Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 952 Out of Control

Chapter 952 Out of Control
Ghost village, in the courtyard, under the persimmon tree.

The lonely, beautiful woman Meng Shi was silent for a moment.

In the ancient ghost mine, the ghost hand that fell from the void that was cut off by the ghost face, the red embroidered shoes, the coffin of the Loulan empress, and the bronze man, could it be related to hell?
The question asked by the nerd was something she had been thinking about since the Primordial Ghost Mine.

Is it relevant?
Perhaps, all the answers to all the mysteries will come to the final moment.


Under the ten thousand feet, the white-skinned pig was frightened and quickened his pace.

On the back, the eyes are empty, like the peerless beauty by the Luoshui River, it seems that she is not going to get off her back, the white-skinned pig can feel the woman, there seems to be no fluctuation, but the power is beyond It has surpassed even the emperor-level people it has ever seen.

The white-skinned pig was terrified and did not dare to make any other unnecessary movements, so he could only bite the bullet and walk forward.

On the back, the peerless beauty with empty eyes seemed to let it move forward.

The white-skinned pig felt bitter and terrified.

This is amazing, none of the good things caught up, and a lot of bad things caught up.


The white-skinned pig walked forward for an unknown amount of time, and suddenly saw an endless pack of wolves appearing in the mist ahead, and to the right of the pack of wolves, there seemed to be a group of terrifying, ancient, The dark soldier with no end in sight!

The body of the big white pig froze suddenly.

Eyes, instantly extremely vigilant.

Is there anything ordinary in this ghost place?
What's more, from far away, the white-skinned pig can feel a terrifying, strange, and eerie coercion.

The white-skinned pig didn't say a word, but with a twist of his head, he wanted to take a detour.

However, the next moment, the white-skinned pig was shocked to discover an unbelievable thing, that is, its feet couldn't turn anymore, and even, the next moment, its hooves turned forward as if uncontrollably The wolves walked over.

The white-skinned pig was horrified, what's going on?
"Hey, hey, my god, why, why is it out of control, what the hell, who, who is controlling my body?" The white-skinned pig was completely panicked.

However, no one responded.

"Who, fuck, don't push me into a hurry. I'll scold people if I get pushed into a hurry. Let me tell you, I..." The white-skinned pig wanted to threaten loudly and tell his own strength, but it was just The thing that was temporarily sealed suddenly sank on the back.

The words in the mouth of the white-skinned pig came to an abrupt end.

Is it the person on the back?

The white-skinned big pig's mouth became more and more bitter and regretful, what the hell, how could I be so stupid at the time, didn't listen to my junior brother, jumped with him, and had to wait until the last thing in the coffin came out?

It's the person on the back, using a kind of Taoism that it can't understand at all, controlling it to go!

The person on the back is still conscious?

There was chaos in the big white pig's mind.

What the hell is going on?
Wolves, getting closer and closer!
In front, the endless pack of wolves finally noticed something after a few seconds. Several wolves turned their heads and looked at the big white pig and the person on the big white pig.


Howling wolves!

In the silent dark mist, this howling of wolves pierced the endless silence. The next moment, in the darkness, the endless pack of wolves suddenly turned their heads, and a bloody, terrifying, ancient, and gloomy aura condensed into a huge Yes, overwhelming coercion.

The legs of the big white pig almost didn't give in.

The white-skinned pig almost saw at a glance that among the pack of wolves, there were several mutated terrifying ancient wolves whose strength had already surpassed the ancient giants.

However, what is strange is that the terrifying coercion did not fall on the white-skinned big pig, as if it was blocked three feet away by an invisible thing.

The wolves moved slightly.

A huge one, stronger than a calf, with a snow-white body and an aura that has completely surpassed the ancient giant and reached the realm of a saint under the emperor, like a wolf king, quietly appeared.

It walked out from the pack of wolves, glanced at the person on the white-skinned pig, and its body shook violently.

In its oily green eyes, in an instant, there was a frenzied and difficult expression. The next moment, the mysterious, ancient and terrifying wolf king in hell, who was powerful enough to suppress one party, in his eyes, Actually shed a drop of clear tears!

A terrifying, sad, and ancient wolf howl uttered from the mouth of the wolf king. This wolf howl seemed to penetrate through the ages, making the world mourn.

The howling of wolves lasted for a long time.

Then, its two front legs bent at the same time, and it actually knelt directly on the ground.

The endless pack of wolves behind it seemed to have received a special order at this moment, and they all made the same posture, while the endless terror on the right, the ancient and mysterious Yin soldiers, also moved at this moment. up!
I saw that the endless Yin soldiers, neat and uniform, all landed on one knee, performing the greatest ancient etiquette in an army, solemn, majestic and sad.

At the farthest distance, the antelope group also made the same movements as the wolves.

Seeing this scene, the big white pig was completely dumbfounded.

Who is this person on his back?
The big white pig's footsteps were still uncontrollable, walking forward.

On the back of the big white-skinned pig, the peerless beauty with empty eyes, like Luoshui, finally moved, she raised her head, as if taking a glance at everything in front of her.

As if, recalling, inspecting something.

Countless wolves, countless antelopes, and endless Yin soldiers, at this moment, they didn't even make a sound.

The pig walked uncontrollably step by step, moving forward like a dream, with more and more horror in its eyes. It looked at everything in front of it, and suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility of the identity of the person behind it.

The big white pig's eyes narrowed fiercely, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Is this guess of mine true?

Just when the white-skinned pig was endlessly shocked by the possibility that he guessed in his heart, its footsteps suddenly paused, and on its back, the woman with hollow eyes like Luoshui suddenly lowered his head. bowed his head.

The place where the white-skinned pig stopped was the spot where Ye Luo carried the white flag away!
On her back, she raised her hand slightly.

Her hand touched the void, as if she was feeling something.

She seemed to be touching the white banner that should have been placed here but had already been carried away by Ye Luo.

A sad breath emanated from her.

After a long time, she raised her head.

She glanced into the depths of the mist, and seemed to see something. The next moment, her hands, silently, condensed an extremely ancient and mysterious. With the condensation of that imprint, the darkness around hell was happening silently. some kind of special change.

(End of this chapter)

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