Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 944 Antelope, Wolf and Yin Soldiers

Chapter 944 Antelope, Wolf and Yin Soldiers

In the hands of the lonely woman, the complex, profound, and mysterious symbols slowly fell between the eyebrows of the pure and innocent little girl in the dark, under the persimmon tree. ,

The breath on the little girl's body suddenly changed.

A terrifying, ancient aura, as if suppressing ten thousand races, looking down at the sky, and the aura of a supreme and heaven-defying emperor burst out suddenly!

The little girl closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes fluctuating slightly.

"She, is she really a great emperor? A great emperor who lost his memory and sealed himself?" The medicine jar took a step back, his eyes filled with endless horror.

"You want to wake her up, no, she has a second body?" Granny Tang seemed to have seen through something, and the terrifying aura on her body also fluctuated slightly, and she barely resisted the mighty pressure of the emperor emanating from the little girl!
"I would like to know what happened back then. Her real identity is Yama of the Ninth Temple, and she has a second mature body. Among the Yama of the Ten Temples, only Yama of the Ninth Temple is a woman." Lonely The girl Mengshi, with a very mysterious law in her body, turned into a bouquet of the legendary Bana flowers, and slowly approached the little girl.

"You want to use this to activate her second mature body? However, her consciousness has been completely transferred to this young body, and she erased her own body with the Mengpo soup you made back then. Memory, even if you activate her, that mature body back then, her body is just a shell without a soul, is it useful?" Granny Tang looked at the lonely woman.

"Memory will be lost, but the remaining instincts and body memories will be left behind. The Meng Po soup I made back then only erases the memory of the soul, and human memory is not only in the soul, but also in the body. There are some unforgettable things that remain in the body.

For example, the human heart!

I have conducted research on memory for more than 2000 years, but I have never personally exchanged the heart of a dead person into the body of another person whose heart was severely injured.

As a result, after the heart was changed, the behavior and habits of the person who received the new heart had undergone tremendous changes, and even many of his behaviors were similar to those of the heart's original owner.

Therefore, according to my speculation, the human heart should be the second organ of memory.

Her original body should still be in hell. I activated her original body just to see if there is anything that can be remembered in her original body. "The lonely, perfect woman, Mrs. Meng, has already sent the complete flower of the other side, constructed by laws, into the little girl's eyebrows.

"However, if you do this, even if the heart has memories, it's only in her original body. Her current young and pure body still doesn't have it." Granny Tang said.

"Junior brother, it is indeed in hell. I am in the law, and I have integrated into the breath of junior brother. Her original mature body will have an inexplicable feeling of intimacy with junior brother. In hell, her body , was able to rely on instinct and aura to find the junior brother, the eternal mystery that had been buried for too long.

The body's memory may be very incomplete, and the next thing may depend on that little junior brother. In hell, there is a special restriction that surpasses the level of the emperor, and we are now unable to enter. "Meng raised her head and glanced into the darkness.

"Little brother?" Granny Tang was slightly taken aback.

"Shangqingzong, Dazhufeng, No. 11 junior brother, Ye Luo." Meng said.

"He? Can he do it? His strength seems to be very weak. I've seen him before."

"Small, junior sister, you don't seem to have met junior brother yet?" Medicine jar swallowed.


On the boat of no return, the lid of the ancient bronze coffin has been completely lifted.

With one hand, a woman with a scholarly aura, like a country on the edge of Luoshui, slowly stood up from the coffin. Her eyes were empty, as if she had no soul.

The white-skinned pig looked at the woman, climbed directly onto the guardrail on the top floor of the boat of no return, pretended to be courageous, and asked, "Girl, girl, who are you? , No, I can dance, let's talk slowly if we have something to do."

However, the woman who looked like a country and a city by the Luoshui River did not say a word, her eyes were still empty, she glanced around, and there seemed to be a trace of blankness flashing in her empty eyes.

Subsequently, the void was restored.

In her mouth, she hummed a nursery rhyme in an extremely pleasant voice.

Her body moved quietly, as if she felt something, her footsteps moved mechanically.

The direction she was walking was obviously the direction Ye Luo jumped off before, and it was also the direction where the white-skinned pig was standing now.


Before Bai Banan.

Ye Luo's body was tense to the extreme, and the figure running at extreme speed also stopped suddenly.


Ye Luo just said two words, and the faces of all the people who looked forward and heard Ye Luo said these two words changed drastically at the same time.

Seeing this, Chen Pipi turned around and ran behind, shouting at the same time: "Run back!"

However, Ye Luo didn't move.

After Chen Pipi ran for a few steps, she also stopped suddenly. If she couldn't run in front, could she run behind?No, in the mist behind him, there was a churning at the same time, dense figures, in the darkness, were rushing towards this side.

"Antelope, a herd of antelopes!" A student of the academy glanced forward, and saw that in the mist ahead, in a very short period of time, there appeared in the mist, and there was no limit at all. herd of antelope.

"Was it brought back by the antelope whose horns were broken by Ouyang Xing?" Long Yunfei of the ancient dynasty of Zhongzhou narrowed his eyes suddenly. He was already in the turbulent herd of antelopes and saw the one walking in front, that The antelope whose horns were smashed by Ouyang Xing violently that appeared before.

Antelopes are all mutated!

What's even more weird is that at the moment when the herd of antelopes appeared at the side and rear, an endless pack of wolves with a strange aura appeared at the same time.

And on the left front, in a triangular position with the antelope herd and the wolf pack, there was also a uniform, ancient vicissitudes, terrifying and eerie footsteps of the army at the same time!

The next moment, the endless army of Yin soldiers also appeared!

The wolves, the antelopes, and the Yin soldiers all surrounded Bai Banan at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Xing's expression changed drastically.

In particular, when he looked at the antelope with a broken horn in the antelope herd, his face was as pale as a piece of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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