Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 950 Everyone Shocked

Chapter 950 Everyone Shocked
"It's the sixth time, the real fifth time. It should be the assassination of the most terrifying person in the younger generation of Xingchen Academy. That time, it should be his only failed assassination. However, he still escaped unscathed. At this moment, Gu Hongzhuang suddenly said something, and then looked at Chen Pipi.

"Senior Brother Yun? It seems that there is such a thing." Chen Pippi was a little uncertain.

"At that time, you were retreating." Ye Feihong and Chen Pipi were both from the Star Academy, one of the four ancient academies in Zhongzhou, but they were not very familiar with each other. Ye Feihong suddenly said something at this time.

"Gu, Senior Sister Gu, don't, don't talk, save people!" Jiang Xiyue saw three terrifying bloodstains on Ye Luo's right hand, and couldn't help pulling Gu Hongzhuang.

At the same time, she gritted her teeth and wanted to rush over directly.

However, she was grabbed by Gu Hongzhuang.

"Senior Sister Gu..."

Before Jiang Xiyue finished speaking, Gu Hongzhuang directly interrupted her and said, "You are just a burden to him when you go over."

"then you……"

"There are too many secrets about him. Even me, in the situation just now, may not be able to block the extremely strange and sudden three assassinations at such a small price. This man from Donghuang may be more powerful than all of us." More mysterious and powerful than imagined!" A soul-stirring rune flashed in the depths of Gu Hongzhuang's eyes.

As the daughter of a generation of great emperors, her true strength is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. There is a special seal deep in her body. This seal is left by the Great Emperor of Nanjiang when she was very young. .

Until the moment of life and death, this strength that sealed the most terrifying part of her will not be broken.

Who can stand out among the younger generation in the vast ancient Central Province, who has ever been so simple?All those who watched this battle were very clear that the strength on the surface was only superficial.

What really determines life and death is the deepest hidden thing!

This kind of deepest hidden thing will never be revealed until the moment of life and death.

"However, if we don't take action, Ye Luo may fall." 14-year-old Jiang Xiyue's eyes became more and more anxious.


At this moment, the soul-killing cone reappeared. This time, the flickering runes on the soul-killing cone suddenly became ten times stronger. When it collided with the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, the terrifying void crack was directly aimed at Ye Luo's eyebrows. Direction extension!
At the same time, the moment the Soul Slayer Awl pierced out, in the void, the other hand of that black figure unexpectedly took out a terrifying spear at some point.

The spear is entirely made of white bones, and on the bones, there are saint-level terrifying law fluctuations. It seems that they are the bones of saints!
The Bone Spear appeared even more strangely. The moment the crack in the void stretched towards Ye Luo's eyebrows, the Bone Spear in his hand had already pierced Ye Luo's right shoulder!

"Death to me!"

The figure in the void uttered three words coldly, and at the moment when these three words fell, behind Ye Luo, at the foot of Sanbu, there were two terrifying lines on the left and right. The nail that was put down, exuding a terrifying aura, unexpectedly stabbed down at the back of Ye Luo's heart at the same time!
"Ecstasy Nail!"

"When did the magic wolf let go?" Chen Pipi's brows trembled slightly, and his heart was shocked. This kind of strange, fast and thrilling battle made even him feel thrilled watching it. .


Jiang Xiyue's face changed drastically and she exclaimed.

However, by the time they spoke, it was already too late!


One ring sets this ring, endlessly, fast and weird to the extreme!
And the tip of the sword in Ye Luo's hand seemed to be barely able to block the Soul Slayer Cone. It seemed that there was no time to stop the weird and terrifying bone spear and the Soul Slayer Nail that suddenly appeared behind him!
The spear had passed into Ye Luo's right shoulder, and the soul-destroying nail, carrying the extremely cold law of death, had penetrated into the back of Ye Luo's heart.

Beside Ye Luo, the white flag planted on the ground, at this moment, waved silently.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked!
On the one hand, he was shocked by the terrifying, weird, almost extreme assassination of the demon wolf, and his amazing methods. On the other hand, he was even more shocked by the fact that Ye Luo was really going to die?

However, in just this split second, in the void, the expression of that cold and terrifying demon wolf suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, as if he had encountered an extremely terrifying crisis, he let go of the bone spear and the soul-killing awl with both hands at the same time, trying to condense an ancient and terrifying mark at an extremely fast speed.

This imprint only takes one tenth of a second.

However, it's too late!

Behind him, in the real void, a terrifying sword tip, carrying a cold killing intent, stabbed at his back in an instant!
Clean up!

Not a trace of sloppy!

Jianluo, his handprint was not completed, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, his body moved towards the right side strangely, and dodged at the fastest speed like an afterimage.

However, in the void, the sword tip seemed to have expected that the figure would dodge.

The point of the sword was shifted by three inches at the same time as he dodged!

In the void, the tip of the sword that appeared strangely and suddenly pierced through terrifyingly. The defense of the ancient spirit on the wolf's body broke through the thick and mysterious aura armor on his body, and penetrated directly into his body. Body!
"The real law of the void!"

Qin Luoyi, the emperor and daughter of Southern Xinjiang, saw this scene, and there was a touch of real shock in the depths of her eyes, and she took a step forward.

Blood splashed in the air!
Ye Luo's body, holding the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword, also walked out of the void alone and peacefully!
"Ancient Substitution Technique!"

The ancient Zhu Xian sword in Ye Luo's hand trembled in horror, and the body of that terrifying, ghostly demon wolf exploded directly!

As for the most mysterious demon wolf in the Sirius Academy, his pupils turned bright red at that moment, and in his body, an ancient symbol that seemed to have sealed endless years exploded suddenly at the same time as his body ruptured.

His breath, suddenly, disappeared.

Under Zhu Xian's ancient sword, his torn body turned into pieces of wood, but the wood and the ground under his feet were covered with blood.

Devil wolf, the assassination failed?
Even, used the most precious physique rune that the legendary emperor spent hundreds of years refining, which is equivalent to the second life?
(End of this chapter)

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