Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 902 Strange and Shocking Changes

Chapter 902 Strange and Shocking Changes (3 more tickets requested)
Ye Luo and the white-skinned pig both stared intently at the mark on the lower left corner of the table that seemed to be crying but not crying and not smiling. Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely.

"Damn it, how could it, its imprint appear here?" The big white pig's eyes were bigger than walnuts.

Ye Luo directly picked up the thick layer of road guides on the table, threw one to the big white pig, took one for himself, and then took three or four more, turned around, and went out. room.

"Little brother, what are you doing?" The white-skinned pig turned around and followed.

"Up to the third floor." Ye Luo responded.

A few seconds later, on the third floor.

The vicissitudes, dilapidation, gloomy, weird ghost gate, there are only three floors in total, above the third floor, Ye Luo is standing at the stairs, above the third floor, is a pavilion, the surrounding is empty, nothing.

In the northwest direction of the pavilion, there are three solitary tombstones.

"Huh! That's not right, little brother, why are there three tombstones? When we looked at the level before, we still looked like three people. Now that we have come up, there are three tombstones?" The white-skinned pig was a little horrified. .

Then, it spoke again: "This is also strange, whose tombstone will be built upstairs, what the hell does that mean?"

Ye Luo activated the power of sacrifice and the power of devouring at the same time, and was extremely vigilant. He opened his left eye, closed his right eye, walked up to the third floor, and approached the three steles.

The three stone monuments were about four feet high, and they were made of unknown materials. After getting close, the already low temperature dropped a bit.

Ye Luo reached out and touched the stele.

Start, extremely cold.

Ye Luo flipped through the railings, and looked at the front of the stone tablet from the front of the railing. On the stone tablet, there were no inscriptions or names. The shape of the stone tablet was exactly like the three tombstones.

"Tombstone without words?" Ye Luo frowned.

"Junior brother, tell me, is this tombstone still unfinished and reserved for someone?" The white-skinned pig thought of a possibility.

"Maybe." In Ye Luo's heart, there were more and more doubts. After a careful look, he didn't find anything suspicious, so he wanted to turn it over again, but when Ye Luo wanted to turn it over, Ye Luo suddenly appeared. At the corner of the tombstone, I saw the imprint of a donkey's hoof again.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed fiercely again.

"That dead donkey may have been here." Ye Luo pointed to the hidden imprint of the donkey's hoof.

"Ah! Help, ghost!"

At this moment, other people also entered this checkpoint one after another. Suddenly, a very tragic and frightened cry came from downstairs, and the bodies of Ye Luo and the white-skinned pig tensed.

"Ghost, ghost!" Then, there was another scream.

Seeing this, Ye Luo and the white-skinned pig quickly rushed down to the second floor. In Ye Luo's pocket, the little paper figurine stretched out its head and stared blankly at the three tombstones, and the , On the north side of the tombstone, there is a gap in the ancient bluestone railing, the yellow but alive weed grows tenaciously.

"Liu, Liushui, did you find something?" Xiaoxianqiao Beast pulled the little paper figurine, and at the same time, rubbed its head towards it.

And the little paper man was in a daze at this moment, trying to think about something, and couldn't help turning his head when he heard the sound. The little paper man didn't expect, and didn't notice, that the head of the little fairy bridge beast also stretched out.

When she turned her head like this, she just rubbed her mouth against that of the little fairy bridge beast.

Her body froze suddenly.

Afterwards, her willow eyebrows stood up suddenly, she stepped back, grabbed the soft flesh of Xiaoxianqiao Beast's waist, and said angrily: "How dare you play a hooligan!"

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, I, I don't, I don't..."

Ye Luo and the white-skinned pig quickly went down the second floor. When they came down, there were already five or six people on the second floor, and above the second floor, there were already two corpses lying on the second floor. above.

One of them is a monk wearing the clothes of Tiandao Academy, and the other is a monk wearing red sleeves, a beautiful young girl monk.

It seemed that the two of them entered a room on the west side one after another, and then, almost at the same time, an accident happened.

Between their eyebrows, a dark red blood hole appeared.

It was as if something pierced directly between their brows.

Ye Luo approached, saw this scene, and almost immediately remembered that on the road now, he met some skeletons who did not know how many years ago. Among them, many of them had such a terrifying hole between their eyebrows.

In Ye Luo's hand, he silently clenched the little blood-red sword!
Could it be that the thing that killed some people here back then has gone through the ages and is still alive?

If it is not dead, what is that thing?
"Ah! Help!"



At this time, there was a scream and a fierce battle on the first floor. This time, the sound did not stop immediately, but seemed to continue violently.

Everyone on the second floor rushed down towards the first floor almost at the same time.

As for Jiang Xiyue, his eyes were red, and his reaction was obviously a beat slower.

But at this moment, Ye Luo pulled her and said quickly in a low voice: "Don't be alone alone, this, you take care of it, don't lose it." A piece of something three feet long and two feet wide was handed over to Jiang Xiyue.

"Damn, what the fuck, there are so many first-order ghost-tooth bats, what the hell, this place has become a nest of ghost-tooth bats, right? My god, there are second- and third-order mutated ghost-tooth bats! "The white-skinned pig ran fast, and he couldn't help being a little surprised that there were so many weird ghost-toothed bats in front of him.

"Could it be that the ghost tooth bat killed the two people upstairs just now?" Someone said in shock.

"Impossible, the wound caused by the ghost tooth bat cannot be like that." Chen Pipi said in a deep and vigilant voice at this moment, and then said: "There are other things inside."

Outside the three-story ancient checkpoint of Guimenguan, there are only three people who have not yet entered the checkpoint.

"Uncle Chao, why are you so big? They all went in. Why don't we go in? Brother Ye Luo also went in. He is from Huaxia!" There was a lot of contempt.

"Are you timid, Uncle Zhao? Isn't it just a checkpoint? Come on, I'll take you in right away, but what's so good about breaking the checkpoint? What's so good about going in? Otherwise, let's not go." Already?" The middle-aged Chao Xiaoshu looked serious.

And outside the ghost gate, the third person who didn't go in was the mortal village head of the seemingly uncultivated ghost village.

His eyes turned towards the endless ruins behind the gate of hell, and he looked over, and there seemed to be a slight throbbing in the depths of his eyes.

Suddenly, his body moved, and he ran towards the deeper part of the ruins behind the ghost gate.

"Chao, Uncle Chao, you, look quickly, what is that!"

(End of this chapter)

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