Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 911 The shock on the boat of no return

Chapter 911 The shock on the boat of no return

Darkness dissipated.

All the people walking in front of the stairs stared fixedly at the place where the darkness dissipated.

Ye Luo stood calmly, unmoved.

However, the flute in the hands of the Nanjiang Empress has already pierced Ye Luo's eyebrows. Even, as long as she spits out a little bit of law from the flute, she can directly penetrate Ye Luo's eyebrows and kill Ye Luo!

However, she did not move.

The light veil on her face concealed her mysterious face, and her eyes contained a frightening killing intent, but, in her white neck, there was a bright red.

The fighting time is extremely short, only three seconds from start to finish.

The sound of the battle was not very loud, and the movement was not too loud, but the truly powerful monk, even Chen Pipi, who was always talkative, could see the danger and his face was solemn.

Sometimes, the silent killing intent is the most terrifying.

"Hey, what happened just now? Why did the flute in the hands of Emperor Qin touch Ye Luo's eyebrows? Are you going to kill him? Just this trash, he should have been killed a long time ago, kill him!" Ouyang Xing listened With the sound of three seconds, they squeezed in front abruptly, just in time to see this scene.

"Although this monk from Donghuang hides his powerful strength, he is still no match for Emperor Qin." A monk from Tiandao Academy shook his head.

"What you see with your eyes may not be true." The young man in blue with a wooden sword in Tiandao Academy took a step forward, and there was a tyrannical fighting intent in his eyes.

"They don't seem to have used it. The strongest hole card is temptation?" Another monk said in a low voice.

Jiang Xiyue had seen Ye Luo's powerful and suffocating attack a long time ago. She looked at Gu Hongzhuang and asked cautiously, "Senior Sister Gu, just now, why did Emperor Qin quietly assassinate Ye Luo?"

"Testing, there are too many secrets hidden in him, at least, we have to test out some general strength." Gu Hongzhuang's eyes were extremely bright, and she also looked at Ye Luo, her body was brewing, and she didn't know what she was thinking .

"Then what was the result?" Jiang Xiyue asked again.

"For the time being, I haven't noticed that the Southern Border Empress should know something..." Gu Hongzhuang still stared at Ye Luo firmly.

"Oh, maybe, you should save some energy. If you don't return to the boat, you haven't reached the end yet." Ye Luo's expression was still calm. In the same realm, close combat and body training monks have unparalleled advantages.

Especially, the body-refining cultivator who practiced the Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll!

Ye Luo opened his mouth, turned his head, and finally walked into the second floor of the Boat of No Return.

The white-skinned pig opened its mouth, and the corner of its mouth twitched violently, followed directly, and said cursingly: "Young people nowadays are paralyzed, and they are really perverted one by one."

"Hey, hello, Emperor Qin, what did you find out?" Chen Pipi asked immediately.

However, Qin Luoyi, the emperor and daughter of Southern Border, did not answer.

"What happened in front? It seems that someone is fighting." The person walking behind the stairs had no chance to see the extremely dangerous and terrifying battle that lasted only three seconds, so he asked suspiciously.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast asked blankly: "Liu Shui, Uncle Ye just touched her place..."

"Shut up, don't learn if you're good, what are you looking at!" The little paper man was sullen, and pinched the ear of the little fairy bridge beast.

Ye Luo walked up to the second floor, but his right hand was trembling slightly. A strand of blood dripped from Ye Luo's hand in a quick drip. Ye Luo silently tapped his right arm twice in a row. stop.

"It's not easy to win, is it? The real terrifying method of the Southern Border Empress has not been used yet, a son of the Great Emperor, perhaps, there are more terrifying cards that I don't know." The white-skinned pig seemed to see through some , said something in a low voice.

Then, the white-skinned pig whispered again: "Well, before the master traveled, he once said a famous saying, if you can't fight a stunning and talented emperor, then find a way to fight!" She! If you fall in love with her, you can not only defeat her, but also get her, not only can you get her, but you can also get a supreme father-in-law at the emperor level, junior brother, I feel that you need to..."

Ye Luo didn't speak, and her pace became faster and faster.

Walking through the ancient corridor on the second floor, Ye Luo's eyes could not help shrinking again. On the second floor, there was a piece of terrifying, cold white bones. These bones were piled up in bits and pieces. the chill.






"An alien beast, an ancient saber-toothed tiger."


Ye Luo walked quickly, step by step. From the shape of the skeleton, Ye Luo could almost easily tell what kind of animal the skeleton was before it died.

On the entire second floor, from the most basic farm animals to the terrifying and powerful beasts, Ye Luo even spent more than four hours walking from the head of the cabin to the tail, and saw the legendary , eighth-level, after adulthood, the bones of the supreme terrifying beast whose combat power is comparable to that of the Great Emperor!

Ye Luo was shocked.

The first floor is all kinds of plants, the second floor is all kinds of animals, strange beasts, what is the third floor?
According to the legend, what secret is hidden in the boat of no return that is even more mysterious than the black-peng boat?
Ye Luo quickly walked past the second floor, and did not stay on the second floor. In quick thinking, he went straight to the third floor. Ye Luo had a strong intuition that perhaps, many secrets would soon have an ultimate the answer.

Ye Luo quickly walked towards the third floor along the stairs.

"Did you know his strength a long time ago? That headless corpse probably didn't disappear by itself, but was killed by him." Suddenly, when she was on the third floor, Gu Hongzhuang turned her head and looked at Jiang Xiyue.

Jiang Xiyue couldn't help breathing, and her face turned red.

Seeing this, Gu Hongzhuang's bright eyes became more and more shocked. She turned her head to look at Ye Luo's back, and said in a low voice, "Killed the powerful and terrifying headless corpse in seconds? Huh, trash?"

Gu Hongzhuang suddenly remembered that when she first met Ye Luo, she and Jiang Xiyue were both urinating. Could it be that Ye Luo was just pretending along the way?

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?
Ye Luo's footsteps are getting faster and faster. There are four floors in the Boat of No Return. Will all the secrets be on the last floor?
Ye Luo has already climbed to the third floor.

At this time, the boat of no return continued to fly. The ruins under the boat of no return seemed to have come to an end. At the end of the ruins, there was an endless abyss. The abyss seemed to have no bottom and no edge.

The boat of no return has already flown into the abyss.

And on the edge of the abyss, a bright red, stubborn, and slender red flower quietly bloomed among the ruined walls of an ancient temple.

(End of this chapter)

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