Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 940 Unraveling the Eternal Mystery 2

Chapter 940 Unraveling the Eternal Mystery 2
Ghost village, under the persimmon tree, in the yard.

Wu Banxian, the medicine jar, and the nerd were completely shocked at this moment. The eyes of the three of them suddenly turned to the innocent little girl who was like a porcelain doll.

Hell really exists, and this little girl in front of her is the Ninth Hall of Yama who was rumored to frighten all races in hell?

"Hell really existed before the ancient times, but the real hell is not the hell in the myth. However, the myth is not groundless. Many things in the myth are in hell and have really existed.

Hell is the most mysterious, ancient, and powerful supreme organization before the ancient times.

So mysterious that it is enough to change fate against the sky and disrupt the secrets of heaven!
The legendary Yama of the Ten Temples has all reached the level of the great emperor who can suppress all races, and even three of them have even reached the level of beings who are about to break through the legendary realm of the great emperor. "At the door, the lonely woman spoke a little bit of the most mysterious and mysterious corner of the past.

"The hell before the ancient times was established because there were too many unexplainable and weird things between the heaven and the earth. The most important function of the hell before the ancient times was to investigate the strangest and most incomprehensible things between the heaven and the earth. something to explain.

Even, the restricted area before the ancient times was the main area investigated and studied by Hell.

The world is vast, and there are some things that even the Great Emperor can’t understand, and can’t be explained by laws and Taoism. For example, in our cognition, people in the practice world are mainly composed of body and soul, and soul can be divided into two parts. For the three souls and seven souls, but besides the three souls and seven souls, are there other things?

For another example, before the ancient times, some anti-sky artifacts were unearthed, even incomplete artifacts that surpassed the emperor's level, and, as you are familiar with, the bronze man and that dog!

Before ancient times, the bronze man was Yama of the Ten Temples in Hell. He dug it out from a tomb in the Supreme Forbidden Zone and brought it back to study. snatch.

In hell, Yama and the owner of the red embroidered shoes had some friendship. They reached some agreement before, and the bronze man was taken away by the red embroidered shoes.

As for the cheating dog that later became a donkey, its origin is more mysterious. It ran into hell by itself, and let the people in hell study it.

It wants to know its own identity.

It's just that there seemed to be some problems with the dog back then. Its memory was intermittent all the time, and it didn't know what happened later. Its memory returned to normal, but all the things before the ancient times were forgotten. .

And in my memory, when that cheating dog, in hell, asked to be studied, it didn't seem to produce any results. "The lonely woman at the door continued to tell little by little, and Wu Banxian, the medicine jar and the nerd were already shocked by the somewhat numb answer.

Under the persimmon tree, the innocent little girl felt that everything she heard had a feeling of deja vu, but she couldn't remember it after thinking about it carefully. She was a little dazed, and her immature brows frowned deeply. .

"The hell before the ancient times has experienced tens of thousands of years of development and growth, attracting countless strange people to join, and even the power of many ancient monks has defied the sky.

The scale of hell is unprecedentedly powerful, mysterious, and prosperous. It can be said that it has reached a hell that has never been seen before, and has never seen anyone since. It is several times stronger than the Zhongzhou Dynasty in its most prosperous period.

However, prosperity must decline.

In the hell, there are countless things that are so weird and terrifying that even the ten temples of Yama can't explain or even suppress them. Some of these things even evolved into a restricted area in hell.

Hell, it's starting to get really scary.

And at this time, there also began to have differences among the Ten Temples of Yama. In hell, the differences were even greater. Some people began to argue that in hell, you can no longer just bring some weird things, which are completely incomprehensible, and whose strength is terrifying What will hell look like if things continue like this?
However, the reason why hell can become such a terrifying scale is entirely based on this kind of research, as the core cohesion. If there is no such research on the endless unknown, then the huge hell will probably disappear overnight. Fall apart.

Hell is too big, too mysterious, and has become a place that no one can control.

Change is easier said than done!
Of course, if the ten halls of Yama join forces, the ten great emperors, even from the existence of surpassing the great emperors, use strong means to unite and force the reform, it is very likely to succeed.

However, there are also conflicts in the philosophy of the Ten Temples of Yama.

And at this delicate juncture, Yama, the fifth temple, brought from a restricted area a thing that brought hell a turning point. This thing is the eternal grimace!
My memory, the memory of this Eternal Grimace, has been lost a lot, but I can vaguely remember that during the study of the Eternal Grimace, many shocking events happened in hell.

These things, perhaps can only be learned by entering the depths of hell now.

However, this is not the most critical inflection point. The real inflection point of hell should be the appearance of Nine Dragons Coffin. When Nine Dragons Coffin appeared, I also encountered some troubles.

At that time, I did some special research on a strange, thinking, and walking ancient ancient lamp, and some mutations occurred in it. I had to use ancient magic to make some seals.

And what happened after that, my memory has been seriously confirmed. I only remember that later, an event that shocked the ages happened in hell, or it was a mystery. Even I had to use divine magic to seal myself. Appear.

And in the pre-Qin period, I was already looking for some things. The answer to the mystery of that year may now be in the hell at this time. The ghost village in hell has reappeared. It is time to solve the mystery of the ages. "The lonely woman continued to speak.

"Then, then you were in hell at that time, yes, what did you do?" The stunned nerd swallowed, looking at this little junior sister whom he met for the first time, who entered the Shangqing sect in the pre-Qin period, and asked .

"Grandma Meng."


Under ten thousand feet, in hell.

"Uncle, uncle, look quickly, sheep, sheep, there is an antelope!" Xiaoxian Bridge Beast pointed forward and grabbed Ye Luo.

(End of this chapter)

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