Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 949 Terrorist Assassination

Chapter 949 Terrorist Assassination
A straight line cut down like an ancient ghost knife appeared at the end of the herd of antelopes.

That line is like a clear boundary, none of the terrifying herd of antelope crossed that boundary.

The fog was raging, and Ye Luo's lonely figure, carrying a white flag, crossed the boundary step by step.

Is it the end?
What is hidden in the eternal hell?
Everyone watched Ye Luo's pulse step by step, and walked out of the terrifying herd of antelopes. The aura on his body was running to the extreme, and there was something flickering in everyone's eyes.

Everyone quickly followed Ye Luo.

However, just at this moment, when Ye Luo crossed the line for two steps, Ye Luo's body stopped suddenly. In the next moment, in the mist, no one could see clearly, Ye Luo was how to move.

And when everyone could see clearly, Ye had already made a very strange posture, the tip of the ancient Zhu Xian sword in his hand had already slanted towards the upper left, slashing down horribly.

What's on the upper left?
Isn't that a void?

At this moment, why did Ye Luo make such a strange move?


However, at the next moment, everyone was shocked to see that when Ye Luo slashed out with his sword, there was a terrifying collision in the void, and at the collision, traces of void shattering appeared!
Immediately afterwards, a ghostly figure appeared from the void!

In the hand of that figure, he was holding a pitch-black soul-killing awl!
On the body of the awl, terrifying runes flickered. It seemed that as long as one was stabbed by that awl, his soul would surely fly away. Even if everyone looked at it from a distance, their souls would instinctively tremble.


Before everyone could see that figure clearly, that figure disappeared into the void once again. In the next second, three feet between Ye Luo's eyebrows, the terrifying soul-killing awl reappeared!

The awl pierced directly between Ye Luo's eyebrows!
But Ye Luo's reaction was faster, the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword had turned to the three inches between the eyebrows in an instant, and there was another terrifying collision.

The tip of the sword in Ye Luo's hand blocked the soul-killing awl, but two bloodstains one inch deep appeared silently on Ye Luo's hand, as if the void crack created by the collision directly cut Ye Luo's right hand!
Collision again, that figure disappeared again.

Like a ghost!

"This, what is this?" A powerful monk from Tiandao Academy had a flash of shock in his eyes. This kind of collision did not seem to have any terrifying scenes or huge visions, but the icy coldness in it was so cold Extreme, fast and extremely weird attacks are the most dangerous.

"Is it the law of the void? Aren't the laws of space and time the most mysterious laws between heaven and earth? This kind of law, if you want to comprehend it, depends entirely on chance and understanding. Not necessarily able to grasp.

Who is that person in the void?
He wants to assassinate Ye Luo?

Ye Luo, can you block it? "Another student of Tiandao Academy also had shock in his eyes.

Southern Xinjiang emperors Qin Luoyi, Gu Hongzhuang, Chen Pipi, Long Yunfei, and Han Wenqing all seemed to feel something at this moment, and they all turned their heads to look at the blood wolf in the Sirius Academy, who was overwhelmed by Ye After Luo was wounded, there were only three remaining students of the Sirius Academy who had almost a reputation for existence.

At this time, among the three students, there were only two left!
"Sure enough, it's him, he's really able to bear it, and he's been able to hide until now!" Long Yunfei of the Zhongzhou Dynasty seemed to have remembered something, his face changed suddenly, and the terrifying aura on his body was serious.

"The magic wolf of Sirius Academy!" Chen Pipi also said in shock, and then said: "I didn't even notice it, no, how did Ye Luo notice it? How did Ye Luo block the terrifying blow without warning? Did he already discover something?
According to the rumors, Demon Wolf is the scariest generation of young people in the Sirius Academy. Among his peers, if he wants to kill, almost no one can escape his assassination, even the emperor of Lishan. Blood splashed under his Soul Slayer Cone! "

"Demon, demon wolf? He, has he comprehended the law of the void?" A student of Tiandao Academy was shocked.

"This is not the law of the void, but the most terrifying inheritance of the Heavenly Wolf Academy. This inheritance is called Infernal Killing! His body did not enter the void, but was hidden in the void.

Hiding and entering are two concepts.

This kind of seamless killing is a supreme assassination secret technique that is closest to the law of space! "The blood-red long knife in Gu Hongzhuang's hand shone slightly, and the terrifying aura on her body burst forth unreservedly.

"Infernal killing? Demon wolf, but, but, why did he assassinate Ye Luo at this time? He has endured until now, is it just to assassinate Ye Luo? There seem to be many opportunities along the way, so do you have to wait until now?" A student of Tiandao Academy asked another question in shock.

"Perhaps, it's because of the white banner. He wants to snatch the white banner in Ye Luo's hand. But, what is that white banner that can push the antelopes away, stop the wolves and the Yin soldiers, and endure until now? Wolf, shoot directly?" Chen Pipi guessed.


Suddenly, in the void, the soul-killing cone reappeared. On the cone, the terrifying runes flickered and became more and more terrifying. An extremely cold killing intent pierced Ye Luo's heart!

The sword in Ye Luo's hand once again blocked the heart horizontally.

The terrifying blood on Ye Luo's body was boiling, but Ye Luo blocked the third attack, and Ye Luo's right hand holding the ancient sword of Zhu Xian had already left four bright red scars!

That strange figure also hid in the void again without a trace.

Even when Ye Luo opened his mysterious left eye, he could only vaguely catch the shadow that appeared and disappeared in the void, whose true location could not be determined!

Infernal killing!
Sirius Academy, the most terrifying inheritance!

"Blocked again?

Demon Wolf is from the same age as us. According to rumors, he began to accept a special way of cultivation when he was very young. He was even thrown into the Yunmeng Swamp when he was five years old. Among them, living independently, one bag lasts for seven years. When he was 12 years old, he directly entered the barren ancient restricted zone. After that, when he was born again, it was an assassination that shocked Zhongzhou, directly beheading the emperor of Lishan!

Since then, he has actually shot three times in a row. Two monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and a monk who surpassed the Nascent Soul and half-stepped into a body, died under his assassination!

This should be his fifth real shot! "Han Wenqing's pitch-black tyrant knife seemed to sense something, and let out a terrifying neigh.

(End of this chapter)

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