoot around. Then, Ye Luo saw that all the footprints stretched towards a room on the far right of the second floor. among.

Ye Luo walked quickly and walked over.

The door to the room is open.

"Little Junior Brother, be careful!"

The moment Ye Luo was walking at the door and the flashlight was looking inside the door, Ye Luo suddenly felt a sharp attack coming down from the top of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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