Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 945 Antelope, Wolf and Yin Soldiers 2

Chapter 945 Antelope, Wolf and Yin Soldiers 2
Previously, he was high-spirited, and managed to get out of the limelight once, revealing himself, his self-feeling, and finally crushed Ye Luo's high-spirited feeling, and now suddenly, there was only ice cold left.

What the heck, getting the limelight and getting retribution?
Ouyang Xing's body became cold for a while.

The aura emanating from the herd of antelopes, as well as the pack of wolves and Yin soldiers behind him made him feel suffocated.

Around Bai Banan, those who did not run suddenly with Ye Luo before, now fully understood why Ye Luo ran away, and the faces of all the people changed drastically.

"In hell, it is understandable that there are Yin soldiers, but why are there still weird antelopes and wolves?" There are students from the academy, watching them approaching step by step, their breath is suppressed, and there is a terrifying, silent, eerie coercion , the voice trembled a little.

"Those wolves, it seems, are not ordinary wolves from the outside world? But, why is there a strange, ancient, and gloomy law fluctuating in their bodies? Are they all mutant wolves?" There is an academy in the academy , This is the first time I went out to practice. Seeing this scene, I was so angry that I took out all the life-saving talismans, and my eyes were full of panic.

But Ye Luo's eyes fell on the group of Yin soldiers.

This is already Ye Luo's fourth encounter with Yin soldiers!

Ye Luo suddenly remembered that when he met seven little paper figurines carrying an embroidered shoe for the first time, a group of Yin soldiers appeared. At that time, the world had not yet changed greatly, and Ye Luo had not yet started to formally practice .

And those Yin soldiers are in the secret treasure of Ghost Valley!

Then, the second time I encountered Yin soldiers was in the ancient city of Loulan. The soldiers guarding the city were all Yin soldiers!The third time was in the sea area of ​​the ancient ghost mine, and on the ancient lighthouse on the sea!

The aura and law of the four Yin soldiers are almost exactly the same!
Could it be that the Yin soldiers encountered the first three times also came from hell?
The lighthouse on the ancient ghost mine used to belong to hell?

The doubts in Ye Luo's heart became more and more intense.

Antelopes, wolves and Yin soldiers are approaching faster!
"Ye Luo, the Yin soldiers, antelopes and wolves have not yet completely surrounded us. If we work together and break through in one direction, we may have a chance to rush out." A long crystal sword that looked like a work of art appeared.

"It seems that the position of the antelope is the easiest to break through, and this is the direction we are going to." Long Yunfei's terrifying ancient aura was brewing.

"I can't rush out." Ye Luo only said four words.

"If you don't try it, how will you know?" Han Wenqing from the Ba Academy also strode over at this time, the Ba Saber in his hand exuding a terrifying aura.

Ye Luo didn't speak again, and looked at Bai Banan again, thinking quickly in his heart, the silence had already shown Ye Luo's attitude, Ye Luo would not rush.

"Everyone who dominates the library will follow me. Anyone else who wants to rush, follow me. If you don't want to wait here to die, just go forward and kill!" Han Wenqing's domineering voice has an inexplicable blood boiling .

Han Wenqing was a very decisive person. After he finished his sentence, he took the lead and rushed towards the breakthrough point he had already chosen. On the domineering hand in his hand, there was a powerful and terrifying law flickering.

Those who can get here are not ordinary people, and most of them rushed over in an instant.

"You really don't want to leave?" Gu Hongzhuang glanced at Ye Luo.

"I can't rush out." Ye Luo repeated.

Ye Luo turned around and walked towards the white banner instead.

"Junior Sister Gu, let's go!" The terrifying aura erupted from Long Yunfei's body.

There are many people, and at the moment of life and death, everyone has the right to choose life and death. Many people choose to fight, but very few people stay behind. Ye Feihong stays, and Jiang Xiyue stays nervously.

The most surprising thing was that Ouyang Xing stayed behind.

Only Ouyang Xing was left alone, and he was extremely reluctant, because the direction of the breakthrough was the herd of antelope. He looked at the antelope that he smashed earlier, and he really didn't dare to rush.

He knew very well that if he rushed over, it would definitely attract hatred the most.

Antelopes are relevant too!

He rushed over like this, others might live, but he absolutely couldn't live, and if he died, he would definitely be the first.

"The nursery rhyme, the problem, should still be in that nursery rhyme. In the nursery rhyme, the big rabbit was sick, and the second rabbit went to see it. The result was that the fifth rabbit died, and the sixth rabbit carried a sick sentence, and the sixth rabbit was carried. also died.

According to the logic hidden in this nursery rhyme, then the five rabbits are used as a medicine primer to treat the big rabbit, and the second rabbit is the one who sees the doctor. Do you want to kill the five rabbits?

The prescription was prescribed by Ertu, and the introduction of the medicine was given by Wutu. "Ye Luo frowned deeply, thinking about this at this critical moment.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, we are rushing over here, let's, let's think about this, run, run!" The dazed little fairy bridge beast looked at the Yin soldiers, a little panicked.

"Yes, yes, why don't we follow suit?" The face of the bronze man was already in pain.

"Have you ever thought that this nursery rhyme seems to be the answer to the eternal mystery of hell, so who do these ten rabbits represent?" Ye Luo suddenly raised his head.

"Who?" Jiang Xiyue followed behind Ye Luo, and asked a little uneasy.

"There are ten rabbits. Yama in hell has ten halls. Is it a coincidence? Maybe not. If we make a bold guess, the rabbits are a metaphor for the ten halls of Yama!" Ye Luo's words shocked everyone around him. No one left.

"Hell has been destroyed. In the nursery rhyme, the big rabbit is sick. If it is a metaphor that the first hall Yan Luo is sick, then, whether it is in the imperial dynasty or the oldest power, there are classes.

The big rabbit is the most powerful one, and the first hall of hell is the most powerful person in hell in the ancient times.

How could an existence at the level of a great emperor, even surpassing a great emperor, be sick?If it is not a disease, then it must be an injury, or life essence will be exhausted, a life-threatening crisis.

And the second rabbit, the role played, should be the most trusted person of the big rabbit.

He provided Yan Luo with a cure, or a method to extend his life. This method is the life of the five rabbits, which is the life of the five halls of Yama!

As a result, Yama of the Fifth Palace died!
Why did he die?

Although Ertutu suggested his death, it must have something to do with Big Rabbit, because Fifth Rabbit's death must have been ordered by him.

Among the Ten Temples of Yama, even though their cultivation bases are endlessly terrifying, the relationship on the surface seems to be very good, but people's hearts will change. The death of the five rabbits is understandable, but why did the six rabbits die?

Have you ever thought about why Yama, the most terrifying in hell, even surpassing the level of the Great Emperor, was injured?Between heaven and earth, who can hurt him? "

(End of this chapter)

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