Chapter 912

Above ten thousand feet, in a ghost village, in the courtyard of the village chief.

"What did you deduce?" In the yard, a candle was flickering, and Wu Banxian looked dignified. He took out nine ancient tortoise shells full of divinity from his arms, and was carefully pressing a certain kind of tortoise shell. Special rules, constantly adjusted.

The nerd stares nervously.

Suddenly, as the nerd's words fell, nine ancient tortoise shells engraved with endless mysterious ghost symbols suddenly stood upright. Then, it seemed that there was an invisible force that pulled the tortoise shells and made them press the strange, ancient tortoise shells. The law, on the ground, depicts something.

Seeing the situation, the medicine jar moved over nervously.



At the moment when the three words appeared, Wu Banxian's complexion suddenly became normal, and he let out a muffled snort, with a trace of blood spit out from the corner of his mouth. However, Wu Banxian, who has always been like a profiteer, did not give up at this moment.

"Wu Banxian, stop, your great divination technique is to spy on the way of heaven, and you will definitely suffer from heaven's punishment. Even if you do this, you have to go against the sky, can you bear it?" He grabbed Wu Banxian.


At this moment, the door of the village chief's yard opened again at this moment. A gust of wind blew outside the door, and the wind blew the candles, flickering on and off.

Wu Banxian's hand finally stopped for a moment, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the crooked figure at the door.

That figure had a bamboo basket hanging on her arm, and inside the bamboo basket were paper money. She herself was the image of a white-haired old woman.

"Are you the one who made the origami man by the bridge earlier?" The nerd was shocked.

"Long time, no see." However, the old woman who made paper figurines looked at the nerd.


No return on the boat, three floors.

Ye Luo's footsteps became faster and faster.

The third floor is water!
Mountains and water!
Huge, with water that cannot be seen at a glance, there are rivers and oceans. In the vast and huge space of thousands of feet, there is a long bridge that stretches from one section of the third floor to the other section.

Plants, animals, water, the first three layers.

The last layer should be the boat of no return, the last secret, right?

Why on earth is the interior of this legendary giant ship arranged in such an ordinary appearance?On the fourth floor, perhaps the final answer should be hidden.

"Ye Luo, tell me, what will happen on the fourth floor? Why do I feel more and more frightened?" the white-skinned pig asked.

"Senior Sister Gu, this boat is not returning. Where are you taking us? Are you taking us to the end of hell? Why do you say that there are answers to all the mysteries in that nursery rhyme?" Jiang Xiyue was also extremely vigilant. , asked a question.

However, none of them got an answer.

Two hours later, Ye Luo paused slightly.

Ye Luo looked at the water on both sides of the ancient wooden bridge, frowned, and suddenly asked the white pig in a low voice: "You saw the water just now, did it move?"

"Water? When did the water move?" The pig's hair on the big white pig's body trembled for a while. Then, he looked at the water under the bridge and saw that there was not even a single ripple in the surrounding water.

"Let's hurry up to the fourth floor, what the hell, I really shouldn't have listened to Wu Banxian back then, what the hell, I really can't enter this village!" the white-skinned pig said cursingly.

Ye Luo's footsteps continued to move forward, and after walking for about half an hour, Ye Luo's Ye Luo stopped again, quietly, Ye Luo took out a fishing rod from the storage ring Then, the hook and line were thrown violently towards the clear, dead water under the bridge.

At the same time, a trace of devouring power was injected.


The fishhook entered the water. The next moment, the fishhook seemed to catch something. Ye Luo pulled back the fishing line suddenly. Then, at the end of the fishhook, a monk wearing the clothes of Sirius Academy was directly caught by Ye Luo. In the water, fished up.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts couldn't help but tense.

"My day! The monks of Sirius Academy, he, when did he come in, and when did he die, where are the people from Sirius Academy? Damn, when did your people come in?" Chen Pipi saw Can't help being a little surprised.

Before them, someone has been here?
"Don't shout, the blood wolf who is the leader of the Heavenly Wolf Academy was seriously injured and didn't come in. You seem to have forgotten that before us, Nangong Sheng and Situ Yan from the Tianjie Academy had already chased that weird village chief. Before us, The first step broke into the cabin.

At that time, there was a monk from the Heavenly Wolf Academy and a monk from the Tiandao Academy who were also chasing after him. This monk should be the one from the Sirius Academy. "After being silent for a long time, Long Yunfei from the ancient Zhongzhou Academy suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Although the corpse is soaked in water, it is still hot. It seems that the time of death will not exceed 10 minutes." Ye Luo checked quickly and came to a conclusion.

Afterwards, Ye Luo stood up suddenly, accelerated towards the front of the wooden bridge, and rushed over.

"So, the village head and the two people from Tianjie Academy have just passed here. Maybe they haven't even climbed the last floor of the ancient building?" Chen Pipi frowned and speculated.

"Don't block the way, the person who didn't look at Donghuang has already rushed out?" A monk with a strong aura, a monk from Tiandao Academy, pushed Chen Pipi.

"Xiaoqiao, stare at some of the water. There may be living things in the water on the third floor. The corpse of the Sirius Academy has obvious strangle marks on his body, and there is water deep in the strangle marks. It should be in the Underwater, strangled to death." Ye Luo used secret techniques to quickly transmit sound.

At the same time, in a low voice, he reminded the big white pig.

"Help! Ah..."

Youran, just as Ye Luo reminded him, behind a not-so-high mountain in the water on the third floor, a tragic cry suddenly sounded, and Ye Luo's speed became faster and faster.

Up ahead, is there anyone else?

What happened to him?
"Junior brother, be careful too, if you go further, you should be the entrance to the fourth floor!" The white-skinned pig also roared.

Ye Luo's body tensed up, and his speed became faster and faster.

The little paper figurine also followed the little fairy bridge beast and stretched out her head. Her eyes did not look at the water, but her eyes fell on the wooden bridge.

"Xiaoqiao, I seem to have seen the imprint of the hooves of that stupid donkey." The little paper figurine looked at a certain wooden bridge passing by, and said something in shock.

"Uncle Donkey?" Xiaoxianqiao Beast was stunned for a moment.

"No, that mark doesn't look like it was stepped on by that donkey. Xiaoqiao, have you noticed that the shoes that the village head is wearing are a little strange?" The little paper man suddenly remembered something.

(End of this chapter)

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