Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 942 Hell Mutation

Chapter 942 Hell Mutation
"I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" Ouyang Xing called the antelope, and looked at him with such eyes, the anger that had been suppressed all the way boiled in his heart instantly.

"Death to me!"

Ouyang Xing has already condensed and brewed enough, and the Taoism at the bottom of the box, turning over the mountain seal, directly smashed down in terror.

India down!

In Ouyang Xing's body, the terrifying aura and laws condensed into a towering mountain, which directly smashed down on the antelope that had been standing still.

Ouyang Xing, for the sake of caution, did his best.

The antelope finally felt some danger, it moved suddenly, and the strange and dead law on its body also fluctuated terribly. Ouyang Xing's heart was suspended for a moment when the antelope moved.

The lamp holder of that ancient bronze lamp, isn't it unreliable?

Why is the aura fluctuating on this antelope so weird?

Could it be that even an antelope is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, trying to slap him in the face?

Along the way, Ouyang Xing, whose face was almost swollen and numb from the beating, used all his strength to use the mountain seal, and then took out an old scarf-like scarf from his storage ring. Talisman.

Ouyang Xing even showed his last hole card.

At this moment, Ouyang Xing bit his teeth hard.

Ouyang Xing bit the tip of his tongue, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth. The next moment, he wanted to spray the blood from the tip of his tongue on the ancient talisman.

However, at this moment, from the corner of Ouyang Xing's eyes, he saw a very strange scene. The moment the mysterious antelope was attacked, it suddenly put away its body. With a strange momentum, he exerted all his strength, and he turned into an afterimage, and suddenly ran to the left!
boom -

The overturning seal that Ouyang Xing smashed down with all his strength earlier, smashed down horribly, and actually smashed a deep hole in this land, with a radius of ten steps and a depth of one hundred meters!
And that antelope, although it ran away at an extremely fast speed, but, after all, the overturning seal was Ouyang Xing's full blow in the Nascent Soul Stage, and it didn't completely dodge it at all.

A terrifying defensive aura emanated from the horn on its left side, but its defense was simply hard to resist, click, the horn on its head was directly smashed!
Its entire body was blown away!

It's not dead, though.

It quickly got up, looked up to the sky and wailed, glanced at Ouyang Xing with its dead eyes, turned around and ran away at a faster speed.

Its distance has already surpassed the effective distance of Ouyang Xing's attack, but Ouyang Xing didn't chase after it!

It's not that Ouyang Xing didn't chase after him, but that Ouyang Xing didn't expect that this thing would be so vulnerable. Even, as a creature in hell, it would be so shameless that it would turn around and run away?

so cowardly?
"Hahaha, I'm happy today. I'll spare you a little life. You dare to block my way. A mere third-order alien beast, I really don't know how high the world is!" Ouyang Xing finally felt that he had found a sense of existence and majesty that belonged to him. !
Along the way, he had been slapped in the face all the time, but at this moment, he felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"Senior brother Ouyang, that antelope is so cute, and it's only at the third level. You, how did you use the mountain seal?" Jiang Xiyue, who was behind Gu Hongzhuang, said weakly.

"Damn, Ouyang Xing, what about it? Isn't it just an antelope, why are you so ruthless? Damn, you took out all the mountain seals at the bottom of the box, what are you holding, an ancient talisman? Come on, come on. What about you?" Chen Pipi took a step forward, looked at Ouyang Xing with strange eyes, and said something.

"Why is there blood at the corner of your mouth? No way, you were injured when you dealt with a mere antelope?" Among the students of Tiandao Academy, a student with the lowest cultivation level, didn't see what was going on, so he opened his mouth and said One sentence, but he went on to say: "The antelope is also a third-order alien beast. Even if I am here, I am afraid that I will have to use all my strength to deal with this thing. Brother Ouyang is still quite powerful."

Ouyang Xing's body froze suddenly.

He felt good about himself just now, but at this moment, he almost collapsed!
What the hell, just now you all followed that trash Ye Luo, and when you saw this antelope, you walked so carefully. I was the only one who rushed forward at such a great risk, and directly suppressed and drove that antelope away. Isn't this a very shocking thing?

In the blink of an eye, he became a harmful animal?

Shouldn't we try our best in this weird place?Previously, on the boat of no return, who didn't use all their strength?Even Ye Su from Tiandao Academy used the ancient magical arts, but when he came to his place, how could he be despised instead of exerting all his strength?
Also, the last Heavenly Dao Academy, the weakest disciple, what the hell, you motherfucker, only reached the peak of Foundation Establishment, not even the realm of Nascent Soul, it seems that he is even a peripheral student, he still wants to fight with himself Compare?
At this moment, Ouyang Xing's body froze completely.

His face was blood red.

The blood on the tip of the tongue overflowed silently.

This is so bad, I really can't do it?

Ouyang Xing's eyes turned black for a while, his body swayed, and he almost didn't fall down.

But Ye Luo's eyes only stayed on Ouyang Xing for less than a second. Then, Ye Luo took a few steps forward and looked at the gazelle, who used a strange posture earlier. , worshiped, inserted into the ground, a three-meter-high white flag.

The four footprints on the ground, and the overlapping footprint, are still there.

The footprints are divided into two groups, bypassing the white banner, and walking forward.

Is it almost the end?

Ye Luo muttered to himself, feeling more and more vigilant in his heart, always feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with that weird gazelle.

Ye Luo suddenly turned his head, looked at the bronze man, and asked, "Did you feel anything?"

"What do you feel?" The bronze man froze for a moment.

Ye Luo turned her head to look at Weimei again, seeing the innocent Ye Feihong, she asked the same sentence: "Did you feel anything?"

Ye Feihong was slightly stunned, and frowned, "What?"

Ye Luo's face became more serious.

Youran, Ye Luo's body suddenly fell to the ground, and Ye Luo's ears were tightly attached to the ground. Then, Ye Luo's body immediately got up and shouted: "Run!"

Almost at the moment when the words fell, Ye Luo grabbed the bronze man, moved forward, directly activated the power of devouring and sacrifice, and rushed forward frantically!
(End of this chapter)

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