Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 908 The Secret of the Boat of No Return

Chapter 908 The Secret of the Boat of No Return
"What exactly is that? Did you kill it?" A monk took a step back, his face pale.

This sentence asked what many people wanted to know.

No one has seen what that thing in the gate of hell is. Many people have seen the three dead in the gate of ghosts.

The unknown is always the scariest thing.

However, Ye Luo shook his head at this moment.

"It's still on the boat." Ye Luo said lightly.

All the people on board froze again.

Ye Luo tensed his body, opened his left eye, closed his right eye, and glanced around. His eyes just stopped for a while on the deck, on the ancient giant ship, and then moved away to continue to scan.

"Small, junior brother, what, what should we do?" The white-skinned pig approached, a little panicked.

"Go into the cabin and see what's on board." Ye Luo said, then turned around and walked into the door of the cabin again.

Everyone was extremely vigilant, watching the back of Ye Luo walking into the cabin, at this moment, no one stopped him.

However, the young man in green with a wooden sword in Tiandao Academy looked at Ye Luo with a thoughtful expression on his face, and slowly retracted the wooden sword in his hand.

"Brother Ye Su, what should we do?" A powerful monk in the mid-Yuanying stage of Tiandao Academy said.

"Follow him in."

The cabin was dark, and Ye Luo took out a bright flashlight from the storage ring. Although practitioners completely crushed the age of technology in terms of strength, many things left in the age of technology are the world of practice , which is not.

The ship is huge, and the road in the cabin is also extremely wide.

"Little brother, what if that thing comes out again?" The white-skinned pig was still a little worried. Now that its strength has been sealed, it can only rely on a pair of solid pigskin to resist.

"If my guess is correct, that thing should be in a very weak state. You still remember that when we first entered the gate of hell, there were three things that attacked you almost at the same time, but they didn't completely penetrate your pig. Skin?" Ye Luo whispered.

"I know, damn it, the wounds on my body haven't healed yet." The white-skinned pig glanced at the three scars on the left side of his body, and twitched his mouth.

"If my guess is correct, it wasn't three things that attacked you at the same time, but one thing that attacked you three times in a very short period of time.

When I was at the gate of hell, I observed your wound.

Later, after entering the gate of hell, I observed the wounds between the eyebrows of the three dead people. I found that the size of their wounds was almost the same as yours and the force of the impact.

However, for the three people in succession, and the fourth person, the traces of wounds were more violent at one time.

That is to say, that thing, with its current strength, should be unable to penetrate your defense, and it cannot penetrate the defense of a powerful monk for the time being. Therefore, the targets of that thing's attack are all relatively weak for the time being. " Ye Luo analyzed.

"Damn it, you should have said it earlier, it's so stupid, it can't penetrate our defense at all." After hearing this, the white-skinned pig couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then said: "Mal Gobi's man, what is that? what?"

"Don't let your guard down for the time being. That thing has been locked in the ghost gate for an unknown number of years. Its current state is very weak, but it is constantly getting stronger. The people killed by it, the dantian in their bodies, are all It is empty, it must have been sucked by it.

Every time it kills a person, it should be evolving, becoming stronger, or recovering its original terrifying cultivation. "Ye Luo dropped another sentence, and the pig who had just let go of his heart suddenly hung up again.

Ye Luo's footsteps did not stop.

A few seconds later, Ye Luo passed by. The cabin was dark, long and wide, and the space in front of him suddenly opened up. .

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, the white-skinned pig also leaned over, glanced forward, and couldn't help being stunned.

The others also walked out of the aisle more or less quickly, all of them stared blankly.

At the end of the aisle, there is a vast field, which is full of various plants, wheat, rice, corn, rice, red beans, wild flowers and weeds...

The first floor of this ancient ship is a field?
Moreover, in the sky above these plants, there is actually a bead as bright as the sun, which is emitting bright light, emitting a brilliance like sunlight, illuminating the entire space of this huge first floor.

The Boat of No Return, as the most mysterious ship in the world, has been handed down since ancient times, and its mystery even surpasses the legendary black-padded boat.

It is so mysterious, how could the first floor of the cabin be such a bright field?

"Hey, what's going on here, how do I feel, something's wrong?" The white-skinned pig looked at the wilderness, it was already a little nervous, and its back felt a little chilly.

"The wilderness is too quiet. There are no animals and no wind. This is the first floor of the ancient ship." Ye Luo's expression was also slightly solemn. Afterwards, Ye Luo observed with his left eye and did not notice anything unusual.

Ye Luo was silent for a while, and continued to walk forward along the path between the fields.

Ye Luo bent down and touched the soil on the ground, and saw that the soil turned out to be genuine loess. After walking a certain distance, the loess turned into black soil like the northeast before the world changed.

Others were equally surprised.

Ye Luo continued to move forward. After walking for about an hour, the surrounding environment changed a little. The wilderness turned into a desert. The distance of the desert was nine hundred feet. It became a grassland, and then the grassland turned into a forest.

Ye Luo was shocked.

Along the way, the length of the cabin alone has exceeded seven thousand feet. How big is this legendary boat of no return.

Fields, deserts, grasslands, forests, what does that mean?
However, among these, there was eerie silence, not a single animal, not even an ant.

Along the way, it has already consumed five hours.

Everyone was shocked, is this still a ship?
The end of the forest has finally reached the end of the first floor of the cabin. At the end of the cabin, there is a tall, winding ladder that looks like it should lead to the second floor.

What will be the second layer of the boat of no return?
(End of this chapter)

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