Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 957 The Eternal Mystery 3

Chapter 957 The Eternal Mystery 3
Tian Yun'er has never entered hell, nor has she seen the nine ancient bronze coffins on the boat of no return that are exactly the same as the one in front of her.

Tian Yun'er looked at the ancient bronze coffin with only shock and doubt in her eyes.

"Is this the legendary coffin of the beast god?" Tian Yun'er stared at the ancient bronze coffin for a moment.

She could feel that the ancient coffin, as well as the entire interior of the mountain, occasionally exuded an extremely ancient, vicissitudes, mysterious, weird, and terrifying atmosphere.

She had only felt this breath in her parents.

"My father has lived under the holy mountain for so many years, and has a deduced map, why don't you go into the holy mountain to see, before ancient times, did there exist beast gods?" Tian Yun'er secretly used the forbidden secret technique, Towards the direction of the ancient bronze coffin, approaching step by step.

Then, she was a little confused, and said in a low voice: "Under the ghost village is the legendary hell. The location of the holy mountain is not very far from the location of hell. Is there some kind of existence between the holy mountain and hell?" Special connection?"

"What is the identity of the beast god in this holy mountain?"

Tian Yun'er's footsteps were extremely cautious. She could see that around the ancient bronze coffin was a terrifying formation against the sky. However, her father seemed to have told her about this formation.

Star position, image position, hexagram position, gate of life and gate of death...

Tian Yun'er approached the ancient bronze coffin step by step.

After a while.

Even Tian Yun'er, who was powerful, mysterious, and heaven-defying, had a fine layer of fragrant sweat on her white forehead, and after a long time, she finally appeared in front of the ancient bronze coffin.

She hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand, and touched the ancient bronze coffin.

Start, ancient, cold!

On the coffin body, there was a strange and evil aura like a prehistoric one, which made the mysterious law in Tian Yun'er's body tremble slightly.

"What a strong Yin Qi." Tian Yun'er murmured to herself.

However, there was no look of fear in Tian Yun'er's eyes. On the contrary, there was a touch of curiosity and excitement, and at the same time, a bit of solemnity and vigilance.

Her hands quickly condensed a mysterious imprint again, and then she took off pieces of ancient jade pendants from her neck. On the jade pendants, there seemed to be an insect of unknown shape sealed.

She tied the ancient jade pendant to her arm, and then, with the arm and hand tied with the jade pendant, she touched the ancient, huge bronze coffin again.

Afterwards, in her body, the ancient aura surged silently.

"Crack clap-"

The ancient bronze coffin shook, and the lid of the ancient bronze coffin was slowly lifted.


Inside the coffin, something that seemed to have never seen the light of the outside world in previous years suddenly burst out of the coffin, and in the vagueness, the surrounding void was trembling.

"How many years has this coffin been in existence? The air in the coffin has been contaminated with the power of the seal that seals the void. What is in the coffin?" Her hand fell on the coffin lid and continued to exert force. .

The lid of the coffin was lifted little by little.

Finally, the lid of the coffin was opened by a third.

The ancient bronze coffin under the lid, the coffin of the beast god, was finally revealed in front of Tian Yun'er.

Inside the coffin, darkness surged.

Tian Yun'er directly took out a fire pocket from the storage ring, and then, in the most common way, blew on the fire pocket, and then carefully put it into the ancient bronze coffin of the dark bear .

Light of fire dispels darkness.

The thing in the ancient bronze coffin suddenly appeared!

"Huh! Empty coffin?" Tian Yun'er was stunned again.

"Isn't the holy mountain the center of the forest of taboo monsters? And the holy mountain is also in the legend. In the forest of taboo monsters, there is the tomb of the beast god. Logically speaking, the corpse of the beast god should be in the coffin. .

But, why, there is nothing in the coffin?

Could it be that after so many years, the entire corpse has completely decomposed and disappeared?

Impossible, at the level of the beast god, even after eternity, how could it be possible not to leave any incomplete things?Even, there was nothing left, anything on the corpse of the beast god? "Tian Yun'er frowned.

Afterwards, Tian Yun'er seemed to suddenly remember something, her face changed slightly, and an ancient, mysterious and complex imprint was quickly condensed on her hands. A majestic and terrifying aura swirled around her body. This imprint seemed to consume endless energy on her body. Aura.

Moreover, the imprints formed by her hands automatically transformed into an ancient, terrifying, and trembling ancient coffin. This ancient coffin is completely composed of extremely condensed aura and a special law.

She suddenly sent the condensed mark of the ancient coffin into the ancient bronze coffin.

Her eyes suddenly closed.


Ghost village, under the persimmon tree, in the yard.

"Ghost villages, forests of taboo monsters, and holy mountains didn't exist before the ancient times." The lonely and beautiful woman Meng raised her head, pulled the coffin towards the Kowloon above the holy mountain, and took a look.

Then, she said again: "I came here once after I woke up in the pre-Qin period, and I found a very interesting phenomenon, that is, in this taboo monster forest, many of the oldest, most terrifying and powerful alien beasts, Many of them are the descendants of all kinds of weird and mysterious ghosts that were brought back from the forbidden areas and mysterious places in the hell before the ancient times.

Perhaps, the years have washed away many of their strange features, but their aura has not changed. "

"Little, junior sister, are you saying that the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest is also related to the hell before the ancient times? Even, the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest is very likely to be the hell before the ancient times, and experienced the eternal mystery After that, some weird things came out of hell, strange beasts, and Jing evolved after countless years?" The nerd was extremely sensitive, and he guessed what Meng wanted to express.

"En." Meng Shi nodded.

"Then what is the legendary tomb of the Beast God in that holy mountain? Before ancient times, was there a Beast God? The Nine Dragons Coffin fell on the Holy Mountain, and the Nine Dragons Coffin once stayed in hell But, is there an inevitable connection between all of these?" The nerd was a little numb after being shocked.

Mrs. Meng shook her head and said, "I have explored this question and evolved it for hundreds of years, but I haven't gotten a real answer. After I regained consciousness in the pre-Qin period, my realm has completely fallen and has not yet recovered. Around the mountain, there are powerful, strange formations that surpass the level of the Great Emperor, and I have not been able to enter."

(End of this chapter)

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