Chapter 901
Ye Luo's body was tense, and he was always on extreme alert. Almost at the same time as the white-skinned pig's words fell, a small blood-red sword appeared in his hand.

Ye Luo's body slid towards the right side strangely, and the blood-red sword in his hand, already injected with the power of devouring, suddenly moved upwards and stabbed.


The little blood-red sword tightened suddenly, as if something had been pierced into it, and there was a scream, red and stinky blood dripped down, and then there was no movement.

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Luo and the white-skinned pig finally realized what the thing on the dagger was.

It was a gigantic bat with a full inch long fangs and a foot long body. It swooped aggressively towards Ye Luo, but it did not expect that Ye Luo's reaction speed would be so fast. As a result, it Xiang Shi presented himself with a small blood-red sword. The small sword pierced through its body.

"A first-order alien beast, a ghost-toothed bat?" The white-skinned pig was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's strange, how can there be such a thing in this place?"

Ye Luo frowned even tighter, threw the bat's body on the ground, and then used the flashlight to quickly shoot in all directions. Seeing that there was nothing else, he looked into the room again.

That room was a little messy, as if it had been turned over by someone.

On the left side of the room, there is a mahogany table. The material of this table is like star wood in the practice world. After hundreds of millions of years, the material of the table is still intact. ,

On the table, some things were placed in a mess, as if they had been turned over.

Among them, on the table, there was a simple, three-foot-long, measuring-foot-wide box, which attracted Ye Luo.

Ye Luo approached vigilantly, and looked into the quaint box.

I saw that in the box, there was a thin layer of yellow paper, three feet long and the width of the measuring ruler. The yellow paper had not rotted after so many years.

No, on the yellow paper, there was a line of characters like a ghost talisman, and at the same time, three ancient seals were printed.

Ye Luo took a closer look at the line of ancient characters, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't recognize them. Afterwards, he thought about it carefully, and vaguely felt that this line of characters was the same as those liar-like ghost hunters before the world changed. , Monk, and the ghost talisman randomly drawn by the magic stick, which are somewhat similar.

When Ye Luo assassinated a high-level liar, he knew something about it. Those things that were like ghost charms were actually incomprehensible to people like spirits and Taoists.

When they saw such ghost charms in some ancient books, they were more awe-inspiring, so they plagiarized, imitated, and used them to deceive and frighten people.

"Senior Brother Ninth, do you know these words?" Ye Luo asked.

"Ahem, little brother, that's the right question. Let me tell you, you are the first person to ask me among many senior brothers in the past thousands of years. It's just that your ninth senior brother I used to be the number one scholar, but, um, after so many years, I have forgotten some things, for example, those useless words and so on." The white-skinned pig put on airs and spoke seriously.

Ye Luo froze for a moment, illiterate?

The white-skinned pig was serious, as if he didn't see Ye Luo's reaction, he just put on a show, approached the table, and then glanced at the ghost amulet in the box on the table.

At this glance, the body of the white-skinned pig also froze for a moment.

"Guided by the way of Emperor Yan Luo in Fengdu." The big white pig's mouth moved, and it was read out word by word, and then said: "I'm so stupid, it turned out to be these few words, 1 years ago, there was A young man named Zhang Hefan, holding a fire stick in his hand, once brought a gray-haired squirrel to the Dazhu Peak of the Shang Qingzong, and brought such a thing!"

Ye Luo looked at the big white pig suddenly, and asked, "What kind of Zhang, what kind of fan, what kind of fire stick, have you seen this before?"

"I've seen it before, I have a deep memory, I heard from my master that Zhang Fan was an immortal who lived to that time in the ancient times, and the fire stick in his hand once broke the ancient sword of Zhu Xian!
Back then, he took that thing and asked his master to interpret it. Later, it took ten years for the master and the fifth senior brother to decipher all the words on it. However, after deciphering the words, the young man never appearing again.

Later, at the end of ancient times, everything was sealed. It was not until two years ago that the world changed and the ancient forces broke the seal. Master, on the day of the world change, took the ancient yellow paper and left. . "The big white pig thought quickly.

"For the road of Emperor Yan Luo in Fengdu." After hearing this, Ye Luo looked extremely solemn, looked at the yellow paper carefully, and said, "Maybe this is the road to hell. Before the world changed, some remote areas in China , There have been some legends, I have heard of them, but I don't know whether they are true or not."

"Junior brother, look, what is this?" The white-skinned pig suddenly discovered something again, and the pig's hoof suddenly pointed to the far left side of the table, where the dust was scattered.

In that place, there is an ancient, very inconspicuous pattern.

Engraved on the pattern is a imprint of a grimace that looks like a smile but not a smile, and a grimace that seems dry but not crying!

The north of Zhongzhou and Donghuang, the land of the extreme north.

Before an eternal snow mountain.

On the eternally frozen snowfield, an old carriage parked quietly in front of the snow mountain, and a barbecue grill, burning precious golden nanmu, was roasting a white, tight and rare three spirits. fish.

A fairy-like old man with no image was holding a sharp knife and shaving the yellowish tender meat of the fish. In front of him was a plate with finely chopped spices.

In front of him was a yellow paper three feet long and two feet wide.

"Master, we found the wrong place. Why are you still in the mood to eat?" In front of the old man, a middle-aged elegant scholar with an extremely ancient and powerful aura, even resonating with Taoism in his behavior, looked at the The old man looked puzzled.

"I didn't come here to find that place. Back then, I just agreed to help him interpret it. I didn't promise anything else. Don't be stunned. Eat fish. The main purpose of my coming here is just to taste it. Three spirit fish, what does it taste like when you copy it out?" The old man with a sense of demeanor didn't seem to care.

As he spoke, he threw the first shaved fish bone in front of the old scalper pulling the dilapidated wooden cart. At this moment, the old scalper was so excited that he took the whole fish bone in one gulp. Swallow it directly, and then, between its brows, there was a look of enjoyment.

"Nine Dragons Coffin, Donghuang also appeared. Since ancient times, this is the first time that Nine Dragons Coffin has appeared. That ghost village may have already appeared. Master, what are we waiting for here?"

(End of this chapter)

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