Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 946 The Speculation Under the White Banner

Chapter 946 The Speculation Under the White Banner (3 more requests for tickets)
Ye Luo's words fell one word after another, and each word was like a shocking sledgehammer, hitting the depths of everyone's heart.

The rabbit's nursery rhyme, at the very beginning, many people thought it was just an ordinary kind nursery rhyme, who would have thought of these?Who can connect these ten rabbits with the most mysterious and strange Yama of the Ten Palaces in the legend, before the ancient times, suppressing the ancients, defying the heavens and slaughtering the Dao?

Just like, the big rabbit is sick, the second rabbit looks, the third rabbit buys medicine, and the fourth rabbit boils it. On the surface, it looks like it is sick and needs to see a doctor. Afterwards, they help each other, buy medicine and cook medicine, and everything is beautiful.

Simple nursery rhymes are beautiful things.

Although the latter is a little depressing, five rabbits die, six rabbits dig a hole, seven rabbits buy things, etc. It is also the normal state of life, old age, sickness and death. When they die, they are buried after digging a hole, and some people cry. This is a very common scene.

However, Ye Luo has deciphered something that is enough to shock the ages.

Hell is destroyed, red embroidered shoes, eternal grimace, Kowloon coffin, holy mountain, ghost village, Ye Luo, how much more can you see? Is this speculation true?

The rest of the people, at this moment, looked at Ye Luo, at this moment, even forgot that they were all on the verge of life and death.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Where there are people's hearts, there are rivers and lakes. A person's cultivation can destroy heaven and slaughter Taoism, but people's hearts are still people's hearts." Ye Luo looked at the swaying, sad white banner.

"The fifth rabbit's death is because of the second rabbit and the big rabbit, or, between the second rabbit and the fifth rabbit, there is some kind of emotional or interest conflict secretly, and the second rabbit is killing people with a knife!
But the big rabbit agrees because he is the beneficiary.

Why did the six rabbits die?
Maybe we can take a look at this nursery rhyme again. Except that each line of this nursery rhyme is arranged in the shape of a tombstone, and the numbers in each row are connected, it is 98, and what I just said, there is also a little hidden obscure things.

There seems to be some kind of special relationship between each of these ten rabbits.

The relationship between the big rabbit and the second rabbit has been interpreted, we can make another guess, the fifth rabbit is dead, so who killed the fifth rabbit?
In the nursery rhyme, it is the three rabbits and the four rabbits who grab and boil the medicine. This is actually a hint that the three and four rabbits may be the one who killed the five rabbits.

They should have been ordered or instructed by the big rabbit.

Three or four rabbits should belong to the same category. In this nursery rhyme, they can be understood as killers. According to this order, the relationship between five or six rabbits should be very good.

The reason why the sixth rabbit died was because he saw the fifth rabbit being killed. At the same time, it was discovered by the third and fourth rabbits. After that, the third and fourth rabbits should kill it together! "Ye Luo explained word by word.


Ye Luo looked at Bai Banan, the direction of the antelope herd, there was a violent and terrifying impact, and the people from the major ancient forces who chose to break through had collided with the antelope herd in a terrifying manner.

The wolves, and the terrifying Yin soldiers, are approaching.

Ye Luo's expression still showed no trace of anxiety, and Ye Luo's hand reached out to Bai Banan.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, you said earlier that the nine ancient bronze coffins on the top floor of the non-returning boat and on the deck belonged to Yama of the Tenth Hall, and Yama of the Tenth Hall, didn't they just die five or six Why? Why are there nine ancient bronze coffins?" Xiaoxianqiao Beast asked a question on behalf of the little paper figurine.


Ghost village, in the yard, under the persimmon tree.

"I don't understand one thing. If there really was a terrifying change in the hell back then, could it be that even Yama, who was at the level of the emperor, or even the Ten Temples who surpassed the emperor, could not suppress it together?" Granny Tang frowned. .

"This is what I'm most confused about. The ten halls of Yama are all great emperors before the ancient times. The strength of two of them has surpassed that of the emperor. Why did the dead die, the missing disappeared, and the whole hell even turned into ruins.

At that time, was there really any existence that could kill them? "Lonely woman, Meng raised her head.

"Well, Junior Sister, I also have a doubt about the Nine Dragons Coffin, the owner of the red embroidered shoes, and that Eternal Grimace, and other weird things studied by hell. Before they are destroyed, they should study their weird origins, or Is there the truth?" The nerd asked.

"Before the destruction of hell, I sealed myself with supreme magic, and cut off some memories and karma. I don't know what happened when hell was destroyed.

However, one thing is certain, the eternal grimace, the red embroidered shoes, the eternal nine-dragon coffin, and the other three most weird and ancient things are in hell, the oldest, the most powerful seal, and the formation that truly surpassed the emperor. It was researched in the town temple established by law.

According to my speculation, all the mysteries of why hell has become what it is today should be in the Temple of the Gods. Even hell has disappeared from the world for countless years and only appeared today after the great change of the world. Most likely, it has something to do with the town temple.

The junior brother has already entered hell, can he walk to the Zhenshen Temple alive? "The lonely woman seemed to have deduced it for countless years, and there was a silent fluctuation in her eyes.

"Then, what is the origin of that walking, thinking ancient lamp that forced you to use supreme magic, self-seal, and even cut off memory?" The nerd asked again.

"That lamp, I guessed something, I'm not sure, it might still be in hell." Meng shook his head slightly, but didn't continue talking, it seemed that the lamp involved some taboos.


"When a person dies, there will be a white banner, and the white banner usually only exists in front of the grave. There is only a white banner here, but no grave." Ye Luo changed the subject and did not answer the little fairy bridge beast's question. Already holding the white banner.

Scenes of endless clues churned, connected, and collided in Ye Luo's mind.

Ye Luo has grasped some things, but there is still the biggest core mystery that has not been solved. Ye Luo has an intuition that perhaps all the truth lies ahead.

Now he is getting closer and closer to the truth!
"Uncle Ye, Yin soldiers and wolves are coming!" Xiaoxianqiao Beast pulled Ye Luo.

At the same time, in the direction of the antelope, the battle was over. Han Wenqing was as overbearing as he was retreating. He was retreating with a terrifying sword in his hand. A terrifying wound was left on his shoulder, and the bones were visible!
On the ground, several corpses have been left behind!
The living people are quickly retreating in panic, and no one rushes out!

"Antelope, antelope eats people!"

(End of this chapter)

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