Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 956 Eternal Mystery Answer 2

Chapter 956 Eternal Mystery Answer 2
The voice was ferocious, angry, and terrifying, making the surrounding void tremble a little.


What conspiracy?
In the coffin, the man who crawled out also trembled.

At this moment, the white flag in Ye Luo's hand also swayed violently. At the same time, Ye Luo's gaze was fixed on the village chief of the ghost village, his eyes full of stinging ridicule.

However, Ye Luo didn't speak, or even move.

"Brother, Ninth Sister, and I heard the sad news that you, Brother Six and Brother Seven were all dead the very first time we returned to hell." The village head of the ghost village said so with a voice More angry and sad.

"However, the second brother was seriously injured the first time we came back, and told us that the third and fourth brothers, in order to build a legendary altar of reincarnation, control and study the most mysterious reincarnation between heaven and earth , actually secretly murdered the elder brother, you, the sixth brother and the seventh brother."

The man who walked out of the coffin suddenly raised his head when he heard this.

"Also, the second brother secretly took us to see the Altar of Reincarnation, which was half built.

The third brother and the fourth brother did mention this altar of reincarnation before, but to build this altar to study the most mysterious reincarnation between heaven and earth, it needs the origin of the emperor's order as its foundation to build it.

Moreover, this altar of reincarnation came from the depths of the ancient forbidden zone, that even weirder place.

The eldest brother was against it immediately.

This, we also know.

The second elder brother told us that the 2-year lifespan of the third and fourth elder brothers is about to run out, and unless they find out a way to live out the heaven-defying law of the third life, they will surely die.

And if it is mastered, or if it is really cast into an altar of reincarnation, perhaps, it will be possible to live forever in the way of reincarnation.

The second brother used this to make us believe what he said.

After that, the second brother designed it step by step, causing greater misunderstandings between us, the third brother, and the fourth brother, and the design caused huge conflicts between us.

After that, detonate, fight.

Hell destroys.

In hell, endless research, seals, endless ghosts and strange beasts in the collection, along with the supreme horror war, walked out of hell, most of them did not go far, using the surroundings as their habitat, and finally passed Over millions of years, it evolved into the present taboo monster forest.

And in the life-and-death stand between us and the third and fourth brothers, in the end, the third and fourth brothers died in the battle, the eighth brother died in the battle, and the ninth senior sister and I were seriously injured, and it was at this time that the second senior brother showed his true face.

From the beginning to the end, everything is designed by him.

The second senior brother is the one who really wants to master reincarnation and surpass the realm of Emperor Zun.

He wants to kill all of us, and use the entire foundation of the supreme hell to cast this altar of reincarnation in the deep pit under our feet.

The second senior brother didn't kill me, he took advantage of my serious injury, took away all my original emperor's laws, and sealed me in the ghost village above hell, and I couldn't leave a step for eternity.

Ninth Sister, on the other hand, drank Mengpo soup directly, and would instinctively eat a persimmon from a persimmon tree grown with Mengpo soup every day, refreshing her memory every day.

Even in grief, Ninth Sister gave up her original body and used a second weak but pure body. "The village head of the ghost village, sentence by sentence, narrated an eternal mystery that would inevitably shock the huge cultivation world.

Horror, against the sky, mysterious, the mysterious, supreme and strange hell that once stood in the ancient times, 2 years ago, collapsed like this?
"The end of hell is the truth. This altar of reincarnation is the truth. When I died, I couldn't believe this truth. Until, now, I saw this complete altar of reincarnation!

However, based on my deduction and thinking over the years, as well as the current situation in hell, it can be basically concluded that after all of us are dead, a strange and great change may have taken place in hell.

At least, the eternal grimace that even we couldn't really suppress when we stayed in hell, and the embroidered shoes carried by the seven little paper figurines should have done something at that time.

And the second brother, using the origins of the seven great emperors and two emperors who surpassed the great emperors as the foundation, and with the background of the entire hell, spent an unknown amount of time to cast this blood-stained reincarnation altar, which seems to have succeeded.

Second brother..." When the village chief of the ghost village said these two words again, the anger in his tone had already completely turned into ferocity, and then turned into bewilderment.

"Second brother, why do you have to do this? Everyone is dead, is it really worth it?" The village chief of the ghost village finally shed a tear from his eyes.

"Is this the truth?" The man standing by the pit, who walked out of the coffin, walked down the pit step by step, and the village head of the ghost village also followed.

The atmosphere, depressing, sad and scary.

But the stinging sarcasm in Ye Luo's eyes became more and more intense, and Ye Luo's hand was tightly held on the white flag.

Ye Luo walked towards the edge of the pit.

"This is the Altar of Reincarnation? Heh, heh, hahahaha..." Sudden, the man who walked out of the coffin first said softly, and then he started laughing, and then the laughter turned into wild laughter, and in the wild laughter, full of horror.

With one hand, he suddenly touched the altar of reincarnation.

"I'd like to see what the altar of reincarnation was exchanged for with the entire hell and the lives of the nine brothers!" In his hand, there was a terrifying wave that shook the sky, trembled all races, and dimmed the sun and the moon. The Great Emperor's law burst out suddenly!
He seems to be urging that ancient, mysterious, and transcendent altar of reincarnation like an artifact!
But Ye Luo's gaze, at this moment, was fixed on the village head of that ghost village, Yama, the tenth temple before the ancient times, and that nursery rhyme crazily echoed in Ye Luo's mind.

"Is this the answer to the mystery?" The bronze man was stunned, and then he continued: "The answer to hell? Then what is the origin of us, that dead donkey, the eternal grimace, the Kowloon coffin, and the red embroidered shoes? That's right. , Fatty and Little Seventeen, why aren't they here?"


Among the holy mountains.

Tian Yun'er's speed is very fast, she has already walked to the end along that mysterious passage, at the end, she suddenly opened her mouth, mysterious, weird, in the holy mountain that no one has approached for eternity, what is it?
Space, suddenly enlightened!
Tian Yun'er suddenly saw that inside the holy mountain, in a huge, empty, ancient space engraved with mysterious ancient runes, there was a huge ancient bronze coffin.

This ancient bronze coffin is exactly the same as the eight coffins on the top floor and the one on the deck of the Boat of No Return!
(End of this chapter)

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