Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 951 The Ancient Lamp in Hell

Chapter 951 The Ancient Lamp in Hell
The tip of the Zhuxian ancient sword in Ye Luo's hand was still dripping with blood.

He has endured until now, so terrifying, the most mysterious person in the legendary Sirius Academy, Demon Wolf, failed in the assassination, was seriously injured, and escaped with the Great Emperor Rune, which is equivalent to a second life.

The real law of space appeared on Ye Luo!
All were genuinely shocked.

Ye Luo's left eye flickered, looking at the southeast direction, glanced at it, and just said lightly: "Assassination? Heh, assassinate in front of me, do you really think your assassination secret technique is great?"

After Ye Luo said something, one hand held the white flag stuck on the ground again, and then said: "After your first shot failed, you should have retreated."

Ye Luo remained indifferent, holding the white flag in his hand, and continued on his way.

The dense fog has dissipated quickly after crossing that straight line, and there seems to be no fog ahead.

The others, looking at Ye Luo's back, were completely shocked.

Jiang Xiyue rubbed her eyes, pulled Gu Hongzhuang, and said with some difficulty: "Gu, Senior Sister Gu, if you break the seal in your body, in the situation just now, you can do what he did." to the extent?"

Gu Hongzhuang remained silent and did not speak.

"That white banner..." Han Wenqing, who was in the Tyrant Library, once again exuded a terrifying aura from the Ba Saber in his hand.

The bronze man followed Ye Luo, looked at Ye Luo, and said, "I'm a bitch, how can young people compare to evildoers?"

"Is it true that you can't use even a little energy in your body?" Ye Luo walked, but suddenly said a word.

"Are you talking to me? It's definitely not going to work. Let me tell you. You saw that ghost hand from the depths of the void. I tried my best. It took all the energy to cut it off, otherwise, I would be in this miserable state?" The bronze man's face became more and more bitter.

"The front is coming to an end." Ye Luo said.

"What?" The bronze man froze for a moment.

But Ye Luo lowered his head and took a look. A step away from him was the footprint of a donkey's hoof. Along the way, the footprints of a donkey's hoof always landed in some special places.

"I, I really can't make another shot, I have no energy, cough, what, well, if I spend my lifespan, I can only make one shot at most before recovering." The bronze man said.

Ye Luo nodded.

"I understand that you went to the ghost village first and heard the braying of the donkey. I also want to understand the footprints of the donkey's hooves along the way." Ye Luo carried the white flag in his hand, and on his hand, the four cut scars that had been cut earlier flowed out. The fresh blood silently invaded the white banner.


The bronze man froze for a moment.

The others also followed again.

The fog finally dissipated, and there was darkness in hell.

Some plants that did not know how many years ago have been weathered into a dark, fossil-like appearance under countless years of light, with strange shapes.

Occasionally, dry ditches also appear.

There is a road, and the road is covered with moss.

Eternal time passed, and it seemed that in hell, only the most inconspicuous moss survived.


As Ye Luo was moving forward, an ancient wooden street lamp appeared on the side of the road. The body of the ancient lamp was made of wood, and on the top was a paper lantern. Bright lights appear.

The street lamp suddenly turned on when Ye Luo approached seven steps.

Afterwards, Ye Luo, the bronze man, and the people behind Ye Luo all saw that the street lamp moved. Like a living thing, it moved from the side of the road to the middle of the road step by step!


Under the boat of no return, the white-skinned pig's body trembled, his face distorted with fright.

It was panting, ran wildly for a while, and had already slowed down. The empty-eyed, soulless and beautiful girl, like the girl next to Luoshui, was still standing on top of it.

The white-skinned pig wants to cry!

What the hell, I just danced a little slower and became more curious. Would you like to hear where that nursery rhyme came from?Why did such a weird event happen like this?

Who is this woman who climbed out of the last coffin?

Why is she standing on top of her?

The white-skinned pig trembled, but he didn't dare to attack indiscriminately. The white-skinned pig could feel that this seemingly soulless woman had a terrifying aura, so he didn't even have the idea of ​​forcible action.

"That, that, senior, you, who are you? We are strangers to each other, look, you are... a little inappropriate?" The white-skinned pig asked tentatively.

However, the woman with empty eyes still just stood alone on top of it, motionless.

"Senior, some people ride horses, some ride blue bulls, some ride strange beasts, and there are also legends of the supreme existence, riding the beast phoenix, or the dragon group against the sky, you are standing on my humble fat head! Does being above pigs damage your reputation a little bit?" The white-skinned pig was anxious, terrified, terrified, and racked his brains to come up with such a sentence.

But that woman still didn't make a sound.

However, her feet stood firmly on the pig's back, like a sacred lotus flower emerging from the mud, she did not move, and did not speak a word.

The white-skinned pig became more and more frightened, panicked in his heart, and was a little dazed for a while.

What is the woman on the back who climbed out of the coffin trying to do?
"Find... little junior brother..."

Youran, in the void, there seemed to be some terrifying barrier that was instantly broken, and a familiar voice suddenly came, and the next moment, that voice was infectious again.

In the depths of hell, there seemed to be something strange, and it felt something, which directly interrupted the sound transmission from the outside world.

"Medicine jar, medicine, medicine jar, is that you?" The white-skinned pig suddenly looked up.


Under the persimmon tree.

At the door, the lonely woman Meng's face was slightly pale. She seemed to have just cast a mark that consumed a lot of law and spiritual power.

"Small, junior sister, are you alright?" Yao Guanzi glanced at the lonely woman worriedly, and Yao Guanzi could tell that this little junior sister whom he met for the first time had some physical problems.

"It's okay, the sound transmission has already sent it in." The lonely woman shook her head.

"Junior Sister, in the Primordial Ghost Mine, the ghost face cut off by the eternal ghost face, the red embroidered shoes, the coffin of Empress Loulan, and the bronze man cut off from the void, could it be related to hell?" The nerd suddenly I remembered something and asked a question.

(End of this chapter)

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