Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 943 The End of Hell

Chapter 943 The End of Hell (3 more tickets requested)
The white flag is something inserted in front of the grave.

Where there is a white flag, there must be a grave!
At this moment, Ye Luo couldn't take care of so much anymore, his body was already like an arrow from the string, pulling the bronze man frantically, bypassing the three-meter-high, lonely white banner, and rushing forward.

When the others saw this, they all looked shocked and had different reactions.

As for Ye Feihong, Jiang Xiyue, Gu Hongzhuang, Qin Luoyi, and Chen Pipi, they followed almost the moment Ye Luo rushed out.

It seems that, in this kind of place, they have already had an inexplicable trust in Ye Luo's judgment amidst invisible influences along the way.

Everyone else was a beat slower, all on their own vigilance.

Ouyang Xing looked at Ye Luo's back, from the initial contempt and surprise, to now, he saw that the impact of Ye Luo's casual actions had already had an impact on Zhongzhou, who was almost the most top-notch young genius of the generation. A very obvious envy and jealousy.

He is just a useless body training waste in Donghuang!

Even if he has some adventures, can he compare with himself?

Ouyang Xing was on fire with jealousy!
Ye Luo ran wildly, and then stopped abruptly!

"What, what's the matter?" The bronze man finally took a breath and asked in horror. ,

"Look ahead?" Ye Luo stretched out his hand and pointed at the turbulent fog ahead.

The mist was raging, and the bewildered bronze man looked into the distance and finally saw something in the mist. His body trembled suddenly, and his legs almost fell apart.

"Run, run!" The bronze man grabbed Ye Luo instead, turned around and wanted to run behind him!
"It's useless, there are voices from three directions. One step too late, this area has already been surrounded." Ye Luo's body did not move, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly looked at the white banner .

"Three directions?" The bronze man's legs really frightened one of them, and he supported them with his hands, and finally assembled them again with difficulty.

The others, at this moment, finally discovered something, and their faces changed drastically at the same time.

"Why is this so? No, nursery rhymes, Yama of the Ten Temples, red embroidered shoes, eternal grimaces, is there any loophole in my guess?" Ye Luo frowned deeply amidst the panic and shock. .

"Ye, Uncle Ye, find a way to run first!" Even the little fairy bridge beast in Ye Luo's pocket looked around in the turbulent fog, and his body couldn't help but tremble.


Do not return to the boat.

Everyone jumped down, only the big white pig hadn't jumped down yet.

In the boat of no return, someone sang a weird nursery rhyme about the ten rabbits.

In the silence, the white-skinned pig was left alone. In an open and dark place, it was the easiest to feel panic.

The white-skinned pig also panicked.

The white-skinned pig has retreated to the edge of the boat of no return that everyone has jumped off.

Almost the only word left in the mind of the white-skinned pig.

It's just that the big white pig didn't really jump.

The legs are a little weak!
I can't jump anymore!

At this critical moment, the white-skinned pig's legs were really a little weak from fright, but this was not the real reason. The white-skinned pig, as the Great Bamboo Peak of the Qing Dynasty, existed for thousands of years. Sealing, even if the legs are weak from fright, as long as you run the unsealed spiritual power and laws a little, you can still jump off.

However, at this moment, the big white-skinned pig whose legs were weak from being frightened had a daring idea in its heart. It wanted to see who the person who sang this nursery rhyme was!

No return on the boat, is there anyone else?
Pig wants to know!

The big rabbit is sick, look at the second rabbit, the third rabbit...

Nursery rhymes are continuing and circulating.

The big white-skinned pig took a deep breath, and unexpectedly strengthened its courage, and stabilized its trembling legs. It was vigilant, looking for the direction of the nursery rhyme, and it had already made a decision in its mind. By accident, it jumped off.

The nursery rhyme continues.

The white-skinned pig's eyes, trembling, swallowing saliva, finally slowly locked on to the eighth and only ancient bronze coffin that has not been opened!
Is there someone in the last ancient bronze coffin?

Listen to the voice of nursery rhymes, or a woman?

The corner of the pig's mouth twitched fiercely, and he said, "It's over, my god, little brother, why did you miss one, seven of the eight ancient bronze coffins have been opened, why don't you open the last one?"

Who will be in the last ancient bronze coffin?


Youran, amidst the nursery rhyme, the coffin lid of the last ancient bronze coffin moved at this moment, Youran, will the people in the coffin also come out?

For some reason, the white-skinned pig suddenly remembered that on the first floor of the boat of no return, on the deck, there was the largest ancient bronze coffin that had not been opened.

"One hole is missing, these eight holes, plus the one on the deck, is already nine holes, why did the younger brother say that there is still one hole missing in the coffin, if one more hole is added, there will be ten holes.

What has the junior brother seen through? "The white-skinned pig trembled with fear, but his body still stabilized and he didn't jump off.

"Crack clap-"

The lid of the last coffin was finally lifted a crack. The voice of the originally ethereal nursery rhyme suddenly became clear at this moment, and a hand silently stretched out from the last coffin.


Ghost village, under the persimmon tree.

Mother Meng?

Mother Meng!

This is the apprentice who has never met before, today is the first time, and the master only accepted in the pre-Qin period, is the legendary Meng Po?

As the lonely, cold, extremely beautiful woman's voice fell, the slightly numb medicine jar and the nerd, who were already shocked, rubbed their ears hard at the same time.

Mother Meng!

That's right, my little junior sister is the legendary Po Meng.

Even Wu Banxian was completely shocked. However, what Wu Banxian was shocked was not the identity of the lonely woman, but the hell that she said earlier, starting from the ten palaces of Yama, to the most mysterious researches, and finally out of control.

"No, all kinds of weird things, even the eternal grimace, the red embroidered shoes, the nine dragon coffin, etc., are not the truth about the real destruction of hell." Granny Tang suddenly said a word in shock.

"No, it's an area that gets destroyed the most out of control, and so many people won't die, even the ten halls of hell will fall directly." The lonely woman shook her head at this moment.

Her gaze suddenly turned to the little girl under the persimmon tree, and she said, "Perhaps you have lost all your memories, but you were the only complete person who survived the destruction that year. Among the ten halls of Yama, there is only one female emperor, and that is you."

"She has lost all her memory, and now she is a pure and innocent little girl, even though she was once a great emperor who suppressed all races, but now, she..."

"I want to ask her to do me a favor." The lonely woman interrupted Granny Tang's words, and her eyes fell on the girl again. Her hands were silent, and she condensed a complex, mysterious, trembling void. symbol.

(End of this chapter)

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