Chapter 907

The blood was surging, and the blood-red sword trembled.

In the next second, Ye Luo's figure rushed out of the cabin.

Youran, Ye Luo's eyes suddenly looked at a female nun from the Hongxiu Academy who was walking towards the cabin on the deck!

Distance, five steps!

The moment Ye Luo left the door, he rushed towards the female cultivator of Hongxiu Academy, and at the same time, the blood-red sword in his hand flew out full of blood.

The little blood-red sword trembled, and the little blood-red sword, full of devouring power, pierced directly into the gap between the eyebrows that hadn't been repaired, as if piercing through the void.

That female cultivator didn't even have a chance to resist.


The female cultivator fell to the ground.

People on the deck, as well as those who entered the cabin and came out again, were shocked to see this scene.

"Ah! Ye, Ye Luo, what are you doing? You killed Senior Sister Lingyu!" Another female cultivator from Hongxiu Academy stood next to the female cultivator who was directly killed by Ye Luo. The breath suddenly rose.

In her hand, she quickly took out a long sword.

And at this moment, Gu Hongzhuang also walked out of the cabin, just in time to see this scene, the icy breath on her body also erupted, and the crimson spirit sword in her hand pointed directly at Ye Luo.

Gu Hongzhuang was the leader of Hongxiu Academy, yet Ye Luo actually killed the people of Hongxiu Academy right in front of her eyes!

"Damn, rely on, hey, hey, is that young man in Donghuang crazy? What the hell, he even dared to kill people from Hongxiu Academy? Are you crazy? You are looking for death Ah!" Chen Pipi was also a little surprised.

"It seems that something is wrong." The emperor of Southern Border, Qin Luoyi frowned at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Chen Pipi was puzzled.

"He's only at the fifth level of Qi training. How did he kill a female cultivator from Hongxiu Academy who was at the peak of Foundation Establishment? That female cultivator didn't fight back?" Qin Luoyi said lightly.

"My day, it's over, little junior brother, what are you doing, are you destroying flowers with your hands?" The white-skinned pig was also a little shocked at this moment, and then became vigilant in an instant.

"Perhaps, he is hiding his strength." Long Yunfei of the Zhongzhou Dynasty suddenly spoke at this moment.

"He is indeed hiding his strength, but the sword he just struck did not have a big breath fluctuation." Qin Luoyi said again at this moment.

"You need to give me an explanation." Gu Hongzhuang's tone was icy cold, above the tip of the sword, a powerful and mysterious Dao Yun flowed silently, and the surrounding void trembled.

"Gu Shishi, he, he killed Senior Sister Lingyu, I, we..." Another female cultivator from Hongxiu Academy was about to attack Ye Luo directly, but Ye Luo moved again.

I saw that Ye Luo pulled out the little blood-red sword on the ground, stood up quietly, and slid three steps to the left suddenly. The little blood-red sword in his hand made another move. With this sword, Ye Luo directly In the hole, a powerful disciple of Tiandao Academy was two steps away from the powerful female cultivator of Hongxiu Academy who had just been killed.

The sword came out, directly piercing the back of the head of that Tiandao Academy.

Ye Luo's speed was astonishingly fast, without any warning, just like an afterimage, but even so, a young man in green with a wooden sword who took the lead in Tiandao Academy actually reacted.

His wooden sword was faster than the wind, and at the same time Ye Luo drew out the sword, his sword suddenly pierced Ye Luo's throat.

However, he was still a step behind.

The blood-red sword in Ye Luo's hand had already pierced the back of the head of the Tiandao Academy student. At the same time, his body slid half a step towards the left side strangely, and he dodged the sword abruptly.

However, there was a crack on Ye Luo's collar.

"My god, really, are you crazy? Hey, hey, that guy from Donghuang, what are you going to do? First you killed the people from Hongxiu Academy, and then you killed the people from Tiandao Academy?" Chen Pi Pi was really surprised.

Others were equally surprised.

A young man who practiced Qi at the fifth level in the Eastern Wilderness unexpectedly killed two people without warning, in front of Gu Hongzhuang from Hongxiu Academy, and Ye Su, a god-like younger generation from Tiandao Academy!
Is this provocation?
"It's over, it's over, what are you going to do, Junior Brother, with so many people, can you do it better?" The white-skinned pig looked around, feeling a little guilty.

Jiang Xiyue also came out, but at this moment, Jiang Xiyue's eyes did not look at Ye Luo, but at Ye Luo's feet, the powerful female nun of Hongxiu Academy who was lying in a pool of blood .

"Ling, Senior Sister Lingyu?" Jiang Xiyue was terrified, but in her mind, she suddenly remembered what Ye Luo asked her earlier. Four people came to Hongxiu Academy, but one of them was already dead. Died at the previous gate of hell.

"In addition to people, there are other things, and they are on board." Ye Luo didn't explain, but looked at the two corpses on the ground, his body tensed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You killed Senior Sister Lingyu, and I will kill you to avenge Senior Sister Lingyu!" The female cultivator of Hongxiu Academy stretched out Ye Luo's hand to the ground. When he was in the body, the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed Ye Luo.

However, before her sword could reach Ye Luo's body, it was blocked by a powerful aura.

And it was Gu Hongzhuang who emitted this aura!
"Senior Sister Gu, why are you..."

"Perhaps, you should have not entered the gate of hell at that time. Three people died in the gate of hell. One of them was her from your Red Sleeve Academy. She was already dead, but she followed you and boarded this ship. "Ye Luo said lightly, and finally touched the forehead of the first person to be killed with his hand.

Ye Luo's hand moved slightly.

Between the eyebrows of the female corpse, there was a restriction, as if it had been punctured, and a dark hole suddenly appeared.

"No, that's right, I, I watched Senior Sister Lingyu get killed with my own eyes." Jiang Xiyue said with a pale face.

"If I'm not mistaken, the thing in the gate of hell should have controlled her body. In the chaos just now, it followed us on the boat, and no one noticed.

When I killed it, it got into this disciple of Tiandao Academy from her body. "After Ye Luo finished speaking, he turned his hand to the eyebrows of the disciple of Tiandao Academy who fell on the ground.

With the touch of his hand, there was a dark hole in the center of his brow!

When everyone saw this scene, their backs felt a little chilly, and the aura defenses on their bodies were suddenly released, and the expressions of many people who had entered the three-story ancient building of the Ghost Gate Pass suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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