Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 939 Unraveling the Eternal Mystery

Chapter 939 Unraveling the Eternal Mystery
"Qing, Uncle Qing, what happened to you?" The dazed little Xianqiao Beast raised its head, looked at the bronze man, and asked again.

"I don't seem to have done anything, but Fatty, Little Seventeen, Pig and I entered the bronze gate first, and then, for some reason, the pig separated from the three of us, and then we walked forward After a certain distance, inexplicably, I encountered a very violent sandstorm.

After that, the three of us were blown into an abyss in the center of the ruins by a gust of wind that seemed to contain some special law. At the bottom of the abyss was a river, and the water in the river was blood red.

We drifted along the river for a while, and then walked along the bank for about three hours before we arrived here.

After that, the three of us walked onto the bridge together, and when I heard someone calling me on the bridge, I looked back, and then fell into a coma for no reason. "The bronze man tried hard to remember, many things, vaguely, seemed to be unable to remember.

"Have you ever called out the word ghost?" Ye Luo frowned and asked.

"I don't think so. I can't remember clearly. I seem to have lost part of my memory." The bronze man became more and more frightened. It had never encountered such a situation in its many years of life.

At the beginning, in the Taigu Ghost Mine, in order to cooperate with the eternal ghost face, red embroidered shoes, Loulan Emperor's coffin and black boat, he tried his best to cut off the sword that broke the ghost's hand, and he has not yet recovered.

"Fatty and that little Seventeen, where did they go, you don't know?" Ye Luo asked.

"I don't know, but I remember that they crossed the Naihe Bridge first, and I followed." The bronze man said a little timidly, and then said: "After I fell into a coma, what happened? , as if something has been bitten?"

The bronze man moved his body, examined it carefully, and suddenly saw that there was a row of fine tooth marks on its body that was comparable to a holy weapon!

There was even a tooth mark on its leg, leaving a very clear dent.

"I'm a bitch, after I fell into a coma, what was I bitten by?" The bronze man became more and more horrified, and took two steps back abruptly, with extreme shock in his eyes.

"Uncle Qing, I remember my father said that your body is very strong, even my father can't move too much." Xiaoxianqiao Beast looked at the tooth marks left on the bronze man, and was stunned for a while, then slid With a single click, he got into Ye Luo's pocket again, vigilant, and looked around in a daze.

Ye Luo was also a little shocked.

However, Ye Luo's eyes began to scan the surroundings quickly. Apart from the imprint of the eternal grimace pressed by the bronze man on the wooden board earlier, Ye Luo suddenly saw a few slight footprints.

"The fat man and that little Seventeen should have already walked forward. The footprints should belong to the fat man. The footprints of the two of them are quite messy. It seems that they encountered something terrible and they walked in a hurry." Ye Luo After thinking for a while, he walked towards two of the footprints.

After that, Ye Luo looked at the other footprints. Ye Luo found that there were the footprints of Fatty and Little Seventeen, and two more footprints. Those two footprints should have crawled out of the seventh coffin. That person, and the head of the mysterious ghost village.

However, Ye Luo's gaze became more serious.

Because, Ye Luo always felt that the footprints of these four people were a little weird.

Ye Luo opened his left eye and closed his right eye. With enough devouring power, he silently poured it into the mysterious symbol in his left eye. This person, this last person, walked along the footprints of these four people, and each of his footholds is above the previous four footprints."

"What?" The bronze man was a little dazed.

"Go, there are many things. I have already figured out the answers to them, but there are still some things missing. If I guessed correctly, the person who walked out of the seventh coffin should be from the nursery rhyme. The metaphorical five rabbits." Ye Luo said.

Seeing Ye Luo turning around and following the footprints, the bronze man walked forward. He glanced at the turbulent fog around him, the strange Naihe Bridge, and the porridge shed. He trembled and followed Ye Luo quickly.

At the same time, all the ancient academies and powerful people who jumped off the boat from Never Returning also walked onto the Naihe Bridge, and they couldn't see clearly in the turbulent fog.

"Ye, Ye Luo, look quickly, there seems to be something in front of you!"


The holy mountain under the coffin in Kowloon, at the foot of the mountain.

In the courtyard, in five earthen houses.

"Bi An Hua, San Sheng Shi, Nai He Qiao, is this woman selling porridge the legendary Po Meng? I, the person my father has a crush on, is Po Meng?" That young girl, Tian Yun'er, looked at this picture and thought Looking at some of her father's past actions and words, her body couldn't help shaking.

"Yun'er, do you believe in hell? Do you want your father to tell you a story about hell?" Tian Yun'er clearly remembered that his father would often say this sentence when she was a child.

It's just that when she was young, Tian Yuner didn't seem to be interested in this thing, and she didn't hear much about it.

As for the legendary hell, in Tian Yun'er's consciousness, maybe it's just a fake, even if it's true, it's just a very huge, mysterious, and ancient force from before the ancient times.

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with her father and mother.

"Your father and I were fishermen on that lonely boat under the Naihe Bridge." Tian Yun'er looked at the ancient painting in her hand, under the Naihe Bridge and on the Wangchuan River, the one was wearing a bamboo hat and holding a fish in her hand. The man in the line couldn't help but rubbed his eyes.

"My father, is he from hell?" Tian Yun'er said blankly.

Afterwards, Tian Yun'er continued to unfold the ancient painting, and under the ancient painting, there was actually a second picture, and in the second picture, there was a bit of the artistic conception of willow bank, dawn wind and waning moon.

In the painting, the lonely boat is docked, and the breeze blows the branches. By the bridge, the woman selling porridge serves a bowl of porridge to the man on the lonely boat.

"Is that true? This is really my father? It's just that if my father had a crush on Meng Po, he wouldn't dare to let my mother know, who is my mother?" Tian Yun'er suddenly thought of a more serious problem.

In her memory, her mother was much, much better than her father.

If her mother saw this painting, half of her father's life would probably be lost.

Her father, in her impression, was a typical strict wife.

"My mother, who is my mother? Hell, where is it? I remember that many years ago, a young man surnamed Zhang, holding a magic weapon like a fire stick, looked for my mother. That person seemed to be People from Donghuang Shangqingzong, my mother, is it from Donghuang?"

(End of this chapter)

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